Subject: Calling all 944 Turbos that hava a dyno chart! 3/23/00
From: steve L
My name is Steve Lau and I'm currently building a 951 Dyno comparison web page. If you have a dyno sheet of your turbo and would like to see how it ranks among the other 951's out there please go to this page and learn how to submit your dyno chart. http://www.geocities.com/sl951/dyno_form.html
Subject: Re: Dyno Day, need tech advice, 3/26/00
From: "TurboTim"
Didn't the dyno shop put a sniffer in your exhaust pipe to measure the air/fuel ratios and a pick-up to see the timing, rpm, etc...? If they did, what were your air/fuel ratios under boost. Did the timing retard a lot under boost? If they didn’t, I would suggest going back and doing a couple more pulls and find out what the air/fuel ratios are and what is happening with the timing. You can't diagnose the problem unless you really know what is going on with the engine. What I mean is, you are going to the dyno, running the car and just getting horsepower and torque numbers but have no important information as to what the engine was doing (air/fuel ratios, timing, etc...).
When I go to the dyno shop, the guys run a sniffer in the tailpipe, a pickup on the plug wire for timing and rpm, air temp sensor, vacuum sensor, fuel pressure gauge, etc...All this stuff is extremely useful. Usually you can figure out a problem within minutes. I know the dyno isn't cheap but it is well worth it. I would suggest going back to the dyno and having them hook up all the probes, gauges and sensors that I mentioned.
Subject: [951] Dynos, 1/26/01
From: "David Sims"
Subject: RE: Northeast Dyno day, 5/14/02
From: "Derrek Khajavi"
My independent opinion for you back Easters is go with a facility that has the following dynos: Dyno Dynamics (what we use and it is the best), Mustang (great dyno too), Last choice, Dynojet (useless for tuning but good repeatability and very common). Have fun on the rollers.