Commanding Officer
USCGC NAME (WHUL001) / FPO AP 12345 6789
Phone: (000) 111-2222


dd mmm 20yy



Ref:(a)Shipboard Regulations Manual, COMDTINST M5000.7A (series)

(b)Cutter Organizational Manual, COMDTINST M5400.16A (series)

(c)Naval Engineering Manual ,COMDTINST M9000.6F, (series)

(d)Machinery Space Firefighting Doctrine, COMDTINST M9555.1 (series)

(e)Surface Ship Firefighting, Naval Ships' Technical Manual, Ch 555, V1

(f)Cutter Training and Qualification Manual, COMDTINST M3502.4 (series)

(g)Surface Ship Survivability, Naval Tactics, Techniques, Procedures, 3-20.31

(h)NAVEDTRA 43119-4G, Personnel Qualification Standard

(i)Gas Free Engineering, Naval Ships' Technical Manual, Ch 074, V3

(j)Welding and Allied Processes, Naval Ships' Technical Manual, Ch 074, V1

(k)Practical Damage Control, Naval Ships' Technical Manual, Ch 079, V2

  1. PURPOSE. This Instruction promulgates the standards, expectations, and procedures to be followed by all hands aboard Cutter NAME in the prevention, identification and removal of shipboard fire hazards. Specifically, the duties and responsibilities of NAME’s Fire Marshall and Duty Fire Marshalls are contained herein. Many of these duties are also provided throughout the references, with specific procedures for maintaining fire and smoke detection, and fire response equipment contained within the U.S. Coast Guard Preventative Maintenance Manual for Damage Control, Technical Publication No. 2006 and cutter class maintenance procedures.
  1. ACTION. All hands shall comply with the provisions of this instruction. Internet release is authorized.
  1. INSTRUCTIONS AFFECTED. NAMEINST 11320.1 is cancelled.
  1. References (a) through (d) mandate robust fire prevention programs. Due to the rapid growth potential and hazardous conditions immediately present upon ignition, a shipboard fire can easily spiral beyond control, jeopardizing the ability of the cutter to perform missions, and immediately endangering all personnel onboard. Preventing a fire from occurring is by far less hazardous, easier, and less costly than engaging, extinguishing and restoring damaged systems in a compartment that has been fully engulfed in flames. Reference (e) contains the best guidance on military shipboard firefighting available today and as such forms the foundation of shipboard fire prevention and firefighting knowledge. The training requirements detailed in reference (f) set the minimum standards necessary to ensure all personnel are adequately prepared for this extremely hazardous event. While each ship may differ in the type and allowance of firefighting equipment, fire prevention policies and programs are universally applicable onboard Coast Guard cutters.
  1. The enclosures provide a consolidated source of predetermined forms and check sheets that establish and maintain NAME’s fire prevention program.
  1. All hands are to periodically review this Instruction. Periodic written and oral examinations will be administered by the Damage Control Assistant (DCA) to ensure familiarity of the policies contained herein. Fire prevention is an activity applicable to all shipboard watch stations, and crew knowledge will be validated during all qualification boards, during NAME’s training cycle and as otherwise determined by the DCA.
  1. All hands are responsible for eliminating and reducing fire and explosion hazards, including nonessential combustibles. Whenever possible, flammable materials shall be replaced with less flammable substitutes (e.g. non flammable cleaning agents). Limiting the quantity of combustibles, and stowing and protecting all essential combustibles reduce their probability of causing or contributing to a fire.
  1. The accumulation of oil or other flammable materials in bilges and inaccessible areas shall be strictly avoided as detailed in reference (d). Remove such accumulations at the first opportunity in accordance with the Vessel Environmental Manual, COMDTINST M16455.1(series).
  1. All used oily rags shall be stored in approved metal containers designated for this purpose until disposal. The number and locations of these containers shall be determined by the Engineer Officer (EO).
  1. Paint, used brushes, rags, paint thinner and solvents shall be stored in the paint locker or designated flammable storage lockers. The proper storage or disposal of these materials at the end of each work day will be validated by the Fire Marshal, with notification made to the Officer of the Deck (OOD) prior to granting liberty while in port.
