Project Title:
Project Grantee:
County(ies) to Be
Served: List each county and state whether each county is a distressed, regular, competitive, or attainment county
Basic Agency: For non-302 projects only.
Goal / Strategy: List the ARC Goal and Objective number & the State Strategy the project will address.
Purpose: A 1 or 2 sentence descriptive statement of the overall purpose of the proposed project.
Funding: Source $ Percentage
Other Federal
Local / other _____
TOTAL 100%
Description: Provide a brief description of the major activities that will be done under this grant proposal. This description should include the pertinent who, what, where, when and how for each major activities.
Rationale: Describe the local, regional, and/or state need for this project, including the problem(s) or issue(s) the project addresses.
Benefits &
Performance Measures: Describe the primary benefits to be derived from this project. State the outputs and outcomes of the project in accordance with ARC Guidelines for Benchmarks & Performance Measurements.