City of Landfall Village

Job Description: Park Manager

__X___Full Time ______Part Time ___X____Exempt _____Non-Exempt

Normal Office Hours: 8:30 AM to 5PM / Monday through Friday

ON-CALL: This position is on call 7 days a week / 24 hours a day (TO BE DETERMINED)

Lunchtime: One Hour Unpaid Lunchtime

Break: A 15 minute break is allowed for every 4 hours of work

Pay Period: Semi-Monthly Second Signature on Time Sheet: HRA Executive Director

This Position Is Responsible for Supervision Of: Accounting Clerk/Receptionist

This Position Reports To: HRA Executive Director


1. Manage Office Activities

2. Manage City Appearance According to City Ordinances and Park Rules

3. Meetings and Special City Community Events

4. Resident Relations with Park and Neighbors

5. Review and Sign-off on Vendor HRA Claims

6. Act As Code Enforcement Officer / Manage Maintenance Violations Handling

7. Maintain Rent Manager Software System

8. Standard Reports for the HRA Board-Mayor/City Council

9. Record Management and Retention

10. Other Duties As Assigned by the HRA Executive Director

11. Conformance To All City of Landfall Village Policies and Procedures



Open office by 8:00 30AM, Monday through Friday

Check messages on answering machine upon arrival and respond in a timely manner

Answer phones, answer questions, address concerns and assist as necessary. If further research needed, provide caller with an
estimate of time in which you will be able to respond.

Oversee the Rent Collection, Late Fees and Banking Process of the Accounting Clerk/Receptionist

Ensure that the primary duties are followed within timelines:

Checking rent box upon arrival and during day (especially close to the 10th of the month)

Collect rent from walk-in’s and issue receipt

Date stamping of all payments on front and with deposit stamp on back side

Making bank deposits for all accounts, daily or at least every three (3) business days and on the 13th of each month (or earlier if

the 13th falls on a week-end), prior to bank’s daily cutoff

Issuing and mailing of Late Notices on the 11th

Supervision Responsibilities

Delegate duties to the Accounting Clerk/Receptionist, daily or as needed

Cover office and phones during Accounting Clerk/Receptionist lunch and/or absence

City Code of Ordinances, Resident Handbook & Emergency Management

Patrol the community for violations of Ordinances and/or Park Rules and enforce them through citation or compliance procedure.

(See Sections #2 & # 6 of this job description.)

Submit Park Manager article for the Landfall Community Newsletter (monthly)

Arrival / Departure Process

Inspect older homes as notice is given for a Move-Out

Prepare and deliver letter to vacating resident documenting any corrections required to bring the home up to code, if applicable

File a copy of the letter in the resident’s file

Ensure that the home has all the work necessary to bring it up to code, completed before Move-In or agreed to be done by the Buyer,

in writing , and the date to be completed by is stipulated

Ensure that security deposits are refunded (or applied to resident amount outstanding) and a transmittal letter documenting the refund

and/or deductions within the allowed 21 days

Ensure that all required paperwork for Move-In’s are complete and signed. Provide copies to new residents and retain copy of same in

resident’s file.

Ensure security deposit is submitted prior to resident move-in

Applicant Approval / Denial process

Ensure that Approval / Denial process is explained to all applicants at the time of application

Review returned screening report and other data collected and determine if the application is approved or denied

If approved, call the applicant to notify of approval, complete Rental Application Acceptance/Denial form and place in the applicant’s

file with the other paperwork.

If denied, complete the Rental Application Acceptance/Denial form, retain copy with the denied application and mail the original.

Aged Receivables Management

Review Aged Receivables report weekly and compare to previous week’s report

Prepare UD paperwork and email to the Attorney for UD filing, as applicable.

Provide payment and/or charge(s) to the Accounting Clerk/Receptionist to apply in Rent Manager to the resident’s account.

When eviction is initiated, follow steps outlined in Procedure PR-11 Property Control and Disposition, some of which are noted


Appear as representative of the city when a resident is evicted and sheriff locks out home to inventory the home and contents of home,

take pictures and have inventory signed by the Sheriff’s representative.

Set up a schedule with evicted resident to remove belongings from home

Supervise evicted resident when moving out personal belongings to ensure they do not destroy the home / property

When eviction process is completed and monies are due the city, the Park Manager will perform write-off and initiate action in

Revenue Recapture to collect the outstanding past due amount. This action is good for 7 years.

Lot Management

Measure lot with Maintenance to determine size of home allowed, as needed

Review HRA Maintenance projects / tasks with HRA Executive Director and/or Maintenance personnel, as needed

Mark lot for electricians to install new pedestals, as needed

Call electrician to have electric pedestal installed

Color map of Homes for Sale, as needed

Call Xcel Energy to submit work order for utilities to be moved or hooked up, as needed

Issuing and Handling City Permits

Work with residents to complete the permit application (PT-1 through 5) and collect payment.