  1. Any device that emits a strong aromatic smell is prohibited below decks as they can impede the ability to detect small fires.
  1. Butane lighters (e.g. BIC ™) are not authorized aboard NAME due to the extremely low flash point of the fuel. These lighters will be confiscated and disposed of by the Fire Marshal. Zippo lighters or other similar refillable wick based lighters are authorized, but the fuel to refill these devices shall not be stored in berthing areas.
  1. Inoperable Damage Control equipment or equipment beyond its prescribed maintenance periodicity shall be reported to the Fire Marshal. This equipment shall be repaired or have the necessary maintenance performed immediately. Both the report and repair shall be documented as detailed in enclosure (1).
  1. Per reference (g), NAME’s Fire Marshal is designated in writing as detailed in enclosure (2)to aid the DCA in the training of personnel and the prevention and fighting of shipboard fires. While several members of the crew will normally obtain the requisite qualifications to serve in this capacity, one primary individual shall be designated as primarily responsible for the ship-wide fire safety program.
  1. The Fire Marshal shall be Gas Free Engineer (GFE), Repair Locker Leader (RLL), and Damage Control Training Team (DCTT) qualified as specified in reference (h). Unless otherwise designated, NAME’s Fire Marshal will be normally be the senior DC, but must be a graduate of the Damage Control Assistant Senior Enlisted (DCASE) course.
  1. Duty Fire Marshals shall be trained IAW reference (h)and designated as detailed in enclosure (3).
  1. The Fire Marshal or Duty Fire Marshalls shall conduct a minimum of three (3) ship wide inspections evenly spaced throughout the workday. These inspections shall be randomized and can vary in scope and intensity. Upon conclusion of the workday, or prior to liberty being granted while in port, a copy of the results shall be presented to the DCA/EO and disseminated through the division heads. Any discrepancies not corrected in a timely manner shall be brought to the attention of the Executive Officer.
  1. Much like the OODs and EOWs perform rounds prior to assuming watch, while executing fire safety inspections, the Fire Marshal and Duty Fire Marshals will pay particular attention to:
  1. Housekeeping as it affects fire prevention (e.g., trash receptacle covers, storeroom stowage, elimination of accumulated flammable materials, incinerator cleanliness).
  2. Proper storage of all HAZMAT.
  3. Firefighting equipment for missing items, condition of hoses, proper wrenches, nozzles, etc.
  4. Fire safety precautions properly posted, up-to-date and complete, to include proper fireplug labels and cutout valve identification.
  5. Flammable liquids properly stowed, with adequate protection (carbon dioxide, dry chemical, etc), and remote activation devices and alarms operable.
  6. Smoking regulations posted and enforced.
  7. Hot Work and Cold Work coordination through proper routing and approval of the work request provided as enclosure (5).
  8. Welding/burning, gas free and/or hot work certificates properly issued IAW references (c), (i) and (j). Ensure fire watch indoctrination assignments are made and posted, and that welding and burning leads or hoses are properly run and protected. Ensure adequate ventilation is installed and operating.
  9. Compressed gas cylinderstight and secure within their storage racks, with valve covers in place and elimination of other identified missile hazards.
  10. Fume and spray tight lighting fixtures, including battle lanterns, installed with proper gaskets,and if capable, illuminating properly from both ship service and emergency electrical power.
  11. Within Galley spaces, that the Gaylord hood and grease traps are cleaned per the established cleaning schedule.
  12. Watertight closures for paint and rust free knife edges, complete and pliable gaskets, properly packed and lubricated spindles and hinges with equal and evenly distributed wear on the wedges.
  13. Ventilation/air conditioning ducts and uptake spacesare clean, free of obstructions or unauthorized materials, and serviced per the cutter maintenance plan or as otherwise warranted, with all inspection covers and draft gauges properly installed and operating.
