University of Wisconsin-Whitewater

Curriculum Proposal Form #3

New Course

Effective Term:

Subject Area - Course Number:MAGD 220Cross-listing:

(See Note #1 below)

Course Title:(Limited to 65 characters)Drawing for Digital Media

25-Character Abbreviation: Drawing for Digital Media

Sponsor(s): Chris Henige



Consultation took place:NA Yes (list departments and attach consultation sheet)

Departments: Art, Communication, Math/Computer Sciences, ITBE

Programs Affected:BA/BS Media Arts and Game Development

Is paperwork complete for those programs? (Use "Form 2" for Catalog & Academic Report updates)

NA Yeswill be at future meeting


Grade Basis:Conventional LetterS/NC or Pass/Fail

Course will be offered:Part of Load Above Load

On CampusOff Campus - Location



Note: If the course is dual-listed, instructor must be a member of Grad Faculty.

Check if the Course is to Meet Any of the Following:

Technological Literacy Requirement Writing Requirement

Diversity General Education Option:

Note: For the Gen Ed option, the proposal should address how this course relates to specific core courses, meets the goals of General Education in providing breadth, and incorporates scholarship in the appropriate field relating to women and gender.

Credit/Contact Hours: (per semester)

Total lab hours:96Total lecture hours:

Number of credits:3Total contact hours:96

Can course be taken more than once for credit? (Repeatability)

No Yes If "Yes", answer the following questions:

No of times in major:No of credits in major:

No of times in degree:No of credits in degree:


Proposal Information:(Procedures for form #3)

Course justification:

Consistent with UW-W and State of Wisconsin ESP goals for increasing technology-centered career objectives and workforce-oriented opportunities for students, this course will fill both a need for professional career-oriented training while increasing students awareness of technical drawing used in 2D and 3D design and animation. MAGD 220 – Drawing for Digital Media is one of five core courses for the new MAGD (Media Arts and Game Development) program. This course is designed for the students from all three emphases – Visual Media Design, Technology, and Communication/Gaming – to take on visual design responsibilities that require themto use Adobe Illustrator to create illustrations, logos, advertisements, or other 2D or 3D graphic documents.

Relationship to program assessment objectives:This new course is a response to weaknesses in the Multimedia Digital Arts major, especially in providing basic design fundamentals to all majors in all emphases.

Budgetary impact:

A 0.5 FTE has been approved for the Visual Media Design emphasis to support this course. Also, faculty currently assigned to the deleted ACINDP 151 and ARTSTDIO 287 will be reallocated. Existing labs in the College of Arts and Communication and upcoming lab in McGraw Hall will be used for this course. No additional budgetary item is requested at this time.

Course description: (50 word limit)

This course is designed to help students develop drawing skills including technical drawing for 2D and 3D animation. The course content will include creation of cartoon drawings, study of realistic drawing, study of environmental drawing for cartoon stories. The major software covered in this class will be Adobe Illustrator.

If dual listed, list graduate level requirements for the following:

1. Content (e.g., What are additional presentation/project requirements?)

2. Intensity (e.g., How are the processes and standards of evaluation different for graduates and undergraduates? )

3. Self-Directed (e.g., How are research expectations differ for graduates and undergraduates?)

Course objectives and tentative course syllabus:


Develop basic drawing skills: the perception of edges, space, relationships, light and shadow, and the perception of the whole, or gestalt.

Deliver an idea/concept in a quick sketch mode.

Write a concept or script for animation and make storyboard to tell story of animation panel by panel.

Understand the basic usage of Adobe Illustrator and be able to convert the image from hand-made drawing form to digital form.

Understand the basic animation concept of Adobe Flash including frame by frame animation, motion tween and shape tween. Be able to create a 30 second short story by using flash with Illustrator images.

Required Materials:

Sketch Album,11x14 inches,60 lb

2B pencils

Firewire external hard drive

Suggested Textbook:


(Outline is subject to some change by instructor if necessary)

First-third of semester: Week1 – Week 5 (Drawing on paper)

Develop basic drawing skills including contour line, basic shape recognition, figure indication, use of value to establish depth and form, and an understanding of basic perspective principles. Students are able to create a series movement sketches for animation panel by panel.

Second-third of semester: Week 6 – Week 10 (Converting the hand-made form to digital form)

Understand the basic usage of Adobe Illustrator. Students know how to use core drawing and shape tools, the transformation and reshaping features, text, the Pen tool and are able to convert the image from hand-made drawing form to digital form.

Final-third of semester: Week 11 – Week 15 (Animation in Adobe Flash)

Understand the basic animation concept of Flash including frame by frame animation, motion tween and shape tween. Students are able to create a 30 second short story by using Flash with Illustrator images.


Verbal interpretation of basic drawing concept: the perception of edges, space, relationships, light and shadow, and the perception of the whole, or gestalt.

Create 2 drawings of 2 objects, using shading, and switching background/foreground emphasis.

Week 2

Quick figure sketches – Using Line and Contour.

Find ways to approach the figure using line and contour. Explore the linear aspects of figure drawing, from gestural to pure contour.

