Our Ref CB/jc

May 2016

Dear Parent/Guardian

This term sees the launch of the University application process (UCAS). We have arranged a series of activities to help students choose the appropriate University course and make successful applications.

As part of the UCAS process we have arranged two educational visits to take place during this term. Due to the limited places on these visits,in the first instance we are limiting students to attend either the Higher Education Fair or the De Montfort University visit. Students will be allocated on a first come first served basis and if spaces become available on either trip we will then notify students.

1. Higher Education Fair Bedfordshire University

This event,taking place on Monday, 20th June, will provide an invaluable opportunity for your son or daughter to listen to talks given by University Lecturers in a wide range of areas they may wish to study, from Medicine to Media or from Sport to Law. There are many other talks on subjects like student finance and taking gap years. The majority of Universities will also have stands there where students can gain first-hand information about specific Universities.

Due to the popularity of this event Kingsthorpe College has been allocated a part day slot between 11.30-2.00pm. Students are required to adhere to their normal timetable period 1 and 2. A coach will be provided to and from Bedford departing from KC at 10.30 a.m. and leaving Bedford at 2.00p.m. Lunch can be purchased at the event on the day although the dining facilities will be busy, therefore, it may be advisable to take a packed lunch and drink. There will be a charge for the transport to this event of £6.50 which must be paid through the online ParentPay system via the school website. Though your son or daughter may not be currently thinking of going to University it will provide them with some general information about future career options.

2. De Montfort University

This event taking place onTuesday,28th June, will provide an invaluable opportunity for our students to have a brief overview of University life, to understand what university admissions tutors are looking for, and to visit a city university. There will be a charge of £8.00 for the transport to this event which must be paid through the online ParentPay system via the school website. The coach will leave college at 8.45 a.m. and will return by approximately 3.00 p.m. Lunch arrangements will be announced to students nearer the time.

If you wish your son/daughter to attend either event then please complete the reply slip below and the attached medical form and return to Mrs Costello, the Sixth Form Administrator. If you have any queries please do not hesitate to contact me.

Yours sincerely

C Battams

Director of Sixth Form

The University of Bedford Higher Education Event – 20th June 2016

Student Name: ______Form______

I do / do not give permission for my son/daughter to attend the Higher Education Conference at The University of Bedford on Monday, 20th June 2016


Slips to be returned to Mrs Costello, Sixth Form Administrator. £6.50 to be paid in advance via the ParentPay system on the Kingsthorpe College website.


De Montfort University – 28th June 2016

Student Name: ______Form______

I do / do not give permission for my son / daughter to attend the De Montfort University trip on Tuesday 28th June 2016.


Slips to be returned to Mrs Costello, Sixth Form Administrator. £8.00 to be paid in advance via the ParentPay system on the Kingsthorpe College website.