Name of Meeting: February Board of Directors Meeting
Facilitator: Christine Clyne, President / Secretary: Adele Avolio
Date: 2/2/2016 / Time: 5:30 – 7:42 p.m. / Location: Tidewell Hospice, 5955 Rand Blvd, Sarasota
Present: Christine Clyne, Marie Graziosi, Steve Hall, Renee Hood, , Adele Avolio, Angie Messerschmidt, Liz Cotner
Absent: Laura Ramirez, Mary Meunier
Guests: Angela Sain, Gina Burwood
Discussion Item / Notes
Call to order and welcome /
- Christine called the meeting to order at 6:01PM
Consent Agenda /
- Motion to approve the Consent Agenda was made by Renee to include the February Treasurer’s report and the January Minutes. Seconded by Angie. All in favor. Motion carried.
2016 Budget /
- Christine walked the Board through the budget line items
- Took the actual from 2015, added expenses and revenue
- Explained that class costs are a pass-through
- Conference tickets were purchased and will be sold. Only one registration (marketing incentive) will not be reimbursed for the Membership Initiative
- E-mail server and Quick Books – will be added to expenses
- Will continue to give name badges to new members
- Office supplies were added to the budget
- Projector and camera – Angela and Renee are researching. Steve will assist. Camera and projector are budgeted for $1,000
- Motion to approve the budget as presented was made by Angie. Seconded by Steve. All in favor. Motion carried.
Laura /
- Discussion was lead by Christine on behalf of Laura
- Christine will reassure Laura to use her best judgment for accepting new members
- Motion to approve the membership drive campaign phase one was made by Steve. Seconded by Marie. All in favor. Motion carried.
- Jerry is contacting previous SHRA members to determine reason for not renewing
Gina /
- Started putting together a profile for Manny
- Considering a photo booth
- Already featured on the SHRA website
Christine /
- EPLI and D&O insurance became effective 1/13/2016
- SHRM update :
- SHRM Board of Directors postponed 51% affiliation requirement for all SHRM chapters
- SHRA will be eligible for the SHRM e-blast twice a year, promoting chapter membership and an event of the chapter’s choice. This will provide access to SHRM’s at large community while recognizing the privacy and other concerns surrounding the sharing of SHRM member e-mail addresses
- SHRM has not dictated any change at the chapter level as it relates to certifications credits. SHRM will stop offering HRCI credits at the national conference
- Joyce Chastain, HR Past President will be our speaker for the February membership meeting.
- The December meeting will be held 12/16/16. It will be a breakfast meeting
Adele /
- Notification of February Membership meeting was sent to the Sarasota Herald Tribune
Mary /
- Discussion was lead by Christine on behalf of Mary
- Sent survey to 23 sponsors
- Building relationships with new and previous sponsors
- Reviewing sponsorship pages of other SHRM chapters
- Motion to support bundling was made by Marie. Seconded by Steve. All in favor. Motion carried.
Renee /
- Angela pointed out that in the process of researching other chapter’s websites in an attempt to bring uniformity to the SHRA website, she noticed that other chapters focus on job responsibilities of the position rather than personal information
- After discussion, preference is to blend the personal with the position duties.
- Angela will look into creating a hyperlink to the position descriptions
- Twitter account grew by 17
- Linkedin connections increased by 17
- Sending e-blasts to current and former SHRA members with the intention of increasing meeting attendance
- Created registration portal for Spring Certification Class
- Updates to website include spring certification class, board minutes, past presidents, online store and HR Florida
- Continued to transition responsibilities from Communications to Technology
- Continued SHRA website enhancements/updates in collaboration with Angela, Liz and Mary to include a list of upcoming programs to be published in the HR Florida calendar
- Seeking new volunteers to assist with Communication/Technology
- Preparing presentation for February member meeting – all suggestions are welcomed
Liz /
- Opening for June program - possibility to invite Daniel Bloom, will need to qualify for Strategic credits – Liz will invite him to a meeting
- Dr. Best – Performance Management Systems – is available for October
- Negotiating for Executive Coaching Resilience Coaching
- ACA, FMLA, HR Metrics, Drama on the Job, were topics gleaned from survey questions
- Reviewed Survey Monkey comments from January meeting
- Motion to increase gift cards from$25 to $50 on speaker gifts. Seconded by Steve. All in favor. Motion approved
Marie /
- December monthly meeting date has been confirmed with Holiday Inn for December 16th
- Stephanie and Amber are registered for Day on the Hill 2016
- In preparation, Stephanie and Amber are scheduling meetings with Senator Nancy Detert, Representative Julio Gonzalez and Senator Arthenia Joyner
Steve /
- Kathy Bouchard will talk about the Workforce Readiness Initiative through CareerSource at the February member meeting
- USF mock interviews – 120 HR professionals volunteered 360 hours and interviewed 448 graduating students
- Opportunities for HR Internships with funding from CareerEdge. Contact Kathy Bouchard
# / Action Item (AI) / Owner / Due Date / Status
1 / Steve will contact the two delinquent accounts / Steve / March meeting
2 / HR Florida draw / Laura / May
3 / Designating April as Member Appreciation Month and come up with an event, Diversity in October, Veterans for November / Christine / March
4 / Jerry contacting previous members / Laura / March
Prepared: A.A.