October 29, 2006
Meeting called to order by President Michalec at 10:10 a.m., at the Marriott hotel, Colonie.
Dues and Assignor fees of $121 per member were collected by area chairmen.
Copies of the minutes from last year’s meeting are available upon request. Mike Rennick made a motion to accept the minutes, motion seconded by Pat Ramundo. Motion carried.
Treasurer’s Report was given by Mike Rennick. Copies were distributed. Motion to accept the Treasurer’s Report was made by Ian Bonthron. Motion seconded by Tom Kelly. Motion Carried.
Audit Report given by John Iannacito.
A 25-25/50 raffle will be held.
Membership Committee Report given by Frank Mills. Members to be moved to varsity status are as follows: Joshua Amyot, Blaine Berner, Susan Eastman, Zach Hasting, Matt Hebert, James Kielty, Ted Marbaker, Joe Masi, Alex Parrott, Dave Schubmehl, Greg Smotzer, and John Villa.
Assignor’s Report given by John Hogan:
Sectional tournament: The major problems were weather, sites and rescheduling games. John gave a list of some of the new sites. John stated that you have to remember whether you filled out a school or Section II voucher to avoid payment problems.
This year John could not cover approximately 400 of the 2800 games to be assigned due to the shortage of officials.
As of today only 50 red and 600 yellow cards were issued this season. Some schools were high on yellow cards.
An in-house evaluation system was used this year using the Governing Board as evaluators on the Arbiter. This was much more successful than the previous system of using coaches’ reports. John received over 200 reports which were very valuable to him.
Nomination Committee report. On behalf of the Nominating Committee, Steve Rossley nominated Scott Reynolds for 2nd VP. From the floor, Tom Gorsin nominated Joe Kokernak, 2nd by Rod Wilson. A ballot vote was taken in favor of Scott Reynolds.
Plaques were presented to Bill Dayton, Scott Reynolds and John Harms for officiating last year’s State tournament. This year’s referees for the tournament, to be held at the Hall of Fame fields in Oneonta, on November 18-19, are Scott Reynolds, John Harms and Kim Wells. They were selected by the Section II committee.
The membership broke into area caucuses.
Meeting adjourned for Brunch.
Raffle winners are Jack Walsh and Bill Donahue, they received $50 each.
Last year’s sportsmanship winners were, AA-Albany, A-Averill Park, B-Catskill,
C-Maple Hill and D-North Warren.
Attendance was taken by VP Kim Wells.
Special Service awards were announced by Kim Wells;
25-30 years of service, John Iannacito, Ed Hardt, Pat Ramundo, Bob Williams, Brian Skelly, Luigi Corcione, Santo Genovesi and Jim Kisselburgh.
30-35 years, Tom Gorsin, Kevin Shultes and Steve Rossley.
35-40 years, Frank Mills and Karl Gerstenberger.
Over 40 years, Pete Sand.
A plaque and gift were presented to Karl Gerstenberger on his retirement after 40 years of officiating.
Kim Wells thanked outgoing President Robert Michalec for his two years in office.
Area reports: Central- Kevin Shultes was re-elected area chairman.
South-Phil Flach elected chairman. Field markings and conditions were discussed.
North-Officials being assaulted was a major concern. It was noted that police should be notified if this happens.
West-no report.
East-Lack of timers, scorers and ball people at games.
Robert Michalec spoke about the referee assault that occurred this year. The board would like anyone assaulted to report it immediately and file proper charges. He spoke about coach and spectator abuse during games. Such abuse needs to be handled on the spot. Remember, the word abuse is next to the word ejection in the book.
New business: Question was asked as to what was being done to make us a better group. The response indicated that evaluations, PT, written tests, rules interpretations, clinics, etc. are being used as mean of improvement.
If anyone is interested in officiating summer soccer and joining the USSF group, contact Robert Michalec or Mike Rennick or go to the CDYSL.org website. Mike Rennick reminded everyone of the shortage of high school officials. The membership committee is trying to set up a winter class. Contact either Mike or John Hogan. If you bring in one or more members you will get a $25 reduction on your dues next year.
Robert thanked all for his experience as president.
A motion to adjourn was made by Karl Gerstenberger. Motion seconded by Pete Sand. Meeting adjourned at 12:15 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Dennis Williams