  14. Material condition properly set to inhibit the spread of fire or flooding, with violations logged within the DC Closure Log IAW reference (c). Ensure CCOL’s are properly posted with DCA approvalof any red-line changes.
  15. Unauthorized habitability materials that do comply with the fire performance requirements of MIL-STD-1623,Fire Performance Requirements and Approved Specifications for Interior Finish Materials and Furnishings(Naval Shipboard Use).
  16. Stowage of combustibles below raised floors in vital electronics spaces. Experience has shown that raised floor spaces are a tempting location for ready stowage of vital space supplies and personal articles. Such stowage significantly increases the fire threat to these spaces.
  17. Heat, fire and smoke alarms, flooding indicators and compartment cameras working properly.
  18. Validate Preventative Maintenance task are being properly documented and recorded.
  1. As required by reference (g) “Fire marshals shall be free of duties that would inhibit responding instantaneously toemergencies.” Specifically, the Fire Marshal will act as the Officer in Charge (OIC) of the flying squad or rapid response team while underway. Onboard NAME, the Fire Marshal shall qualify to appropriate underway watchstation (e.g. u/w Engineer of the Watch) but shall not be included on the underway watch rotation without Commanding Officer approval. While in port the Fire Marshal will be included in appropriate watch rotations.
  1. It is understood that most checks are accomplished by Divisional Damage Control Petty Officers (DCPO’s) during the execution of routine maintenance. However, this does not relieve the Fire Marshal or Duty Fire Marshall of the responsibility for visually inspecting all spaces. Likewise, the responsibility for identification of fire and safety hazards does not rely entirely on the DCPO.
  1. In support of their Rapid Response team role, it is imperative for the Fire Marshal to wear or have on their person at all times:
  1. Fire retardant coveralls, full Coast Guard ODUs (blouse and trousers), or Red anit-flash cotton jersey.
  2. Anti-flash firefighters hood (e.g. PBI Gold) and anti-flash gloves.
  3. Approved shipboard boots.
  1. MAINTENANCE AVAILABILITIES (DOCKSIDE/DRYDOCK) REQUIREMENTS. Prior to scheduled overhauls, planned or unplanned maintenance availabilities, the Fire Marshall will:
  1. Properly train, qualify and equip all fire watch personnel emphasizing maintenance availability hazards (e.g. scaffolding, firemain tagouts, tripping hazards, etc), heat stress, toxic gas hazards associated with burning, cutting, and welding, and personnel protective equipment (PPE).
  2. Establisha fire watch duty section, approved by the EO(at a minimum the day before the work is to commence).
  3. Make rounds of all hot work being conducted onboard and surrounding the cutter. If the work is being conducted on the outside of the hull or superstructure, ensure inspection ofthe corresponding interior spaces is also conducted.
  4. Promptly notify the EO/XO of any safety issues identified involving contractors or shipyard workers.
  5. Prior to work commencing, provide all hands training IAW enclosure (7) on procedures to be implemented during casualty response, particularly how rapid response roles and team composition may differ during the availability.
  6. Prior to work commencing, obtain and familiarize all hands with the shipyard’s visiting vessel information package. This package shall be posted on the quarterdeck, within all repair lockers, and within DC Central as it contains emergency contact numbers and procedures to be implemented during shipyard emergencies. An example copy for US Coast Guard Yard is included as enclosure (9).
  1. EXTENDED ABSENCE REQUIREMENTS. If the Fire Marshal will be absent from the cutterin excess of seven (7) days, a transfer of Fire Marshal Responsibly letter will be approved by the Executive Officer (XO)with appropriate notifications made to all hands. The duties of the Fire Marshal will be transferred, only if the receiving crewmember holds the same or greater credentials. Per the Master Training List (MTL) requirements contained within reference (f), this transfer will usually fall to the DCA or EO.
  1. ENVIRONMENTAL ASPECT AND IMPACT CONSIDERATIONS. Environmental considerations were examined in the development of this Instruction and have been determined not to be applicable.


