Employment/Training Provider Organisations in Southwark
Job searching/Training
Name: Remploy (Work Choice)
Location: 202-206 Union Street, Southwark, London, SE1 0LH
Nature of service: For people with disabilities/long-term health conditions looking for employment of 16+ hours a week.
Eligibility: Southwark resident, in receipt of employment benefit, unemployed, receiving support for mental health
Referral route: Telephone
Contact: 0300 456 8047
Name: National Careers Service
Location: Pecan, 121 Peckham High St, London SE1 5SE
Nature of service: Employability skills, training and IAG
Eligibility: Southwark resident
Referral route: Call, e-mail () or drop in
Contact: 0207 732 0007
Name: Work Train
Location: Camden (but clients can be seen at Southwark Works, Elephant and Castle)
Nature of service: Offer employment and learning opportunities for clients with learning difficulties.
Eligibility: Southwark resident
Referral route: Email or telephone Helen Key (Project Lead)
Contact: 07854735076 /
Name: Thomas Carlton Centre
Location: Thomas Carlton Centre, Alpha Street, SE15 4NX
Nature of service: Adult Learning- training/skills development
Eligibility: Southwark Resident
Referral route: Phone or drop-in
Contact: 020 7358 2100 or
Volunteer Support
Name: Southwark Volunteer Centre
Location: Community Action Southwark, 1 Addington Square, London SE5 0HF: Tuesdays and Thursdays: 10.30am – 4.30pm and Unit 215/216 Elephant and Castle Shopping Centre SE1 6TE: Wednesdays: 10.30am – 6pm
Nature of service: Advice and guidance about volunteer work
Eligibility: Southwark resident
Referral route: Drop into centre (Tues/Wed and Thurs)
Contact: Elephant and Castle office: 0207 703 4205 Addington Square office: 0207 358 7020
Useful volunteer website: www.do-it.org.uk
Job Retention Support
Name: Lambeth Law Centre
Location: The Co-Op Centre, 11 Mowll Street, London, SW9 6BG
Nature of service: Legal advice for employment problems
Eligibility: Southwark or Lambeth resident
Referral route: Telephone referral
Contact: 020 7840 2000
Name: Blackfriars Settlement
Location: 1 Rushworth Street, London SE1 0RB
Nature of service: Legal advice for employment problems
Eligibility: Southwark resident
Referral route: Telephone referral
Contact: 0207 928 9521
Name: Remploy Access to Work Retention Service
Nature of service: Advice/support for in-work issues (reasonable adjustments etc.)
Eligibility: London-wide
Referral route: Telephone
Contact: 0300 456 8114
Local Colleges
Name: Lesoco (Southwark and Lewisham College)
Contact details: 020 8692 0353/
Web Address: www.lesoco.ac.uk
Name: Morley College
Contact details: 020 7450 1889/
Web Address: www.morleycollege.ac.uk
Name: Lambeth College
Contact details: 020 7501 5000/
Web Address: www.lambethcollege.ac.uk/
Name: South Bank University
Contact details: 020 7815 7815/
Web Address: http://www.lsbu.ac.uk/
Southwark Job Centres
(Benefits Advice/Job-Search support/Disability Employment Advisor (DEA)
Name: Kennington Job Centre
Address: 204 Kennington Park Road, London SE11 4BT
Contact details: 0845 606 0234
DEA contact details: Osei Tutu 0207 820 5888 / or Monica Edwards 02078203083 /
Name: London Bridge Job Centre
Address: Coburg House, 63-67 Newington Causeway, London, SE1 6BD
Contact details: 0845 606 0234
DEA contact details: Paul Winslow 0207 805 3186 or Gary Jenkinson 0207 805 3113 or Gina Nott-Hutchinson 0207 805 3120
Name: Peckham Job Centre
Address: 24-26 Peckham High Street, Peckham, SE15 5DS
Contact details: 0845 606 0234
DEA contact details: June Nelson 0207 805 3061/
Benefit Advice
CAB Adviceline: 03444 994 134
Rightfully Yours: 020 7525 7434 /