No. NIO/Ship Cell/BH/2010 19th April, 2010
SUB: Notice inviting tenders for hiring of boats/trawlers for NIO, Goa.
Sealed Tenders / Quotations are invited from well established and reputed firms by the Director, National Institute Of Oceanography, Dona Paula, Goa, 403 004, for hiring of boats / trawlers in Goa.
Description of the work /Tender Fee
(Non - Refundable) /E.M.D
(Refundable)Mechanised Boats hire for NIO, Goa initially for a period of one year. /
Rs. 300.00
/Rs. 40,000.00
Last date for receiving Tenders: 12/05/2010(2.00 pm)
Date of opening of bid: 12/05/2010 (3.00 pm)
For further details, eligible interested bidders may log on to our website and submit their bids, accordingly.
(Council of Scientific & Industrial Research)
Dona Paula, Goa-403 004.
No. NIO/Ship Cell/BH/2010 19thApril, 2010
Dear Sir,
Kindly arrange to submit your sealed and superscribed quotation to the Director, National Institute of Oceanography (NIO), Dona-Paula – Goa, for hiring of threeMechanized Boats (Fishing Trawlers) for surveys, deployment, retrieval and watch keeping at Goa, coastal sites for the year 2010 - 2011 as per details shown below:
Specifications of Boats
Length : 45 to 50 feet (Minimum) / (13 to 14 meters Min.)
Draft: 1.5 meters (Maximum)
Engine : 100 HP (Minimum), self-starting
Trawler winch : 1 Ton capacity, mechanically operated
Other facilities : Power and fresh water supply, canopy for
shade, sufficient deck space for assembly of instruments, life jackets, life buoys and other safety equipment including fire safety equipment. Chain Pulley for recovery of Moorings etc.
Crew Members :Minimum five crew members (above 21 years of age) who should know to swim.
Year of Built :The boats should be sea worthy and not older than 15 years.
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The owner should be able to provide the boats/trawlers during the contract period, at short notice, as and when required by NIO.
(a)Closed cabin with built-in toilet for the boats.
(b)Navigational aids, VHF sets/mobile communication etc (quote for hire of these sets and number of sets available can be given separately)
(c)Generator set for electrical supply of 220 V AC.
Scope of work:
The boats/fishing trawlers must have a mechanized winch, Derrick, pulley for deployment and recovery of moorings, CTD lowering and heaving pulleys, generator and sea to shore communication facility (VHF, Mobile communication), Canopy for sample collection and enough deck space for assembly of mooring lines and deployment, navigation compass (working condition) and enough boat anchors (spares as well) to have good fixing of positions so that the boats should not drift in high current regions and withstand rough sea weather conditions.
Terms and Conditions:
- The tenderers quoting should have valid registration and certificate for the operation of the boats/trawlers quoted.
- The tenders shall be in 2 ways Bid system i.e. Technical Bid & Commercial Bid in two different sealed covers superscribed “Tender for Boat Hiring and Ref. No. NIO/Ship Cell/BH/2010 due date 12/05/2010 (2.00 PM)”. The technical bids shall contain the technical aspects of the boats/trawlers and the EMD (Earnest Money Deposit) for Rs. 40,000/- (Rupees Forty thousand only) in the form of Demand Draft drawn in favour of Director, NIO on SBI Dona Paula, Goa whereas the commercial bid shall contain the price quoted & terms and conditions.
- The technical bids will be opened on 12/05/2010 at 3.00 PM in Purchase Section, NIO, Goa in the presence of tenderers or their representatives, if any. The commercial bids of short listed parties will be opened at a later date in Purchase Section, NIO, Goa. The date of opening of the commercial bids will be intimated to all the short listed parties.
- Specifications of the vessels, scope and nature of work and other requirements are given above.
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- The contract for entire work shall be awarded to a single party.
- The rates quoted should be monthly, daily and hourly basis per boat/trawler. The rates to be quoted both in figures and in words as per the attached page No.6. The rates quoted should be for providing the boats/trawlers at the sites, all inclusive i.e. including petrol, oil and lubes.
