Sub-regional differences in climate risk perceptions:
Coastal versus agricultural areas of the Hunter Valley, NSW
Electronic Supplemental Material
Nick Higginbotham
Centre for Clinical Epidemiology & Biostatistics, School of Medicine & Public Health
The University of Newcastle
Linda H. Connor
Department of Anthropology, School of Social and Political Sciences
The University of Sydney
Fran Baker
Centre for Teaching and Learning
The University of Newcastle
Corresponding Author
Associate Professor Nick Higginbotham
Centre for Clinical Epidemiology & Biostatistics
School of Medicine & Public Health
The University of Newcastle
Callaghan, NSW 2308
Phone (61 2) 4942 6080; Fax (61 2) 4042 0041
Appendix 1. Survey interview questions
Climate Change: Local Direct Experiences
1. During the time that you have lived in the (Lake Macquarie (LM)/Upper Hunter (UH)) area,have you noticed that the following list of natural events have become (1) Less frequent, (2) Remained the same or become (3) More frequent
Hotter days.
Prolonged dry spells or droughts.
High intensity bushfires.
Severe storms.
Flash flooding.
1a. During the same time, have you noticed any of the following natural events occurring in your area? (1)Yes – have noticed ( 2)No – have not noticed.
Loss of native plants or animals.
Loss of fish or marine life.
Arrival of new plants or animals.
Mature trees dying in parks, gardens/farms or bushland.
Changing seasonal patterns(e.g. earlier Spring, longer Summer).
Sea level rise along the coastline or lake foreshore (LM only).
Changes to the usual rhythms of nature(e.g. the time of year birds and
insects are around, when plants usually flower).
Climate Change Experiences: Emotional Response
2. Thinking about the same natural events, how concerned would you be if these
events happened over the next 20 years,using a scale from: (1) Not at all concerned; (2) Somewhat concerned; (3) Very concerned [All items above repeated]
Threat Appraisal: Likilihood of Adverse Climate Change Impacts
3. We would now like you to consider a number of potential impacts of climate
change in the (Lake Macquarie/Upper Hunter)area overthe next 20 years.
Do you think it is (1) Unlikely or (3) Likely that the following impacts will occur in yourarea, due to climate change?[(2) Neither unlikely nor likely.]
Property values in your neighbourhood will decline.
Your household's economic wellbeing will decrease.
Your local council will increase it rates to deal with climate change problems.
More people will suffer from climate-related heat stress.
The cost of insurance will rise significantly.
People in your community will disagree about how to deal with climate change.
The price of food will go up.
People will be forced off the land [UH only].
Water will become scarce and more expensive.
People on low incomes will suffer most.
Rates of human disease will increase.
Low-lying properties near the lake and beaches will be flooded more often
[LM only].
Some species of plants, animals or fish will be lost.
Climate Actions
4. I will now read out a list of activities or behaviours and I would like you to tell me
whether or not you are doing them, using the scale: (1)Will not do it; (2) Might do it;
(3) Planning to do it; (4) Already doing it.
Seek further information about climate change to decide what should be done.
Change the plants/crops you grow to drought resistant types.
Reduce energy use in your home or business (e.g. use energy efficient
appliances, subscribe to Green Power, install solar systems).
Reduce water use (e.g. install water tanks, water efficient shower heads).
Change your buying habits (e.g. buy locally made products, become
Change your usual travel habits (e.g. drive less, walk or cycle more).
Encourage action on climate change within organisations you belong to
(e.g. Work, social clubs).
Take individual action (e.g. contact government or authorities, change who
you vote for, educate your children about climate change).
Climate Science Beliefs
5. Now we have some questions about people’s attitudes towards climate change.
Do you disagree or agree with the following statements? (1) Disagree, (2) Neither disagree nor agree, (3) Agree
The world's climate is getting warmer.* [Follow up survey only]
Any global warming that may be occurring is due to natural causes.*
Human production of greenhouse gases is a leading cause of climate change.*
The government should build walls or barriers to stop flooding around Lake
Macquarie due to sea level rise, rather than asking residents to move away
from low-lying areas [LM only].
