Date: 3rdDecember, 2017
Dear Colleague,
Sub: ISHBT– CMC EQAS ( Haemostasis Module) Registration for 2018
Thank you for your interest in the EQAS Haemostasis module. Kindly use the following link to download the documents required to renew your subscription for 2018.
The following documents & forms are available at
- Manual for the program
- Registration form
- Result entry forms
- Subscription detail form
PIN Number: You will be allocated a 4 digit PIN Number upon receipt of confirmation of your registration and payment. Please ensure that you retain this safely and include this wherever relevant. For participants who are renewing you will continue to retain the same PIN.
Registration forms:
Existing Participants: The first page is mandatory. Other pages need to be filled
in only if there has been a change in instrumentation, methodology or reference
ranges. Please indicate your four digit PIN number on the top of the RegistrationForm.
ATTENTION: You should also log into your profile and update it on the website:
New participants: All pages to be filled. This will enable us to update the
existing database and make any changes that you may have incorporated over the
last year.
In all your correspondence, please indicate the four digit PIN number.
Website Members’ area: Please use the PIN number and password provided (to registered email-id) to ensure that your profile on the website members area is correct and up-dated.
Result entry forms:
Preferred mode of result entry is through the web portal. Those entering the results via the internet can download and print a copy of that and file it locally. Those who need result entry sheets may download it from the website, in which case duly singed hard copy with seal of the laboratory.
Subscription Fees:
Please refer the subscription plan and schedule enclosed for payment details. Payment will be accepted only in the form of Demand drafts payable at Vellore favoring:“The Treasurer, ChristianMedicalCollegeVellore (ISHBT-CMC EQAS)”
1. You will have to return the registration forms and the draft by 30th of January 2018.
2. Inform us immediately, if there is change in the name of the Doctor / Pathologist in-charges of the laboratory, address, Land number and mobile number.
Yours sincerely
Prof. Alok Srivastava
Effective: 01/12/2017 / Version 2.0 / Hst_Cov_letter / 1/1