- No mobilization and demobilization charges will be paid.
- Taxes/Levies/Duties, if any, to be paid extra should be clearly indicated. Charges not included in the tender shall not be paid.
- The rates quoted should be valid for a period of 60 days from the date of opening of the tenders.
- The boats/trawlers will be inspected by NIO authorities, if felt necessary, to assess the suitability and their sea worthiness.
- The earnest money deposit (EMD) shall be forfeited if the successful tenderer fails to accept the award of work or to produce the boats/trawlers for inspection by NIO authorities.
- No interest shall be payable on the EMD. The EMD of the unsuccessful tenderers shall be refunded within a week, on request, but the EMD of the successful tenderer shall be refunded only after the completion of the work.
- The tenders are liable to be summarily rejected, if any of our terms and conditions are not satisfactorily complied with.
- Tenders received after the due date and time whether sent by post or by hand delivery, shall be liable for rejection.
- The terms and conditions, if any, stipulated in the tender document or attached therewith shall not be binding on NIO unless the same are expressly accepted in writing by NIO.
- The tenderers should specifically indicate in their offers about the acceptance and compliance of all the terms and conditions stipulated in this tender document in totality or otherwise.
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- Along with the tenders, the tenderers should furnish the layout plans and specifications of the boats/trawlers with copies of all the relevant certificates for survey/classification/society etc.
- The tenderers should furnish specifications of all navigational and safety equipment including fire extinguishers installed on board the boats/trawlers.
- The working schedule shall depend upon the local conditions and nature of work. The contractor, therefore, should be ready to make the boats/trawlers with crews available as per the schedule of work which shall be communicated well in advance.
- The crew members are expected to provide all necessary help and assistance as required for the survey operations.
- The boats/trawlers should be sea worthy, in sound working condition and maintained properly for their satisfactory operations during the period of surveys. If there is any failure in the survey operations attributable to any defects of the boats/trawlers or its operational equipment for more than three hours (3 hrs) at a stretch, proportionate rebate on the hire charges of the boats/trawlers shall be deducted from the bill amount.
- In the event of any failure of the boats/trawlers or its operational equipment, resulting in the abandonment of its operations, suitable boats/trawlers of the same size and specifications should be provided by the contractor within a period of 3 days, failing which, liquidated damages to the extent of 2 % of the value of the order per day, shall be recovered from the contractor till the replacement of suitable boat/trawler is provided.
- The contractor shall be responsible for the safety and security of the boats/trawlers and their equipment as well as of all the equipment of NIO on board the boats/trawlers including the equipments deployed at sea. Necessary precautions should be taken in ensuring engagement of a local navigator, if necessary.
- The contractor shall be responsible for obtaining port and customs clearance and any other formalities as per the rules and regulations in force, at his own cost, without any liability whatsoever on the part of NIO.
- The successful tenderer should be in a position to mobilize the boats/trawlers and manpower within a period of seven days from the date ofaward of work.
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- The Contractor shall indemnify NIO against all costs, charges, expenses, actions, proceedings, demands and risks caused to or incurred by the contractor or his employees, agents or representatives by reason of or in connection with bonafide discharge of the functions and duties as specified in the contract.
- The interpretation of specifications, terms and conditions or any other dispute arising out of the contract shall rest with the Director, NIO, whose decision shall be final and binding on both the parties.
- It shall not be binding on the part of Director, NIO, Goa, to accept the lowest tender and the Director, NIO reserves his right to reject or partly accept any or all the tenders received, without assigning any reasons thereof. The decision of the Director, NIO regarding acceptance or rejection of the tenders will be final and binding on both the parties.
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REF: NIO/Ship Cell/BH/2010
Particulars of boats/trawlers / Monthly rate / Daily rate / Hourly rate(A) TRAWLER 1 FOR SURVEY
N.B. Please quote the amount in figures and words.
Signature with seal