The government should discourage the development of small farming lots as
climate change will make it more difficult for small lots to be productive. [UH only].
Appendix 2. Item by item explanation of statistical differences (p <.01) in Figures 2-6,
Fig. 2 Percentage of residents observing climate change and natural events by area and time
- Hotter days. T = All areas increased at follow-up.
- Droughts. B = UH higher at baseline; T = All areas increased at follow-up.
- Bushfires. B = UH lower at baseline; F = UH lower at follow-up; T = All areas decreased at follow-up.
- Storms. B = UH lower at baseline; T = All areas decreased at follow-up.
- Floods. B = UH lower at baseline; T = All areas decreased at follow-up.
- Plant/Animal Loss. T = All areas decreased at follow-up.
- Marine Life Loss. B = LM-R higher at baseline; T = All areas decreased at follow-up.
- Arrival New Plansts/Animals. T = All areas decreased at follow-up.
- Trees Dying. B = UH higher at baseline; F = UH higher at follow-up;T = LM-C & UH decreased at follow-up.
- Seasonal Pattern Changes. T = All areas decreased at follow-up.
- Sea Level Rise. B = LM-R higher at baseline;F = LM-R higher at follow-up;T = Both areas decreased at follow-up.
- Natural Rhythm Changes. T = All areas decreased at follow-up.
Fig. 3 Percentage of residents ‘very concerned’ about climate change effects by area and time
- Hotter Days. B = UH higher at baseline.
- Droughts. F = UH higher at follow-up; T = LM-R decreased at follow-up.
- Bushfires. NIL differences
- Storms. T = All areas decreased at follow-up.
- Floods. B = UH lower at baseline;
- Plant/Animal Loss. T = LM-C & UH decreased at follow-up.
- Marine Life Loss. B = UH lower at baseline; F = UH lower at follow-up;T = All areas decreased at follow-up.
- Arrival New Plants/Animals. B = UH higher at baseline;T = All areas decreased at follow-up.
- Trees Dying. T = All areas decreased at follow-up.
- Seasonal Pattern Changes. B = UH higher at baseline.
- Sea Level Rise. B = LM-R higher at baseline; T = LM-C decreased at follow-up.
- Natural Rhythm Changes. T = All areas decreased at follow-up.
Fig. 4 Percentage of residents who believe climate change impacts are ‘likely’ by area and time
- Property Value Decline.B = LM-R higher at baseline;F = LM-R higher at follow-up;T = LM-C & UH decreased at follow-up.
- Economic Wellbeing Decrease. NIL
- Council Rate Rise. NIL
- Heat Stress. NIL
- Insurance Cost Rises. B = LM-R higher at baseline; T = LM-R increased at follow-up.
- Community Disagreement. NIL
- Food Price Rises. NIL
- Forced Off Land. NIL
- Water Scarcity. T = LM-R & LM-C decreased at follow-up.
- Poor Will Suffer. NIL
- Disease Rate Increase. T = All areas decreased at follow-up.
- Poperties Flooded More Often. T = Both areas decreased at follow-up.
- Species Lost. T = UH decreased at follow-up.
Fig. 5 Percentage of residents ‘already doing’ actions to reduce climate change by area and time
- Seek Information. NIL
- Dought ProofPlants. T = LM-C & UH decreased at follow-up.
- Reduce Energy Use. T = All areas increased at follow-up.
- Reduce Water Use. B = UH higher at baseline; F = UH higher at follow-up.
- Change Buying Habits. T = All areas increased at follow-up.
- Change Travel. B = LM-C lower at baseline; F = LM-R higher at follow-up.
T = LM-C decreased at follow-up. - Act Within Organisations. T = LM-R & UH decreased at follow-up.
- Take Individual Action. F = LM-R lower at follow-up; T = LM-R decreased at follow-up.
Fig. 6Percentage of residents ‘agreeing’ the world’s climate is warming and its causes by area
- Climate Warming. NIL
- CC Due Natural Causes. NIL