StudyGroup/Book Study Outline of TopicsExamples
To show evidence of meeting group instructional hours please provide:
1)beginning and ending DATES of study,
2)and a tentative schedule of group meeting dates, starting and ending times, and defined topics to be covered.OR provide a detailed listing of topics and description of the work to be done by the study group.
(Please note: Only 1/3 of total instructional hours may be used for individual reading for book studies/study groups.)
Here are examples, #1 for a Book Study, #2 for a Study Group, and #3 for Study Group involving individual research.
#1 Example - Book Study
“A Framework for Understanding Poverty” bookstudy will meet:
1)February 17, 2010 – May 15, 2010
2)Textbooks and other resources must be identified on curriculum plan
3)See table below for tentative schedule and outline of topics
# 1: 2-17;8:00-9:00 am
Facilitator – Group Norms & Meetings Protocol – Provide overview of how work can be used within classroom /Read chapters 1 and 2
#2: 2-26; 8:00-9:00 am
Discuss Chapters 1 and 2–Definitions and Resources (1), The Role of Language and Story (2) /Read Chapters 3 and 4
Complete poverty QuizComplete workbook module 1
#3: 3-5; 8:00-9:00 am
Discuss Chapters 3 and 4 - Hidden Rules Among Classes (3), Characteristics of Generational Poverty (4)Go Over Poverty Quiz
Discuss module 1 /
Read Chapters 5 and 6
Complete workbook module 2#4: 3-19; 8:00-9:00 am
Discuss Chapters 5 and 6 – Role Models and Emotional Resources (5), Support Systems (6)Discuss Support Systems
Discuss module 2 /
Read Chapter 7
Complete Self Questioning Strategy Chart#5: 4-2; 8:00-9:00 am
Discuss Chapters 7 - DisciplineDiscuss Self Questioning Chart /
Read Chapter 8
Complete workbook module 3#6: 4-16; 8:00-9:00 am
Discuss Chapter 8 – Instruction and Improving AchievementDiscuss module 3
#7: 4-20; 8:00-9:00 am
Participants – ReviewHow This Work Can be Used Within Classroom and Discuss Preparationof Classroom Applications for New Learning
/Read Chapter 9
Complete workbook module 4#8: 5-7; 8:00-9:00 am
Discuss Chapter 9 – Creating RelationshipsDiscuss module 4 /
Complete workbook module 5
Prepare reflection papers
#9: 5-15; 3:00-5:00 pm
Discuss module 5Summary/Share Classroom Application of New Learning and Provide Feedback to each Participant /
Hand in reflection papers to Facilitator
*Total group instructional hours: 10 hours
**The remaining 5 instructional hours will be met by reading assignments and preparing discussion questions. (a maximum of 5 hours per credit could be used for individual reading or research).
#2 Example - Study Group
“Reading Literacy in the Classroom” study group will meet:
1)February 25, 2010 – April 29, 2010
2)Textbooks, videos and other resources must be identified within curriculum plan
3)See description example below.
The teachers will be meeting once a week for ten week for three hours each. (30 hours)
February 25, March 4, March 11, March 18, March 25, April 1, April 8, April 15, April 22, April 29) from 3:30 – 6:30 pm each day
We will be reflecting on the reading assignments from the book called Differentiated Instructional Strategies for Reading in the Content Areas, presenting lessons from the studies on the previous book that I stated but also we will be reading together in class the books on literacy circles and helping the struggling reader. The teachers will be reflecting on what worked in their classrooms from our findings in the study group. Each teacher will take turns explaining the assigned chapters per week. They will be giving a presentation on the chapters assigned and how the information found in the chapters can relate to the classroom. I want the teachers to get to know the various learning patterns that children have and how to develop their lessons around this. Also, we will be working on literacy circles and how to develop them. The teachers will have to come up with three literacy circles that would fit the personalities in their classrooms.
We have two DVDs that I will be using with the books. They are: Part 1: Making the Most of Student Choice and Small Instructional Groups, Part 2: Tiering Assignments and Tapping the Power of Multiple Intelligence. With these DVD’s it will show various classroom characteristics to help facilitate differentiation of teaching and learning, develop independent practice, lesson assignments and projects. In Part 2 the DVD will provide information on design leveled questions, tasks and assignments that give all students access to essential learning objectives, promote understandings by focusing content area instruction on essential questions, and use classroom proven differentiation strategies to increase student achievement. By the end of our ten weeks the teachers will have a booklet full of information to help them develop a better Reading curriculum in their classroom, various literacy circles to use during workshop hour, and the knowledge to harness the motivation of each child to want to learn. Each teacher will be writing a reflection paper at the end of the course on what they have learned and how they will use this information in their classroom.
#3 Example - Study Group Involving Individual Research
The “Collaboration for Improved Student Performance ” study group will meet:
1)October 1, 2010 – December 20, 2010
2)Textbooks, videos and other resources must be identified within curriculum plan
3)Participants will be involved in one or more of the following activities to fulfill the 15 instructional hours per credit:
- Participation in a Block Planning Time with grade level or building level colleagues. Block planning times must focus on one of the four critical questions from “Learning By Doing”.
- Read “Learning by Doing” (Dufour, Dufour, & Eaker: 2006) and complete guided questions for working as a professional learning community (pages 68 and 69).
- Participate in continuous improvement efforts within your building.
- Collaborate with colleagues to create an At-Risk list of students in your class and then write and refine intervention plans for these students.
- Teacher visitation to another school/classroom-pre-approved by principal (a 4 hour maximum).
- Collaborate with your colleagues to create center activities for your students then meet and discuss which centers worked best and why.
- Collaborate with your colleagues to study the Standards and Benchmarks above and below your grade level.
- Collaborate with your colleagues to interpret the assessment of your students.
- Collaborate with your colleagues to develop “Common Formative Assessment” as outlined by Larry Ainsworth in the book “Ahead of the Curve: The Power of Assessment to Transform Teaching and Learning” edited by Douglas Reeves. Chapter 4 pages 79-100.