Graduate/UndergraduateGIS Certificate


Afterreadingthe guidelineson thereverse side, pleasecompletethis formand obtain signaturesofapprovaland return thisformto the SNRE Office(ENR2 N322).Thisformisfordepartmentrecords and is used to assign a gradeatthe endof the semester.

An advisorinthe departmentwillregisteryou forPracticumunits through the10thclassday of the semester;thereafter,aChange ofSchedule form mustbe used (routedthrough the Registrar’s Office).Research proposalforms willonly beacceptedthroughthe18thday of classto allowforprocessingtime priorto the late fee beingimposed. Wewillnot guarantee acceptanceof theform, after 5PM onthe 18thday of class.

Student Name

Student Phone#

Student ID#

Student E-mail

Student Major

CoursePrefix and Number RNR GEOG 494 594


[Note: Students are expectedtospendat least 3hours perweekonthisprojectforeach unitofcreditor45total hoursofcourse-related workpercredit.]

Semester: Fall Spring SummerI SummerII Year

Practicum Advisor PracticumAdvisorPhoneE-Mail PracticumAdvisor HomeDepartment (SNRE or GEOG)

Title of Practicum Project

Estimated hours perweekstudent will spendonPracticum Project: ______

EstimatedAdvisor/Student contact hours perweek: ______

A brief description of project, including anticipated product(s), shouldbe typed and attachedto theproposal form.

Required Signatures:

StudentPracticum Project Advisor

Detailson Reverse Side

Date Date

Guidelinesforthe GIS Practicum

RNR or GEOG 494/594 Practicum

(2 credits) The practical application, on an individual basis, of previously studied theory and the collection of data for future theoretical interpretation.

Thenumber of creditsofPracticum course workmust liewithinthe approvedcreditrange listedin the catalog coursedescription.

Determination ofcredit:The University andBoardofRegents require a minimumof45hoursofcourse-related workforeach unitofcreditawarded.

RegistrationfeeforPracticumcreditis calculatedatthe same rateas for othercredit courses.

Practicum Advisor: Students register for RNR/GEOG 494/594 with this advisor. Practicum Advisors are members of the GIS Certificate committee.

The studentshouldhave aspecificPracticumprojectthatis approvedinconsultationwiththe Practicum advisor.

Deadlines:Research proposalforms willonlybe acceptedthroughthe 18thdayofclasstoallow for processingtime priorto the late fee beingimposed.

The lastdayto registerforPracticumwithoutincurringa late charge is:FallandSpringSemesters: 21stcalendardayafterthe first dayofclasses. This is for information onlyas formsmust be turnedin bythe 18thdayofclass.Winter andSummer Sessions:Last daytodropwith deletionfromthe record(last daytoincreaseunits withouta $50late charge).

Inthe case thatagrade ofIncomplete is awardedinaPracticumcourse,andthe Practicum ProjectAdvisoris nolongeravailable,anotherPracticum ProjectAdvisormust be identifiedwhoagrees toevaluate the student’s work.

Major GPAimpact:Practicummaynot be countedtowardthe majorGPAwhenremoval ofthatgrade would resultinthe majorGPAdroppingbelow2.0.Therefore,advisors willnotapprove practicumcredits ifa student’s current majorGPAis below2.0.Practicum performed underthe guidance ofnon-SNRE facultymembers is limitedto2units andmust be approvedbythe GIS executive committee.
