ASUW Personnel Committee
November 3, 2010
Condon 511E, 2:30 p.m.
ASUW Personnel Director Ciara Clemonscalled the WednesdayNovember 3, 2010 meeting of the ASUW Personnel Committee to order at 2:31pm.
Ciara Clemons Ginny Lee (excused)
Jon Yan
Joseph Salama
Natasha Dunlap
Jennifer Pope
Sarah Chow
Michael Zangl
Leah Kollin
Dabney Donigan
Jocelyn McCurtain (tardy/excused)
Ciara asked for additions, deletions, and modifications to the agenda. There were none. Sarah Chowmoved to approve the agenda. Jon seconded.
The committee approved the agenda without objection
Approval of minutes:
Ciara asked the committee to look over the minutes. Jon corrected his name, then it was asked if the minutes would be posted on the website. They will be posted. Ciara moved to approve the minutes, Dabney and Joseph seconded.
The committee approved the minutes without objection.
Check In:
The check in question concerned the longest time spent in a car and to where one was going.Joseph spent 32 hours on a bus from Alexandria to Sharm el-Sheikh,Egypt and was almost hijacked on the way back. Jon spent 4-5 days while living in Georgia on a go west trip in a large van. Jennifer took a road trip for three weeks, starting in Seattle and eventually ending in Boston. She was alone and drove the whole way.Tasha spent seven full days as a child on a family road trip to Alaska. Sarah was surprised by the choice of state.Leah went to Minnesota at age 2 and doesn’t particularly remember the trip, but she assumes they stopped often. Dabney was a volunteer two summers ago in the Dominican Republic. The driver of the van spoke no English, and only she and one other person had Spanish experience. They started in Santo Domingo and crossed the country, but the driver got lost and had to ask if anyone had a cell phone.They were in the van for 10 hours. The driver also filled up the gas tank and washed the car while it was still running.Eric then entered the meeting. Ciara rode from Seattle to Anaheim with her family. Her dad didn’t like to stop, except for one bathroom break, and therefore drove for nearly 24 hours straight. If there were any complaints, the general response was “tough, you should have gone at home.”Michael traveled from North Dakota to Olympia for 22 hours.Sarah expressed concern at the necessity of bathroom breaks. Sarah’s longest time was 6 hours to Ocean Shores on vacation. Eric went to and from Wichita Kansas in his senior year for debate. They only stopped at gas stations and at one point hit something, and then checked three states later at the next break and saw a bunny wedged in the grill. They also braved a tornado on that trip.
New Business:
E/VOM Noms
Ciara informed the committee that she had five copies of the nominations, and had received one for each category. She asked everyone to look over the nominations and brainstorm ways to recognize the recipients. Sarah and Dabney were very supportive of the nomination of Katie, who Ciara said worked since August. Ciara also stated she had talked to Ty about putting a picture and info blurb on the website slideshow, but perhaps a certificate should be included.
The members of the committee approved the nominations without objection.
Ciarareminded the committee that last week the members were told to look for the entities that they were interested in and then asked everyone to write down 4-5 entities as well as their name so that she could have assignments prepared for the next week’s meeting.Sarah asked if the AAs are separate from the board. Ciara said they are and that Tasha will most likely be the liaison for that. She then reminded the committee of Jon’s claim to certain entities and that those were not available to be selected.
New Communications Director Position
Ciaralisted off the titles of the supporting documents that Tasha was passing out, and explained that Eric would speak to the position when he returned from his phone call. He would explain the background and what he is looking for from the committee. The committee only needed to discuss the position and not necessarily make a decision by the end of the meeting, but hopefully a decision can be made by the next meeting. Dabney asked what would happen if it were to be approved today, to which Ciara replied that she would present it to the board. In response to the question of the position happening this year, Jon said he and the Finance and Budget Committee had discussed funds. The committee then read the materials. Joseph asked if Eric had a copy of a document from the career center concerning a similar position, Ciara said probably not and that it had just been received today. Eric then reappeared. Ciara told him the materials had been passed out and informed him of the new document. She then asked him to speak to the position and explain the history behind what he was looking for. Eric said the discussion began in the summer to address a decade old problem. He claimed there is an asymmetrical amount of information between those super involved and those who aren’t aware or participating in activities such as elections. It is seen as strange that there is not a position like this in the organization, and it is harmful to have inconsistent communication with 40,000 students being served. Most organizations bigger and smaller have a position such as this. Now would be the time to make changes as there is not all the time in the world and many other things to address within the year-long term. This position should increase communication, accountability and transparency for members’ sake, and manage external communication. Ciara asked what he wanted from the committee. Eric would like to know if it is something one person could handle, how many hours would be appropriate, are the qualifications modest or strong enough, should it be a graduate student or at least a business student, and could they work independently and fit the hierarchy of the organization? Dabney asked why the position falls under the responsibility of the VP. Eric said it would be about the same as an entity