Week 3

Continue to make quick figure sketches – Quick Poses.

Find out how to add energy to your figure drawing, loosen up and practice making fast movement about the figure with super-fast poses and bold blocking in of form.

Week 4

What is the difference between fine art sketches and commercial cartoon sketches?

Students are able to design their own cartoon characters and create a series of motion movements.

Week 5

Project week

Create 50 figures including sit, walk and jump poses. Prepare hand-made drawings for converting to digital form in Illustrator.

Week 6

Introduce the basic tools of Illustrator.

Introducing layers, Fill, Stroke, and Color, Editing and Transforming Paths tools in Illustrator. Students are able to open and save files in Illustrator.

Week 7

Continue to introduce the function tool in Illustrator.- Pen tool

The subjects covered in the week will be:

Points are boys, control handles are girls

Tracing a scanned image or photograph

Placing an image as a template

Drawing a straight-sided path

Moving, adding, and deleting points

Drawing spline curves with Round Corners

Class assignment: Tracing a scanned image from a photograph and fill the colors

Week 8

Continue to introduce the Pen tool function tool in Illustrator.

The subjects covered in the week will be:

Smooth points and Bézier curves

Defining a cusp between two curves

Adjusting handles and converting points

Cutting, separating, and closing paths

Eyedropping template colors

Week 9, 10

Assignment Week

Students are going to scan the handmade drawing they made in the first third semester and are able to convert to digital form. Preparing for animation in Flash.

Week 11

Introduce the basic tools of Flash.

We are going to show how to use the latest iteration of the Flash drawing tools and timeline, work with text and symbols. Students are able to open and save files in Flash.

The subjects are going to be covered in the week :

Understand what Flash can do

Becoming familiar with the Flash interface

Creating and saving Flash Files

Using Drawing tools in Flash

Understand the timeline and working with layer

Week 12

Continue to introduce the basic function of Flash – Creating the shape tween and frame by frame animation.

The subjects covered in the week will be:

Understand shape tween

Creating a shape hint

Tweening multiple shapes at one

Adding easing to a shape tween

Fixing tweens

Week 13

Continue to introduce the basic function of Flash – Creating motion Tweens

The subjects covered in the week will be:

Understanding the motion tweens

Modifying a motion path

Using the motion editor to modify animation properties

Nesting animations within movie clips

Using motion presets

Week 14, 15

Introduce Final Project: Create a 30 Seconds animation-based short movie.

Designing and animating characters in Flash. Students are able to create a 30 seconds short story by using flash with illustrator images.

Attendance Policy:

Each student is responsible for signing the roll sheet at the beginning of class each day.

Each absence (without valid medical document) will cause 5 points dropped from your whole 100 points. On the third absence, a student ‘s final grade will be dropped one letter (from an “A” to “B”)

On the fifth (5) absence, a student’s final grade will be dropped a second letter grade (from a “B” to a “C”), and on the seventh (7) absence, a student will fail the course(F).

More than 5 minutes late to the class or more than 5 minutes early leaving from class will result in an absence mark being recorded.

In order to excuse an absence, valid medical documentation must be presented to me on the next class period after an absence.

No incompletes will be given except in exceptional circumstances, complete with written documentation.

University drop policy will be adopted.

Class Policy:

Complete your assignment on time. Project deadline must be met. Missing project deadline will result in the lowering of your project grade.

Work in the computer lab to become familiar with software.

Participate in class discussion and critiques.

Good behavior in class will get an extra 5 points.

Computer lab policy will be adopted.

Tests, assignments, and/or Evaluations:(include grading policy and grading scale)

Class participation: 10%, Proposal assignment: 10%, Assignments: 15%,

Critique and in - class assignments: 15%, Final project: 50%.

A 96 – 100

A- 92 -- 95

B+ 89 – 91

B 85 – 88

B- 82 – 84

C+ 79 – 81

C 75 – 78

C- 72 – 74

D+ 69 – 71

D 66 – 68

D- 63 – 65

F 62 and below

If special course fee is requested, proposer must include justification and budget below - proposer will be notified of approval.

Recommended Textbook:

The Animator’s Survival kit by Richard Williams

Bibliography: (Key or essential references only. Normally the bibliography should be no more than one or two pages in length.)

UWW Library holding:

Drawing : ideas, materials, and techniques, by Gerald F. Brommer.Brommer.

Cartooning plus good drawing, by Harriet "Petey" Weaver.

Weaver, Harriett E.

Pencil drawings; demonstrating 12 different methods of employing the lead pencil to secure a variety of techniques, by Ernest William Watson.

How to draw, a logical approach, by Edward B. Kaminski.

Pencil sketching / Thomas C. Wang, by Thomas C.Wang.

Freehand drawing self-taught, with emphasis on the techniques of different media, by Arthur L. Guptill

Proposed for Library Acquisition:

Force: Dynamic Life Drawing for Animators, Second Edition by Mike Mattesi

Drawing the Line: The Untold Story of the Animation Unions from Bosko to Bart Simpson by Tom Sito

The Animator's Workbook: Step-By-Step Techniques of Drawn Animation by Tony White


  1. Contact the Registrar's Office (x1570) for available course numbers. See Subject Areas listing (on page 14)
  2. The 15 and 25 character abbreviations may be edited for consistency and clarity.
  3. Please submit electronically when approved at the college level - signature sheet to follow in hard copy.

