
Sample Paper, 2012-13

Subject: Commerce

Class 11th

MT: 3 hours MM: 100


All questions are compulsory.

Marks assigned against the each question.

Pay more attention on Presentation Part.

Give answer as per question asked and P2P methodology.

  1. Give an example of activity, which is economic in one sense and non- economic in other sense. (1)
  2. All the members of a Company sitting in a general meeting were killed by a bomb. Was the company wound up? (1)
  3. Which form of business is suitable for a Tailoring shop and Chartered Accountancy Firm? (1)
  4. Give example of an enterprise operating as Departmental Undertaking. (1)
  5. Name any two recent modes of Communication? (1)
  6. Name any two services under BPO. (1)
  7. Name the concept, which is concerned with what is right and what is wrong. (1)
  8. It is an unsecured promissory note issued by a firm to raise funds for a short period varying from 90 days to 364 days. Mention it. (1)
  9. By what name the traders who do not have a fixed place of business to operate from, are known? Also give one example. (1)
  10. At international level various organizations exists for accelerating the pace of development and trade among the nations. List two such organizations. (1)
  11. Which kind of business involves manufacturing and trade beyond the boundaries one’s own country? (1)
  12. Why is Commerce considered as the backbone of Industry and other business activities? Give five points to support your answer. (3)
  13. Which form of business is suitable for the following types of business and why?
  14. Beauty Parlourb. Hotelsc. For specific task or Project (3)
  15. Name two –two enterprises which are operating as Public Corporation, Government Company and Private Corporation. (3)
  16. What are the different parameters used to measure the size of business? Name any six. (3)
  17. How do small scale enterprises help in removing regional disparity? (3)
  18. Give any four differences between Business, Profession and Employment. (4)
  19. What precautions must be kept in mind while allowing a multinational company (MNC) to operate in your country? (4)
  20. A Husband took the life insurance policy of his wife. After one year the couple got divorced and later on after two years the wife died. Will husband get compensation from Insurance Company? If yes. Then give reason. (4)
  21. Name the service which are related to the following : (4)
  22. The service which helps in removing the hindrance of Time.
  23. The service which helps in removing the hindrance of Risk.
  24. The service which helps in removing the hindrance of Exchange.
  25. The service which helps in removing the hindrance of Knowledge.
  26. Name any three special Financial Institutions (FI) and state their objectives. (4)
  27. Explain the factors kept in mind before selecting a Source of Finance. Any four. (4)
  28. Show comparative study of all forms of business organization ( any five difference between Sole Proprietorship, Partnership, Joint Hindu Family Business, Co-operative Societies and Company) (5)
  29. Explain briefly the Social Responsibility of Business towards:-
  30. Consumerb. Employeesc. Shareholdersd. Governmente. Community (5)
  31. Explain briefly the following with merits and demerits (at least two-two of each).(5)
  32. Retained Earnings b. International Source Of Finance c. Trade Credit d. Public Deposit
  33. Describe the role and functions of the Chamber of Commerce (CoC) briefly. (5)
  34. “One man control is the best in the world if that man is big enough to manage everything.” Explain the statement.Giveat least ten points to support your answer. (6)
  35. Answer the question (3+3)
  36. Explain any four functions of commercial banks.
  37. Explain the following – Reinsurance, Double Insurance, Hull Insurance and Warehousing.
  38. Give a comparative study between e- business and traditional business (Explain any six Points).(6)
  39. What do you mean by Import and Export Trade? Write a short note on W.T.O history and its functions. (2+2+2)
  40. Give difference between Departmental Store and Chain Store (any four points). Also give the benefits of Automatic Vending Machine (AVM). (3+3)

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