director, and it is under the VP since he is the one creating the position. Dabney said there was a committee last year that addressed the items on the new job description that was dissolved, and asked if this is the BOD’s answer for that problem. Eric didn’t really know of the task force mentioned but felt having a single leader would be useful, and that committees could easily be formed to assist.Jon doesn’t believe the position is mutually exclusive and possible parallels to the publicity director.Eric said the position would include serving on the publicity and programming committee.Michael asked if no one was in charge of connecting with students. Eric provided an analogy of the household cat, how either everyone feeds it or nobody feeds it in the absence of a single leader.Ciara asked about the capacity of serving on publicity and programming. Eric said they would not be a co-chair but would work with Sam, who is the director of programming, so the new position could better cover the publicity aspect. Ciara asked if the VP would manage project importance.Eric is looking for initiative, and willing and able to bridge the gap for communication outlet. Jon asked about the hour amounts. Ciara said the amount of 15 limits the amount of work that can be done. Joseph asked if the hours could vary perhaps seasonally, to which Dabney explained each season has its own big focuses. Eric explained he had looked at other positions for a time reference and while it would be great to have a full time employee, 15 hours is the most average time within the association. Ciara asked about number four on the job description, and Eric explained that being the liaison to The Daily had already gone through judicial.Sarah asked about the student publications board and the conflict interest involved in hiring and Eric seconded the concern. Dabney asked Jon about funding. He explained that there are significant untouched funds that could be drawn from so other expenses need not be cut.Ciara introduced Jocelyn who had just arrived as a Senate Rep. Michael asked about what should be accomplished in terms of external communication. Eric explained his OGR experience and the need to have someone organize university-wide events. The administration is usually the only one heard by the general public, and it is important for the students to be heard too. While students take up 10% metro transportation, our issues aren’t published. Also there is an increased desire to partner with local businesses.Ciara then asked about public representation, specifically campus visitation. Eric explained that while Madeleine is the main face, this position would handle more behind the scenes. Sarah asked how to prevent this new position from being taken advantage of by entities, to which Eric replied that the position will be directly supervised by the BOD and asked that the job description have any thoughts added in order to prevent this.Eric then discussed why public relations failed previously, including the structural issues and the person in the position was not particularly active and led to the board seeing the position as unnecessary. Joseph mentioned the transcribing of parts from public relations to communications director. Eric said he used both to build his own description. Sarah asked about funding.Eric revisited what Jon had said, and Jon repeated his statement that there were still some untouched funds that have been set aside for the year. Eric asked again that personnel look at the position in and of itself. Sarah asked if funding affects employee salaries and if money would be taken from the general fund. Jon explained that the fund could be looked at like a savings account, but that the exact number is not known and that salaries won’t be affected. Michael asked if the BOD members are all elected. Ciara said the Personnel Director and some others are not, but most are.Jennifer explained that ASUW has expanded in terms of positions and asked why these tasks aren’t assigned to current employees in this era of fiscal issues. Eric explained that everyone has a full job description and don’t have time to take on an additional job. Also a leader is needed for communication since previous attempts have failed.Jocelyn asked if it could be added to publicity and programming directors’ jobs. Eric explained that the director of programming has a small line item mentioning publicity, but is overwhelmed already with the programming aspects.Ciara said the committee needed to move on and asked to work with Eric on expanding the job description. Eric and Ciara both offered to answer questions via email.
Chair’s Report:
Ciaradidn’t have anything to report and moved on to the advisor’s report.
Advisor’s report:
Jenniferasked for everyone to introduce themselves again since some other members were finally able to show up.Michael is a first year, Sarah is a fourth year, Joseph is a third year, Jennifer is the advisor and received her masters in 2007, Tasha is a first year, Leah is a sophomore, Dabney is a junior, Jocelyn is a first year senior, Ciara is hopefully an only year senior.
Ciara asked for any final questions. Michael asked when the liaison assignments will be given and when to begin. Ciara said they will be assigned next week and then the committee will discuss the next steps.Joseph asked for the format of next week’s meeting, to which Ciara stated Eric will not come unless needed, changes will be made to the job description, and then the board will be given a recommendation based on if this is a viable option. Dabney asked for the annual budget, Michael followed with a question on sustainable funds for the position, Ciara reminded the committee that the focus is on the position and not the funding, and Joseph said the budget is online.
Ciara declared the meeting adjourned.
The committee approved to adjourn the meeting without objection
October 27, 2010meeting of the ASUW Personnel Committee adjourned at 3:33 pm.
Submitted By:
Tasha Dunlap
Administrative Assistant to the Vice President and Personnel Director