College of Art and Communication-University of Wisconsin-Whitewater /Syllabus/Fall 2009

MAGD 220 – Drawing for Digital Media





Office Hours: M 12:00pm – 5:00pm

Title of the Course: Drawing for Digital Media

Department prefix and Number of the Course:MAGD 220

The Course Requisites:none

Required Text:The Animator’s Survival kit by Richard Williams


This course is one of six core courses for intended for designers, publishers, pre-press professionals, marketing communications professionals, or people switching to a design job or taking on design

responsibilities, who need to use Illustrator to create illustrations, logos, advertisements, or other

graphic documents.In this course, you will learn to use Adobe Illustrator CS4 by drawing and manipulating simple shapes to design a layout for your product.This course is designed to help students develop drawing skills including technical drawing for 2D and 3D animation. The course content will include creation of cartoon drawings, study of realistic drawing, study of environmental drawing for cartoon stories. The software covered in this class will be Adobe Illustrator and Flash.


  • Develop basic drawing skills: the perception of edges, space, relationships, light and shadow, and the perception of the whole, or gestalt.
  • Deliver an idea/concept in a quick sketch mode.
  • Write a concept or script for animation and make storyboard to tell story of animation panel by panel.
  • Understand the basic usage of Adobe Illustrator and be able to convert the image from hand-made drawing form to digital form.
  • Understand the basic animation concept of Adobe Flash including frame by frame animation, motion tween and shape tween. Be able to create a 30 second short story by using flash with Illustrator images.

Required Materials:

  • Sketch Album,11x14 inches,60 lb
  • 2B pencils
  • Firewire external hard drive


(Outline is subject to some change by instructor if necessary)

First-third of semester: Week1 – Week 5 (Drawing on paper)

Develop basic drawing skills including contour line, basic shape recognition, figure indication, use of value to establish depth and form, and an understanding of basic perspective principles. Students are able to create a series movement sketches for animation panel by panel.

Second-third of semester: Week 6 – Week 10 (Converting the hand-made form to digital form)

Understand the basic usage of Adobe Illustrator. Students know how to use core drawing and shape tools, the transformation and reshaping features, text, the Pen tool andare able to convert the image from hand-made drawing form to digital form.

Final-third of semester: Week 11 – Week 15 (Animation in Adobe Flash)

Understand the basic animation concept of Flash including frame by frame animation, motion tween and shape tween. Students are able to create a 30 second short storyby using Flash with Illustrator images.


Verbal interpretation of basic drawing concept: the perception of edges, space, relationships, light and shadow, and the perception of the whole, or gestalt.

Create 2 drawings of 2 objects, using shading, and switching background/foreground emphasis.

Week 2

Quick figure sketches – Using Line and Contour.

Find ways to approach the figure using line and contour. Explore the linear aspects of figure drawing, from gestural to pure contour.

Week 3

Continue to make quick figure sketches – Quick Poses.

Find out how to add energy to your figure drawing, loosen up and practice making fast movement about the figure with super-fast poses and bold blocking in of form.

Week 4

What is the difference between fine art sketches and commercial cartoon sketches?

Students are able to design their own cartoon characters and create a series of motion movements.

Week 5

Project week

Create 50figures including sit, walk and jump poses. Prepare hand-made drawings for converting to digital form in Illustrator.

Week 6

Introduce the basic tools of Illustrator.

Introducing layers, Fill, Stroke, and Color, Editing and Transforming Paths tools in Illustrator. Students are able to open and save files in Illustrator.

Week 7

Continue to introduce the function tool in Illustrator.- Pen tool

The subjects covered in the week will be:

Points are boys, control handles are girls

Tracing a scanned image or photograph

Placing an image as a template

Drawing a straight-sided path

Moving, adding, and deleting points

Drawing spline curves with Round Corners

Class assignment: Tracing a scanned image from a photograph and fill the colors

Week 8

Continue to introduce the Pen tool function tool in Illustrator.

The subjects covered in the week will be:

Smooth points and Bézier curves

Defining a cusp between two curves

Adjusting handles and converting points

Cutting, separating, and closing paths

Eyedropping template colors

Week 9, 10

Assignment Week

Students are going to scan the handmade drawing they made in the first third semester and are able to convert to digital form. Preparing for animation in Flash.

Week 11

Introduce the basic tools of Flash.

We are going to show how to use the latest iteration of the Flash drawing tools and timeline, work with text and symbols. Students are able to open and save files in Flash.

The subjects are going to be covered in the week :

Understand what Flash can do

Becoming familiar with the Flash interface

Creating and saving Flash Files

Using Drawing tools in Flash

Understand the timeline and working with layer

Week 12

Continue to introduce the basic function of Flash – Creating the shape tween and frame by frame animation.

The subjects covered in the week will be:

Understand shape tween

Creating a shape hint

Tweening multiple shapes at one