Minutes of the August 27, 2014 Meeting
Washington Public Library
Board of Trustees
Present: Norma Brinker, Linda Sellmeyer, Diane Lick, Donna Kohne, Jon Bauer, Jackie Hawes (Librarian), Leon Hove, Maria Brady-Smith, Steve Campbell (Scenic Regional Library Librarian), Paula Sutton (Scenic Regional Library Board President), Carol Bell (SRL Board of Trustees), Susan Richardson (SRL Board of Trustees)
Absent: Linda Bartle, Marsha Riggs
Call to order
Jon Bauer called meeting to order at 6:30 pm.
Approval of July meeting minutes
Leon Hove moved to approve the July, 2014 minutes and Linda Sellmeyer seconded the mother. The motion passed.
Representatives from SRL included Steve Campbell, Director at Scenic Regional Library (SRL) and three members of their Board of Trustees, Paula Sutton (President), Carol Bell and Susan Richardson. They discussed the use of additional Cooperative Agreement funds paid to WPL resulting from the tax levy increase in April. Some members of SRL board feel the new revenue should be used exclusively for new materials. There was concern expressed that a campaign brochure stated that the levy increase would be used for that purpose in Washington.
Bauer said the library serves patrons in many ways, and that the allocation of revenue is intended to meet many purposes. Hawes explained how the money was to be allocated. Jackie Hawes indicated that we would receive an increase ofapproximately $37500 next year from SRL. Ten thousand dollars would be allocated to the book budget and the rest would go toward programming, supplies to process new materials and staff.
Members of both boards discussed the issue in depth.
Campbell indicated he would take information back to the full SRL board at its next meeting, at which time the revised reciprocal borrowing agreement was likely to be discussed.
Friends of the Library report
Jackie reported that Mary Emke is on vacation. She reminded the Board about book sale that will take place on September 19-21. This is a great fundraiser for the library. She also reported that book sales within library raised $471 in July. These funds will be divided between children's and general fund.
Librarian’s report
Statistics and financial reports were distributed before the meeting.
Jackie reports that reciprocal lending is holding steady. There have been 59 new patrons added. The door count has increased and Jackie attributes some of this to the second counter now working. Jackie discussed recording wireless users versus wireless sessions and that recording sessions would be more accurate. Five hundred and eighty-five patrons participated in 15 different kinds of programs. Circulation was down a little from last year.
There is a wide variety of upcoming programs, some of them working up toward 90th anniversary celebration on October 4. These programs include a “GoWild! Pajama Party” on September 29, an author visit on October 2 with Cheryl Harness, children’s author and illustrator of over 45 books and a “Teen Wii Bowling Tournament”. The Missourian will have two articles leading up to the 90th anniversary events: one on the history of the library and the other on author Cheryl Harness. The 90th Anniversary Open House is scheduled for Saturday, October 4 from 2:00-4:00 and will include many activities such as an ice cream social, live music from Gloria Bauermeister, face painting and balloon animals by Eureka Disrict 44 Clown Club and presentation of the Velma Jones Stroetker Library Service Award.
Linda Sellmeyer made a motion to approve the Librarian’s Report, Leon Hove seconded and the motion passed.
Action Items:
The library district’s property tax rate for 2015 which was set 10/100 eval.
Leon motioned to approve this amount, Diane Lick seconded and the motion passed.
There being no further business, Leon Hove motioned that the meeting be adjourned, Norma Brinker seconded and the motion passed.
Next meeting Monday, September 22, 2014 at 6:30 PM in library meeting room