Rank, U.S. Coast Guard

Commanding Officer


(1)Standard Fire Marshal Discrepancy Report

(2)Fire Marshal Designation Letter

(3)Duty Fire Marshal Designation Letter

(4)Duty Fire Marshal 8’Oclock Report template

(5)Hot and Cold Work Request

(6)Material Condition Inspection Checklist

(7)Common Fire Marshal Discrepancy Training

(8)NAME’s Local Fire Department Agreement

(9)Example Shipyard Visiting Vessel Information Regulations and Guidelines



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Encl. (1) to NAMEINST 11320.1A

Standard Fire Marshal Discrepancy Report

Date: ______

From:______, Duty Fire Marshal

To:______, Officer of the Deck

Copy: ______, Engineer Officer


Compartment inspected: ______Division responsible: ______


  1. Are there Bulls eyes at each entrance of the space? Yes / No ______
  2. Do the Bulls eyes have the correct frames: Yes / No ______
  3. Is the parent Division listed? Yes / No ______
  4. Are the Bulls eyes 15 inches in length and 12 inches in height? Yes / No ______
  5. If the 3M Brand photo luminescent fields are used, are the red and blue letters used correctly?

Yes / No / NA ______

  1. Are the photo luminescent fields for frame numbers IAW NSTM 079 V2?

Yes / No / NA ______

  1. Are the photo luminescent borders for ladders, hatch coamings and doors IAW NSTM 079 V2?

Yes / No / NA ______

  1. Are the “EXIT/MEDICAL/DECON” IAW NSTM 079 V2?

Yes / No / NA ______

  1. Are the piping systems properly stenciled as to the fluid?

Yes / No / NA ______

  1. Are there flow arrows on the piping? Yes / No / NA ______
  2. Is the vent ducting properly stenciled with the type of system?

Yes / No / NA ______

  1. Are there flow arrows on the vent ducting? Yes / No / NA ______


Perform an inspection on one fitting for every three WT or AT fittings located in the space.

  1. How many fittings open into that space? ______
  2. Type & number of fitting: ______

-Is the fitting classified? Yes / No ______

-Is the fitting numbered? Yes / No ______

-Is there paint on the knife-edge? Yes / No ______

-Are there gouges in the knife-edge? Yes / No ______

-Are the dogs adjusted properly? Yes / No ______

-Are the wedges wearing evenly? Yes / No ______

-Is there a clip for the handle(s)? Yes / No ______

-Is there a dogging wrench or holder for a wrench? Yes / No ______

-Are the appropriate EXIT signs on the fitting? Yes / No ______

-Is there dirt, paint or other foreign matter on the gasket? Yes / No ______

-Is there a permanent indentation in the gasket? Yes / No ______

-Is the gasket complete (gap less than 1/8”)? Yes / No ______

  1. Type & number of fitting: ______

-Is the fitting classified? Yes / No ______

-Is the fitting numbered? Yes / No ______

-Is there paint on the knife-edge? Yes / No ______

-Are there gouges in the knife-edge? Yes / No ______

-Are the dogs adjusted properly? Yes / No ______

-Are the wedges wearing evenly? Yes / No ______

-Is there a clip for the handle(s)? Yes / No ______

-Is there a dogging wrench or holder for a wrench? Yes / No ______

-Are the appropriate EXIT signs on the fitting? Yes / No ______

-Is there dirt, paint or other foreign matter on the gasket? Yes / No ______

-Is there a permanent indentation in the gasket? Yes / No ______

-Is the gasket complete (gap less than 1/8”)? Yes / No ______


Perform an inspection of all portable extinguishers located in the compartment.

  1. CO2 Bottle: ______

-When was the last recorded quarterly PMS performed: ______

-Is there tape between the hose and the bottle? Yes / No (IF YES, REMOVE TAPE)______

-Is there tape between the hose and the horn? Yes / No ______

-Is there a photo luminescent field? And is it correct? Yes / No ______

-Is the hydro date within 12 years? Yes / No ______

-Is the tamper seal intact? Yes / No ______

-Is there a bellyband installed? Yes / No ______

  1. PKP Bottle: ______

-When was the last recorded quarterly PMS performed: ______

-Is there a photo luminescent field? And is it correct? Yes / No ______

-Is the tamper seal intact? Yes / No ______

-Is there PKP in the nozzle? Yes / No ______

-Is there a pin to keep the bottle in place? Yes / No ______

-Has the post been changed to a holster? Yes / No ______

  1. PKP Bottle: ______

-When was the last recorded quarterly PMS performed: ______

-Is there a photo luminescent field? And is it correct? Yes / No ______

-Is the tamper seal intact? Yes / No ______

-Is there PKP in the nozzle? Yes / No ______

-Is there a pin to keep the bottle in place? Yes / No ______

-Has the post been changed to a holster? Yes / No ______

  1. AFFF Bottle: ______

-When was the last recorded quarterly PMS performed: ______

-Is there a photo luminescent field? And is it correct? Yes / No ______

-Is the tamper seal intact? Yes / No ______

-Is the pressure in indicator arrow in the green area? Yes / No ______