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Functional Specifications
Project Puffins: Complex Multivariable Keypad
RuthAnn Gobble
Jordan Way
Jon Wong
Name / Date / Name / DateDr. Aziz Inan / Dr. Karen Ward
Insert checkmark (√) next to name when approved.
University of Portland School of Engineering Contact: K. Ward
Revision History
Rev. / Date / Author / Reason for Changes0.9 / 09/16/07 / R. Gobble, J. Way, J. Wong / Initial draft
0.91 / 9/25/07 / R. Gobble, J. Way,
J. Wong / Draft corrections
University of Portland School of Engineering Contact: K. Ward
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Project bluebird
Table of Contents
Summary 1
Introduction 2
Background 3
Requirements 5
Overview 5
Physical Specifications 5
Size 6
Packaging 6
Electrical Specifications 6
System Hardware 6
Environmental Specifications 6
Operation/Storage 6
Temperature 7
Shock and Vibration 7
Implementation 7
Safety Specifications 7
Children 7
Security 8
Conclusions 9
University of Portland School of Engineering Contact: K. Ward
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List of Figures
Figure 1. Block Diagram of Project Puffin 5
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List of Tables
Table 1. Physical Specifications 5
Table 2. Environmental Specifications 6
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Project bluebird
Chapter / Summary1
Project Puffin is intended to exponentially increase security in the growing market of pin input devices (i.e. ATMs, shopping market pin keypads). This device will allow for greater security through the following input variations:
n Existing single key inputs
n Two-key chorded inputs
n Synchronous cascading key inputs
Project Puffin will function similar to current pin input devices while allowing for more complex inputs. This increase in possible pin combinations provides improved security for the consumer while providing more discrete pin possibilities.
University of Portland School of Engineering Contact: K. Ward
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Project bluebird
Chapter / Introduction2
This document is intended for the faculty of the University of Portland School Of Engineering and the industry representatives of this project. It will provide a detailed layout of the functional design of Project Puffin.
This report will give a brief overview of the physical parameters of the MOSIS chip being used as well as the electrical, environmental, and safety aspects of the device in use. The document will conclude with the groups assessment of future innovations which could be implemented to better improve the design and functionality of Project Puffin. Further information provided in this document will include diagrams and installation of the product.
University of Portland School of Engineering Contact: K. Ward
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Chapter / Background3
In these modern times, there is almost an ATM around every corner – they provide a convenient secure way of accessing one’s bank account including withdrawing cash. The first line of security is the customer’s PIN number – a number required to be entered by the user, stored on the ATM card. No matter who is in possession of the ATM card, if the correct PIN is entered, the user has full access to all the features of the customers’ bank account. Currently a PIN is made up of four numbers entered one at a time sequentially. The keys on a standardized terminal interface range from 0-9. This provides the user for 1,048,576 different pin combinations. Although this system has been secure for years, the number of users is exponentially growing and is dwarfing the number of PIN combinations. This calls for a new PIN system to allow for more security through greater PIN combinations.
Project Puffin will solve this growing problem, by allowing for more complex PIN entries. This is done by allowing for more than one key to be pressed simultaneously. The new complex PIN is still made up of a series of 4 key combinations. Each key combination can be made up of one to all 10 keys. For example, a PIN could be 2,7 & 8 pressed together, then 3 & 5 together, followed by 2,4,6 & 8 together, finishing with 5 being pressed alone.
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University of Portland School of Engineering Contact: K. Ward
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Project bluebird
Chapter / Requirements4
This chapter contains a detailed overview of Project Puffin and a description of the physical, electrical, environmental, and safety specifications. Included in this will be a detailed explanation on the implementation of this device.
Project Puffin is designed for consumer use in various pin input devices. MOSIS will be the IC used to integrate the design into a useable device. The chip will be functional for any standardized pin input device (i.e. ATM’s, Card Readers, Garage Door Security Systems, etc). Implementation will be achievable through the swapping of the current chip with the multi-variable MOSIS created. For the purposes of this project, however, the specifications and requirements for this device will be based off the values provided in the MOSIS fabrication process.
Figure 2. – Circuit Function Block Diagram for Project Puffin
Physical Specifications
Table 1. Physical Specifications contains a list of the physical specifications and their required values.
Table 1. Physical Specifications
Dimensions / ValueI/O Pins / 34-pin
Size / 16 mm2
Packaging / Ceramic/Plastic
Standardized MOSIS IC chip. 1.5 micron technology.
Standardized encasing for all MOSIS devices.
Electrical Specifications
System Hardware
Table 2. System Hardware Specifications contains a list of the system’s electrical specifications and their required values.
Table 2. System Hardware Specifications
Requirement / ValueVoltage / 5V
Clock / 100kHz-500kHz
Environmental Specifications
Table 3. Environmental Specifications contains a list of the physical specifications and their required values.
Table 3. Environmental Specifications
Requirement / ValueOperation/Storage / Keypad
Temperature / 0-70°C
Shock and Vibration / Moderate
The device will be integrated onto a circuit breadboard.
Standardized 0-70°C rating for MOSIS IC. As this device is not intended for outside use, exposure to weather elements is not a factor.
Shock and Vibration
When enclosed in device, the MOSIS chip can withstand moderate shock.
Project Puffin will be implemented as described below:
n Design fabricated and available on chips for consumer use
n Upon fabrication completion, the chip will be connected to compatible pin input devices
n Ready for input user ability (i.e. ATM devices, Card Readers, Garage Door Security Systems, etc)
Safety Specifications
Project Puffin is an internal installation and thus will be protected from and will not cause external interference (children…etc).
Through the use of existing single key inputs, two-key chorded inputs, and synchronous cascading key inputs, security for the user of Project Puffin will be exponentially higher then current input keypad entry devices by its creation of more possible pin combinations. Also, specifications of the chip will dissuade burglary (i.e. someone punching random numbers into the keypad) because of the complex sequence required for the device to run.
University of Portland School of Engineering Contact: K. Ward
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Chapter / Conclusions5
Recap the key points of the documents. State your conclusions based on information available in the document. Do not include new facts at this point. Also, the conclusion does
University of Portland School of Engineering Contact: K. Ward