Dear Madam/ Sir
Sub: Online Mentoring Schedule of May, 2016 for June, 2016 CPT Examination
It is indeed my great pleasure and proud privilege to inform you that since July, 2014, the Board of Studies has been organizing subject-wise LIVE OnlineMentoringsessions for all levels of CA Course.Students are able to ask queries on the session/ event topic, which get answered subject to relevance and availability of time.The Board of Studies has taken further initiative in organizing topic-wise sessions for specific topics of each subject of the CA Course, wherein the students are finding difficulty.The topic specific and subject specific sessions by BoS faculty members aim to mentor students on the successful strategies to succeed in their forthcoming examinations and also clear their doubts/ queries.
Considering the above,you are requested to assist in the following at the Regional Council/ Branch level:
1.OnlineMentoringSchedule Displayed on the Notice Boardof your Regional Council/ Branch such that Students visiting the RC/ Branch become aware of this initiative and make optimum use of this facility to clear their doubts and receivementoringat their doorsteps.
2.Chairman Message, Region/ Branch Newsletter/ e-Mails: May assist in popularizing this initiative through these mediums.
3.Mentoringin Regional Council/ Branch: Arrange to show these sessions in your Auditorium/ Seminar Hall (LCD Screen + Laptop + Internet Connection of at least 500 kbps required) and inform your students to benefit from this facility. The cost of hosting the sessions may be recovered from Students Activity Grant.
The schedule of forthcoming sessions of May, 2016 is enclosed with this mail. You are also requested to send us a session-wise report on whether the session was shown to the students and how many students attended the session at the Regional Council/ Branch.
You are welcome to contact Ms. Nidhi Aggarwal, Asstt. Secretary on Tel: 0120-3045927, e-Mail:r further details and assistance that you may require in this regard.
Thanking you,
With Best Regards,
(CA. Babu Abraham Kallivayalil)
Chairman, Board of Studies