Approved By AICTE New Delhi, DTE (MS) and Affiliated to PuneUniversity ( Id-No. PU/PN/Engg/282/2007) /

Academic Planner


Unit / (2)
Topic / (3)
Pedagogy planned and tools used / (4)
Total lects planned / (5)
References / (6)
Topic to be completed by… / (7)
Objective / (8)
Extra inputs category wise
1 Introduction to Civil Engineering / Introduction to a subject building construction / Black board, chalk / 1 / Building construction...... Bindra Arora / 2nd week / To introduce students about civil engineering construction . / MCQs
Role of civil engineer in construction of building, dams, expressway / Black board, chalk / 1 / Highway Engineering By Khanna / To introduce students about civil engineering construction of dams, expressway. / MCQs
Role of civil engineer in construction of infrastructure. Branches of civil engg in fly over / Black board, chalk / 1 / Highway Engineering By Khanna / To introduce students about civil engineering construction of infrastructure. / MCQs
Imp of inter-disciplinary approach. Basic Area in civil engg like surveying const engg ,PM / Power point presentation / 1 / Surveying And leveling ..... Kanetkar and kulkarni / . / MCQs
Basic Area in civil engg like Irrigation, GT, Structure. Environmental engg / Power point presentation / Soil Mechanics By Gopal Rajan. Strength Of material by Ramamrutham / To intoduce students about basic areas in civil engg surveying , construction engg ,project managemnt. / MCQs
Basic Area in civil engg like Transportation Engg,quantity Survey, / Power point presentation / Highway Engineering By Khanna / To introduce
Student about
Basic area in TE
QS. / MCQs
Valuation, Railways ,FM, Town planning / Black board, chalk , power point presentation / 1 / Fluid Mechanics By AK Bansal, Water Supply Engineering by SK Garg / To introduce student about Fluid Mechanics, town planning,. / MCQs
2.Material And Construction / Introduction to material & construction, cement, Brick Steel. / Black board, chalk , power point presentation / 1 / Building construction Bindra Arora / 4th week / To deliver Knowledge about sand , cement steel, brick, and their use in construction. / MCQs
Concrete, Stone sand, PCC , RCC, Precast. Introduction to smart materials. Recycling of materials. / Black board, chalk , power point presentation / 1 / Building construction Bindra Arora / To deliver Knowledge about stone, PCC ,RCC, and about smart material. / MCQs
Superstructure, types of foundations & loads. Types of construction / Black board, chalk / 1 / Building construction Bindra Arora / To deliver knowledge about foundation types, their function , settlement and SBC. / MCQs
Substructure & Introduction to automation in construction. / Black board,chalk / 1 / Building Material and construction By V R phadake / To deliver knowledge about types of load earthquake. / MCQs
Uses of maps and field surveys / Principle of surveying And Study of maps and their uses / Black board, chalk / 1 / Surveying and leveling...... kanetakar and kulkarni / 6th week / To introduce surveying and its types. / MCQs
Vertical Measurement -Introduction...... study of dumpy level ,temporary adjustment of dumpy, Methods of levelling / Black board, chalk / 1 / Surveying and levelling...... kanetakar and kulkarni / To explain dumpy level and methods of leveling. / MCQs
Methods Of finding RL. / Black board, chalk / 1 / Surveying and levelling...... kanetakar and kulkarni / To explain method of RL / MCQs
Numerical on HI and Rise and Fall method / Black board, chalk / 1 / Surveying and levelling...... kanetakar and kulkarni / Practice of numerical on rise fall method and HI method / MCQs
Numerical on Rise and Fall method. / Black board, chalk / 1 / Surveying and levelling...... kanetakar and kulkarni / Practice of numerical on rise fall method and HI method / MCQs
Modern Survey Method using auto Level,Theodolite,EDM, Laser Total Station & GPS / Black board, chalk / 1 / Surveying and levelling...... kanetakar and kulkarni / To explain modern survey using auto level ,theodolite / MCQs
Introduction to digital mapping, measuring area from maps and digital planimeter / Black board, chalk / 1 / Surveying and leveling...... kanetakar and kulkarni / To explain working of digital planimeter. / MCQs
Introduction to GIS Software and other surveying software. / Black board, chalk / 1 / Surveying and levelling...... kanetakar and kulkarni / To introduce to GIS software &other surveying software. / MCQs
4 Ecology and Eco System / Concept of Environment - biotic and biotic factors. Concept of the ecological cycle. / Black board, chalk / 1 / Environmental Engineering by sk Garg.Water supply and sanitary engineering by SK Garg / 8th week / To explain concepts of environment -biotic a biotic ,concept of ecological cycle. / MCQs
Impact of the human behavior and the technological advancements on the environment. / Black board, chalk / 1 / Environmental Engineering by sk Garg.Water supply and sanitary engineering by SK Garg / To explain impact of human behavior & technical advancement on the environment's / MCQs
Need for conserving natural Resources and preserving the Environment / Black board, chalk / 1 / Environmental Engineering by sk Garg.Water supply and sanitary engineering by SK Garg / To explain need of resource / MCQs
Engineer Role in Achieving Sustainable Development / Black board, chalk / 1 / Environmental Engineering by sk Garg.Water supply and sanitary engineering by SK Garg / To explain engineer role of achieving sustainable development. / MCQs
Environmental impact Assessment / Black board, chalk / 1 / Environmental Engineering by sk Garg.Water supply and sanitary engineering by SK Garg / To explain environment impact(EIA) / MCQs
Solid waste Management / Black board, chalk / 1 / Environmental Engineering by sk Garg.Water supply and sanitary engineering by SK Garg / To introduce solid waste management. / MCQs
5 Planningfor the Built Environment / Concept of an integrated built environment-natural and manmade / Black board, chalk
Black board, chalk / 1 / Build planning and built environment by shaha, kale and patki / 10th week / Theory practice tests
Role of by-laws in regulating the environment. / Black board, chalk / 1 / Build planning and built environment by shaha, kale and patki / To explain role of bye law in regulating the environment.
Numerical on F.S.I / Black board, chalk / 1 / Build planning and built environment by shaha, kale and patki / Practice on numerical FSI
Use of various eco-friendly materials in construction. / Black board, chalk / 1 / Build planning and built environment by shaha , kale and patki / To explain use of eco friendly material.
Concept of green buildings. / Black board, chalk / 1 / Build planning and built environment by shaha, kale and patki / TO explain
Concept of Green
. Sources, causes, Remedial measures for noise pollution. / Black board, chalk / 1 / Environment Engineering By S K Garg water supply and sanitary engineering / Sources , causes effect and remedial with noise pollution
Sources, causes, Remedial measures for Land pollution. / Black board, chalk / 1 / Environment Engineering By S K Garg water supply and sanitary / Sources , causes effect and remedial with air land pollution
Energy and Environmental Pollution / Types of energy: - conventional and non-conventional. / Black board, chalk / 1 / Water supply and sanitary engineering by s k Garg, Environment Engineering by Rangwala / 12 th week / To explain types of energy . / Theory practice tests
Methods of harnessing energies. / Black board, chalk / 1 / Environment Engineering By S K Garg water supply and sanitary engineering / To explain method of harnessing sources of energy.
Sources, causes, Remedial measures for air pollution / Black board, chalk / 1 / Environment Engineering By S K Garg water supply and sanitary engineering / Sources , causes effect and remedial with air pollution
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