Project proposal

Movie Mania is a busy suburban movie rental shop. The owner, Renee McKenzie, is unhappy with the outdated card filing system containing all of her information. The owner of the business is not currently available for an interview. However, she has provided a detailed description of the existing system and a list of functions expected in the customised system.

She has to keep records of:

·  all movies in stock

·  all customers

·  all rentals

·  staff records.

Her current system is very time consuming and inefficient. She has just purchased a new computer for the shop. She needs to be able to extract information quickly such as reports showing overdue movies, or customer information. The system also needs to be easy to use. She would like all forms, menus and reports generated by the system to contain the business logo, name and colours.

Description of the existing system

The computer is a Pentium 4, 2.4 GHz with 256 Mb RAM and 80 Gb HDD. It is running on the Windows XP operating system and has a Microsoft Office applications suite installed.

Currently, all records are kept in a card-based system and filed alphabetically. It takes a very long time to complete data-entry tasks due to constant switching between paper-based forms required to enter all data. The owner agreed that the current system is very inefficient because she also experiences difficulties in tracking down customers who have overdue rentals when she creates daily and weekly reports.

Required tables and fields for the customised system

For confidentiality reasons, general access to the cards holding customer records is not available. You should make up some test data to use while developing the system. However,the required tables and fields are listed below:

The Customers table needs to store the following fields and data types:

·  CustID (text, 10)

·  GivenName (text, 20)

·  LastName (text, 30)

·  DateOfBirth (short date format)

·  IdentificationProvided (Memo data type)

·  AddressLine1 (text, 50)

·  AddressLine2 (text, 50)

·  Suburb (text, 50)

·  State (text, 5)

·  PostCode (text, 5)

·  PhoneNumber1 (text, 15)

·  PhoneNumber2 (text, 15)

·  EmailAddress (text, 50)

·  DateofMembership (date)

·  Comments (memo data type)

The Employees table needs to store the following fields:

·  EmpID (text, 10)

·  GivenName (text, 20)

·  LastName (text, 30)

·  DateOfBirth (short date format)

·  IdentificationProvided (Memo data type)

·  AddressLine1 (text, 50)

·  AddressLine2 (text, 50)

·  Suburb (text, 50)

·  State (text, 5)

·  PostCode (text, 5)

·  PhoneNumber1 (text, 15)

·  PhoneNumber2 (text, 15)

·  EmailAddress (text, 50)

·  DateofMembership (date)

·  Comments (memo data type)

The Movies table needs to store the following fields:

·  MovieID (text, 10)

·  Title (text, 60)

·  Rating (text, 5)

·  Genre (text, 20)

·  ReleaseDate (short date format)

·  PurchaseDate (short date format)

·  PurchasePrice (Currency)

·  Comments (Memo data type)

The Rentals table needs to store the following fields:

·  MovieID (text, 10)

·  CustID (text, 10)

·  HireDate (short date format)

·  DueDate (short date format)

·  Price (Currency)

·  Comments (Memo data type)

Description of the customised system

The system should be able to carry out the following tasks:

1 Have forms to display and enter:

·  Customer details

·  Movie details

·  Employee details

·  Rentals.

2 A form to display customer details with a history of their rentals

3 Find a specific customer’s record

4 Find a specific movie’s details

5 The system should be able to print out the following reports:

·  Daily report of all rentals

·  Daily report of all over due rentals showing movie title, customers name and contact details, due date

·  Record of all rentals for a selected customer

6 All business correspondence will be created using a word processing package and some financial statements are created using spreadsheets, and the owner would like links to these programs from the main menu screen. Any unnecessary toolbars and buttons should be removed to avoid confusion.

7 The following logo should be used on all forms and reports in the customised application, and a suitable colour scheme used throughout.

Any other features or enhancements you could recommend would be welcomed.

Project proposal: Movie Mania XXX