Study Ten: The Grace of God

Read and contemplate on the following Scriptures.

Gen 6:5-8Lk 1:26-30

Exod 33:11-23Jn 1:14-18

Psalm 41Ac 4:32-33

Psalm 84:8-12Rom 5:20-21

Psalm 147:11; 149:4II Cor 4:15

Prov 3:1-4Eph 1:3-10

Prov 8:32-36Eph 2:4-10

What truths are taught about God in these passages? What knowledge of Him do we have? What meaning and practical application for our own lives can we take from the Word of God?

Important term for this study:

Grace –

Thought Questions:

  1. What is the impact of the grace of God upon mankind in general? What does it mean to you specifically?
  1. How is grace different than mercy? How do they function together in the redemption of mankind?
  1. Can we receive grace by demanding it of God, or can we attain it because of our moral integrity, or can we reach it by our own strength?
  1. How ought we to respond to the grace of God which has been granted to us? What can keep us from it?
  1. Is the grace of God only realized in the salvation process, or are other things attributable to His grace?
  1. Is there any sin that the grace of God cannot overcome and forgive? If not, why do we at times burden ourselves with guilt over past sins?
  1. Is the grace of God in the Old Testament different than the grace of God in the New Testament?
  1. How do some of the other attributes of God help “define” the scope of His grace?
  1. Do the concepts of “law” and “grace” stand in opposition to one another?

Being Honest with God and Yourself. (for personal study and meditation)

Think in more detail about some Bible situations where the grace of God provided for one of His people (e.g. Noah, Moses, David, etc). Many times, out of necessity to that situation, other individuals or nations were NOT provided for or blessed by God. How can we explain that? If God’s grace is unlimited, why are not all peoples blessed by Him? Write down some references, the situation discussed, and then answer the questions posed.

Search for and record other verses of Scripture that detail the grace of God. Is there anything that particularly stands out to you that has not been referred to or discussed elsewhere in this study?

List some ways that the grace of God has directly blessed and provided for you.

List some ways that you can personally demonstrate a gracious spirit to those around you.

Conduct a self-evaluation on your understanding and appreciation of the grace of God in your life. Be honest. How might you improve yourself, be lifted up by others, or be a source of encouragement to a fellow brother or sister?

The grace of God is clearly evident in my spiritual salvation.

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The grace of God is clearly evident in my physical blessings.

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The grace of God is clearly evident in His providential guidance to me.

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The grace of God is clearly evident in His helping me resist Satan.

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The grace of God is clearly evident in my spiritual family relationships.

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Receive encouragement from the words of the old hymn, Amazing Grace –

Amazing grace! How sweet the sound! That saved a wretch like me!

I once was lost, but now I’m found; Was blind, but now I see.

‘Twas grace that taught my heart to fear, And grace my fears relieved.

How precious did that grace appear The hour I first believed!

Thru many dangers, toils and snares I have already come.

‘Tis grace hath bro’t me safe thus far, And grace will lead me home.

Before you offer your prayers to God, meditate on and draw closer to Him.