
Smt. Sujata Ray

Hon’ble Director (HR),

BSNL C.O.New Delhi. Dated: 2/2/2016

Subject: Request forresolving various cadre / HR related issues pertain to BSNL H.Q.

Respected madam,

We whole-heartedly welcome your good self on the land of Father Of nation Mahatma Gandhi and Iron man Sardar patel at Gujarat.

madam, we would like to submit very important HR related issues for kind consideration of your good self for resolving it as per requirement in the relevance of field units. Issues are as under.

(1)Equalizing staff shortage across BSNL: WhilePosting executives on promotion, or during fresh recruitment, BSNL CO is considering sanctioned and working strength of Executives in respective circle. This is applicable even in deciding additional posting to hard Tenure circle also. This sanctioned and working strength is very old, (Minimum one decade old.) and no work study has been done since years after lot of technology changes occurred.

We suggest that till such time the process of work study is done, existing working executives in BSNL should be distributed amongst all circles based on the assets circles are maintaining and revenue they are earning. Meaning to say, executives posted should be based on Land line + BB+ Mobile + FTTH+ Lease Lines + BTS the circles are maintaining. It should also be co related with the revenue earned by circle w r to BSNL total revenue.

(2)Restoring Trade Union facility to Executive Associations:Verification of membership for Executives was notified by BSNL to be held in May 2015. But due to some court case, it is held up. Even BSNL management tried to have early hearing in the matter, but same was not agreed by Hon’ble court. In the given situation we request your good self to instruct concerned to restore trade union facility to eligible Executive Association at the earliest.

(3)Covering BSNL employee’s Insurance for Indoor Medical treatment: Madam, scrutinizing medical bills, requirement of certain test / surgery / treatment has never been our core business area. Lot of energy goes wasted of employees and inspite of making huge expenditure, still it is found that lot of grievances are still there from field units. We suggest that a comprehensive mediclaim policy with all existing facilities extended to BSNL employees and their family members should be taken. BSNL will be benefited by concentrating more on our core business and also lot of staff engaged in this work can be utilized in other productive work.

(4)Norms circulated by BSNL for various cadres: BSNL has circulated norms for various all cadres w r to all services. It is found that the norms so issued does not match with actual field requirements to satisfy present customer expectations. E.g One TTA is justified for every 5000 BB connections including visit at customer premises. Looking to the present fault ratio of BB customers( 0.75 to 0.8 %) total faults to be attended by TTA will be around 40. Assuming 50 % places to be visited, 20 customers will have to be visited. In a day maximum visit possible is 8 to 10. And that too he has to carry out field work only. So we suggest that same should be reduced to one TTA for every 1500 BB connections. This is just an example.

(5)Heavy shortage of executive :

At present in Gujrat Circle the overall shortage of various executives on and above JTOs is more then 50%, which is more then even “Hard tenure Circles”. This is one of the reason for obstacle in growth & maintaining quality services. Looking to the fact we suggest that,

(5a)Exclusive recruitment drive for TTAs for such highly shortage & hard tenure Circlesis to be permitted immediately.

(5b)JTOs recruitment through 35% LICE Quota by eligibleTTAs should be conducted every year.

(6)Fixation of offtg. JTOs as per FR (22) I (a) I: Sir, As per the directive of PCAT ND, Offg JTOs were given fixation as per as per FR (22) I (a) I. Recently BSNL h/q has issued instruction contrary to the spirit of PCAT judgement. This instruction will lead to the recovery of 3 to 4 lakhs per TTA. We request your good self to instruct concerned that said instruction may be kept in abeyance and final decesion may be done after taking legal opinion.

(7)Amendment in promotion policy: As per BSNL-CO ltr No: 19-27/2002-L&A (Pt.) dtd 01/07/ 2004, while posting officers on LA/ promotion, if vacancies are not available in the SSA, junior most officers are to be posted outside that SSA.

(7a)As a result in many cases it is happening that, the junior most officers who have recently or before less than two years joined the SSA, is once again posted to other SSA on promotion.

In this case, officer is also feeling injustice and hardship, as he is transferred every now and than due to the fact that he is junior most.

More over officer will be paid transfer allowance. This is also causing financial expenditure to the company also.

In such case we request your good self that the clause No: 11(B) of transfer policy i.e. “Minimum period of 3 years at a location shall be maintained as far as possible in order to avoid hardship to employees”. Hence on LA/ promotion if officer under transfer is junior then same is to be made applicable.

(7b) As per transfer policy, officer is not transferred out of the SSA if he / she are to complete 57 years in the respective financial year. Same is also to be made applicable during posting on LA/ promotion.

(7c)Since 2 years it is observed that despite heavy shortage of executives in Gujrat compare to “tenure circles” executives either on promotions or long stay transferred out of Gujarat, and in same order executives from other circles are posted to Gujrat circle. These types of decision are neither in interest of executives nor BSNL.Hence such type of transfers to be avoided.

(8)Amendment in transfer policy: It is genuine requirement of field unit for change 31st march to 31st May, cut-Off date in transfer policy, as it is adversely affecting to target activity of field. It is / was taken up since long by The O/o CGMT Gujarat, with BSNL-HQ for necessary modification in Nov-2009, June-2010, April-2011, April-2013 etc.Looking to genuine need of field units amendment is essential to ensure this.

We are optimistic that our suggestion will considered request your good self to instruct suitably to all concern wings of corporate office to resolve these issues favorably and issuing necessary guide lines / clarification at the earliest in this regard.

Thanking you,

Yours sincerely,


Circle Secretary SNEA (I)-Gujarat

Copy to:(1) Respected C.G.M.-Gujarat for information & N/A please.

(2) Com. K.Sebastin G.S. SNEA (I)-CHQ New Delhi, for information& N/A please.

(3) Com. A.A.Khan, President SNEA (I)-CHQ New Delhi, for information & N/A please