Follow Procedure (PR-7) and Policy for City Permits (MN-3W) and Log Building Permits on Permits Log (CP-01)

Complaint Management (See also Complaint Policy (MN-3X) and Complaint Form (PO-7)

Read resident complaint letters found in rent box

Provide complaint form to resident to write up complaint

Talk to appropriate parties to resolve complaint (if possible)

Community Center issues – meet with City Administrator

Meet with Maintenance personnel as relates to work orders

File copies of all written complaints in complaining and complained of party”s file(s)

Manufactured Home Dealer relationship (Policy MN-3K)

Call home dealers to try and fill vacant lots, if necessary

Meet with dealer to discuss home moving into park

Review communication from home dealer and respond, as needed

File copy of correspondence, as applicable


Walk around park noting problems and needs, daily
Ensure that citizens keep yards trimmed and cleaned up

Ensure that vehicles have current license and are in running order

-Call towing company to get vehicles towed, as needed

Determine if resident’s sidewalks or patios need to be replaced, at time of move-in/move out

Assist Maintenance in moving sheds back from retaining wall project

Meet with and walk park with County Inspectors during annual inspection

  1. When inspection completed, the county sends the city an inspection report. Provide copy to the HRA Board.
  2. Review with Accounting Clerk/Receptionist and break report down to individual lots or homes
  3. Send out letters to residents advising violations the county found, allowing 2 weeks to fix
  4. Follow up with residents to ensure violations have been corrected and/or send maintenance to do the clean-up and ensure expenses are charged to the resident’s account
  5. Keep log of all violations and advise county inspector when corrected


Attend monthly City Council meeting

Attend monthly HRA meeting and present Park Manager monthly report

Attend quarterly Sheriff ‘s meeting

Attend staff meetings

Attend all community events such as the Splash, Fall Festival, etc..

Coordinate and Co-Chair, with Wash. Co. Sheriff, the annual Cops and Kids Fishing Event


Set up meeting with residents to try and work out problems that arise between them

Receive calls from county health and inspection agencies and set up meetings for them to inspect resident’s home after

they receive complaints from other sources, as needed

Help determine the proper course of action to take involving complaints from people concerning a resident’s home and the

condition it is in, as needed

Work directly with Washington County Dept. of Public Health & Environmental officials to coordinate these inspections

and complaints, as needed


When billing invoice is received, date stamp and pull corresponding work order, if applicable, and compare work/pricing etc. If not

correct, contact vendor to obtain corrected invoice. If correct, initial and date the invoice as approved for payment, code the invoice

with the account the expenditure is to be applied to, attach a copy of the work order as applicable and submit to the HRA

Secretary/Treasurer for payment.


Reference: “Maintenance Violations” Procedure (PR-6)

Employee shall be responsible for the orderly maintenance of all HRA -owned property. S/he shall be specifically

authorized to patrol the Landfall Terrace park and is authorized to tag and/or tow any and all vehicles from resident’s

property that are improperly parked, parked in violation of the City’s emergency snow policy, parked in violation

of the City’s street cleaning policy, or otherwise in violation of Park Rules and Regulation and /or City Code as it relates to

parking on HRA property or other Code sections regarding vehicles. Employee is also empowered to enforce the CITY rules

and issue correction notices for violations observed. Any corrective notices for violations of the CITY Code shall be

communicated to the Maintenance Department for further action. Employee may refer any illegal conduct or situation to

the law enforcement agency authorized to patrol the City for further action.


Address all changes/updates with HRA Executive Director prior to implementation.

Update new versions of Rent Manager as updates become available.


Immediate Report (Minimum Requirements):

Any accident / incident involving injury to persons or damage to property that occurred and result or status of any that are

still open. File First Report of Injury as applicable. File Incident Report as applicable.

Any contact with Federal, State, County, City or other government agency.

Any hazard or issue that is an immediate threat to the safety, health, or welfare of the residents/businesses of the City.

Weekly Email Report (Minimum Requirements):

# of Violations Issued during the week (Post to Violations Log on server by Friday for Board’s review).

UD’s – Account Number and date sent to Attorney.

Sheriff’s Lockout – List date, address and account #.

Move-In: Name, address and date of Move-In.

Move-Out: Name, address and date of Move-Out.

General summary of maintenance work for the week.

Any difficulties that you or the staff may have encountered during the week.

Other issues (somebody moved out in the night, death of a resident, water leaks/breaks etc.).

Monthly Report In Board Packet (Minimum Requirements):

Evictions: List date, name, address and account #

UD’s settled with Court Payment Plan – Date of court action and Account #

Complaints filed in writing – List by date and action taken

Other – Requests or recommendations you will be making to the Board, including supporting documentation

and/or descriptive information.


The Park Manager is responsible for the actual record management and retention of the Park Office. Records generated by these

responsibilities are retained by the Park Manager and/or Accounting Clerk/Receptionist in the Park Office.

Responsible for Records Inventory on the server as designated, to initiate/change after HRA Board approval.


The functions and duties in this job description are intended only as an illustration of various types of work performed and are not all

inclusive. The job description does not constitute an employment agreement and is subject to change as the needs of the HRA Board-

Mayor/City Council and the requirements of the position change.


It is the responsibility of this position to know, understand and carry out the policies and procedures as established by the HRA Board-

Mayor/City Council. The policies and procedures require HRA Board-Mayor/City Council review and approval prior to any changes

being made to existing policies, procedures, and forms, or new ones being proposed.

All City and HRA contracts including charge accounts, and renewals of same, require pre-approval of the HRA Board-Mayor/City Council.

JD-1 City of Landfall Village: Job Description for Park Manager – 7-14-11 / REV 8-13-14 / REV Adopted 12-10-14