Dec. 23, 2016
Citadel Re Investments, LLC
900 E Hamilton Ave. #100
Campbell, CA 95008
Subject:Application for a Building Permit
Plan Check:PC # 45714
Project:SFR remodel
21810 Baldwin Dr.
Los Gatos, CA 95030
Your plan check has been completed. The comments are attached.
Comments from Planning and associated land use agencies are sent separately. Please respond to all Building, Planning and other comments as a single package.
Your application, for which a permit has not been issued, will expire on
May 19, 2017
You may, in writing, request an extension of plan review time not to exceed 90 days. Plan check extensions cost $80.43 per 90 day extension. If a building permit is not issued by the expiration date, you may retrieve your plans from the Building Inspection Office. If we receive no communication from you, the plans will be discarded 14 days after the expiration date.
Best regards,
Nan Su
Associate Plan Check Engineer
cc: Studio 61 Architects, Inc.
County of Santa Clara
Building Inspection Office
The Status of your Application is as follows:
Top of Form
A.Your Application has been approved by the Building Inspection Department ONLY. In order to have a building permit issued, you need to complete item(s) below.
Be advised that plans must be stamped by potentially seven individuals once approvals are granted. Please allow at least 5 business days for stamping / restamping of drawings. The plan checker will notify you by email, mail or phone when your plans are ready.
Bottom of Form
Top of Form
X B.Additional approvals from (X ) Geology, (X) Planning, (X) Land Development & Surveying, (X) Roads & Airports, (X) Environmental Health and ( ) Fire Marshal are required as of Date. See comments sent separately by Planning Office. Please respond to both Building and Planning comments with the same resubmittal.
Bottom of Form
C.Clearance from n/aSchool District, is required. See enclosed forms.
D.Clearance from South Santa Clara County Fire Protection District (SSCCFPD)* is required. Obtain the SSCCFPD Development Impact Fee Certificate of Compliance form to submit to the Fire District. Form is attached. Submit to SSCCFPD at the address on the form.
X E.The documents submitted were incomplete. Please provide the following information upon resubmittal. Comments on incomplete submittals may be partial comments due to the lack of information, and additional comments may be issued. The following were missing, and shall be submitted with the resubmitted sets:
( X ) Title 24 Energy Calculations
( X ) CalGreen Compliance Information
( X ) Geotechnical Report
( ) Remodel / Rebuild calculation (see comments)
( ) Structural Drawings and Calculations
( ) Other ______
X F.Need additional information. (See attached checklist.)
G.Because your project was reclassified from a remodel to a “rebuild” based on the provided calculation, the plans are being re-routed through the land use agencies for review based on the new designation. Be advised that significant and costly items or annexation may be required as a result of the rebuild determination. Comments will be sent separately by the Planning Office regarding any additional requirements, if any.
H.Call for an appointment to review your plans with .
I.Please pick up County marked-up set to facilitate response. This must be returned with resubmittal.
Corrections listed below shall be made on the plans before a permit can be issued.
Your response can be in the one of the following formats:
- The revised plans shall be marked with "cloud symbols" to indicate where corrections were made AND,
- You may comment about the corrections on this correction sheet by indicating next to each comment, note the sheet on which the correction has been made OR;
- Provide a separate itemized response addressing the comments.
Return two sets of corrected plans and two sets of any revised calculations, reports, etc.
Please do not ignore any comment(s), because that may result in the delay your plan check. An additional plan check fee may be charged for additional time required to plan check due to incomplete or excessive resubmittals.
Abbreviations: (All references are to CRC unless noted otherwise)
CRC California Residential Code 2013
CECCalifornia Electrical Code2013
CPCCalifornia Plumbing Code2013
CMC California Mechanical Code2013
CGBCCalifornia Green Building Standards Code 2013
Item / Sheet / Comment1. / Jeff
Guinta Designs
ETA 1/9 / The conditional living space is increased. Provide T24 energy calculation. The CF-1R and MF-1R forms shall be on plans with the signatures of document author, and designer or owner.
2. / Jeff
Guinta Designs
ETA 1/9 / Please complete the Santa Clara County REBUILD Determination and Points Allocation. The application will be classified as REBUILD once the total points exceed 55 points.
Go to the following web site for the full text of the ordinance:
3. / Frank Ho Architect
Fri 1/13 / Please provide on plans all the 2013 Calgreen mandatory requirement per Division A4.6. County Green Ordinance requires that single family residential and duplex be in compliance of all mandatory measures.
Please download the required residential Occupancies Application Checklist, Section A4.602 (Mandatory Items), from the following site, and put it on plans with columns for inspection sign-offs.
Note that all the items under the “Applicant to complete” shall be filled out with notes and reference.
4. / Ninh Le
Structural Engineer
ETA 1/13 / Please include a Best Management Practices and Erosion Control Plan sheet in the drawings to demonstrate compliance with CALGreen Section 4.106.2. Refer to the following link for more information:
5. / Frank Ho Architect
Fri 1/13 / Please provide details and dimensions for the stairs including, but not limited to, following:
- Width per Section R311.7.1.
- Headroom per Section R311.7.2.
- Treads, risers and profiles per Section R311.7.4.
- Landings per Section R311.7.5.
- Handrails per Section R311.7.7
- Guards per Section R312.
6. / Frank Ho Architect
Fri 1/13 / The handrail shall be continuous for the full length of the flight, from a point directly above the top riser to a point directly above the lowest riser, and terminate in newel posts or safety terminals per Section R311.7.8.2.
7. / Frank Ho Architect
Fri 1/13 / Show handrails on the floor plans for the added stairs.
8. / Frank Ho Architect
Fri 1/13 / The understair usable space shall be provided 1-hr. rated protection per Section R302.7.
9. / Mark B.
Soils Engineer
ETA 1/13 / Provide two sets of soil reports. The footing retrofit design shall be based on the soil report’s recommendations.
10. / Mark B.
Soils Engineer
ETA 1/13 / The soil engineer shall review the footing retrofit design, and provide a letter to summarize the conclusions of the review.
11. / Ninh Le
Structural Engineer
ETA 1/13 / Detail A/S02 seems to indicate that the new piers and grade beams not connected to the existing footing. Please clarify the intent of the underpinning.
12. / Ninh Le
Structural Engineer
ETA 1/13 / There is no scope of work included in the application for the site retaining walls. However, Sheet S01 and S04 show new CID solider piers and wood retaining walls.
Please come to this office to file a separate permit application for these piers and retaining walls.