Homosexuality: News
>Canada Timeline (CBC, 040100)
>World Timeline (CBC, 040100)
Study: ‘Don’t ask, don’t tell’ policy not working (970226)
Australian gays win victory in ‘anti-gay’ law fight (970226)
Church defies Presbyterian order to ban gay preachers (970323)
Parties and protests greet Ellen’s coming out (970416)
Vatican: homosexuals can achieve holiness by abstaining (970423)
American Airlines ‘Pro-Gay’, Say Conservative Christians (970428)
Clinton backs measure outlawing job bias against homosexuals (970424)
Anglican bishops to apologize to gays (Ottawa Citizen, 970502)
Court turns aside challenge to gays-in-the-military policy (970512)
Cypriots protest plans to scrap gay ban (970514)
Judge backs lesbian’s right to adopt girl (London Times, 970521)
Lesbian couple can adopt child (970521)
Sexual Identity Clues May Come From Fruit Flies (970611)
Church of England to debate gay priests (970616)
Southern Baptists take on Disney (960613)
Southern Baptist Join Boycott Of Disney (970618)
Just A Few Reasons To Boycott Disney (970600)
Disney execs in collusion with homosexual rights activists (AFA Journal, 970600)
Families shocked by homosexual celebration at Magic Kingdom (970600)
Disney issue splitting Southern Baptists (970618)
Some Baptists visit Disney World despite boycott (CNN, 970623)
Pro-Gay Actions at Disney (970623)
How’d Disney Ringmasters Let It Happen? (LA Times, 970627)
‘Don’t ask, don’t tell’ struck down again (CNN, 970703)
Conservative Group Pressures Texas to Dump Disney Stock (970703)
Montana Court Overturns Ban on Gay Sex (970703)
U.S. to Appeal Ruling on Gays in the Military (970704)
Global AIDS cases hit 1.64 million, U.N. study says (970704)
Hawaii to offer marriage benefits to same-sex couples (970707)
Hawaii to Extend Benefits to Gay Couples (970710)
Texas court gives gay partners new legal standing (CNN, 970704)
Booth takes on Blair’s Government in court (London Times, 970710)
Canada is safe haven for sexual refugees (Ottawa Citizen, 970714)
Gay Christians ready for Church of England debate (970714)
Carey to speak out against gay and lesbian clergy (London Times, 970714)
Gay age of consent may be lowered (London Times, 970714)
Opinion: Life, liberty and the hunt for happiness (London Times, 970714)
Church inquiry on gay priests (London Times, 970715)
Church votes for ‘prayerful study’ on homosexuality (London Times, 970715)
B.C. leads way with gay-rights bill (970716)
Anglicans back same-sex legislation (970715)
Catholic group angry at Disney for ABC drama (970721)
Conservatives Step Up Criticism of Disney (970723)
AMA: Homosexuality No Reason for Therapy (970818)
Catholics attack Anglican bishop over gay clergy (London Times, 970818)
IRS Grants Tax-Exempt Status to Gay Group (970826)
New insurance company helps gay couples get marriage benefits (970902)
Gay Youths More Likely to Attempt Suicide (970902)
Catholic Church in US urges parents to love gay children (971002)
Same-sex couples win court victory (971003)
Anglican bishops repent for treatment of gays (971031)
Mayor discriminated against gay activist, inquiry finds (971009)
ABC’s own poll indicts Ellen’s lesbian kiss (971101)
Pope says church must speak out against pedophilia (971107)
Kinsey and the gay crowd (971101)
Kinsey and the gay crowd: his book (971112)
Evangelicals will not accept an official appointment (London Times, 971110)
Leading bishop gives support to gay sex at 16 (London Times, 971111)
Maine becomes first state to repeal gay rights law (Washington Times, 980216)
Gay workers have no right to equal benefits (London Times, 980217)
New Jersey Gives Gays Right to Adopt (971217)
More Soldiers Disclosing Homosexuality ‘Voluntarily,’ Says Defense Secretary (970407)
Tatchell is charged over pulpit stunt at cathedral (980413)
Gay sex at 16 to be legal by summer (London Times, 980416)
Bishop says the Bible is root of homophobia (980418)
N.S. extends same-sex rights (Globe and Mail, 980526)
Gay Teens Bear Psychological Burden of Intolerance (980528)
Cardinal condemns Bill for New York gay rights (980528)
Clinton Bars Job Bias Against Gays (980529)
Congregation fights to keep gay minister (Globe and Mail, 980603)
Safe haven for sexual refugees (970714)
Gay public servants cheer benefits victory in Canada (960614)
What we learned in Sunday school (980418)
Top court defends ‘charter revolution’ (980403)
Teenager wins fight for gay fostering (London Times, 980626)
Gay pride parade attracts gay protesters (980629)
Pedophile’s diary basis for Kinsey’s report on children (Washington Times, 980927)
Lesbians May Have Higher Breast Cancer Risk: Study (980930)
Court won’t review ‘don’t ask, don’t tell’ policy (981019)
Ex-gays suppressed in killing’s aftermath (981101)
Media: Affiliates censor ads citing options for homosexuals (Washington Times, 990516)
Same-sex partners declared ‘spouses’ (Ottawa Citizen, 990521)
Landmark gay ruling could affect 1,000 laws Same-sex couples win major victory in Supreme Court (National Post, 990521)
Dissenting judge shies away from spotlight Justice Gonthier (National Post, 990521)
The legal evolution of same-sex spousal rights (National Post, 990521)
Ruling alters way marriage viewed:family law expert Implications seen for adoptions, pensions, property rights (National Post, 990521)
High court reopens battle between judges, politicians Ruling reignites debate over court’s role in setting law (National Post, 990521)
The majority opinion (National Post, 990521)
The dissenting opinion (National Post, 990521)
State Supreme Court: Boy Scouts’ Ban on Homosexuals Is Illegal (990804)
Boy Scouts argue that gays, atheists should not be allowed (980106)
Pro-homosexual group influences media portrayals (Washington Times, 991121)
A provocative new book about gay animals is challenging the belief that homosexuality is an aberration of nature (Ottawa Citizen, 991129)
Gay man appeals over sex law bias (London Times, 991201)
Gay men cease to be most at risk from HIV (London Times, 991201)
California voters pass ban on same-sex marriage (CNN, 000308)
Churches in deal over moral code (London Times, 000316)
Dr. Laura censured for anti-gay talk (National Post, 000511)
Out of the closet, on the tube (CNN, 001016)
B.C. fights ban on gay marriage Decision may lead to overturning of federal law (National Post, 000721)
Scientific studies fail to corroborate ‘gay gene’ theory (Washington Times, 000801)
‘Gay marriage’ law outrages Vermont voters Governor faces backlash (National Post, 001000)
Rabbis reach out to change gay Jews (Washington Times, 001117)
Loophole may allow world’s first gay marriage ‘No gender distinction’: Tradition of banns will legalize unions, Toronto church says (National Post, 001205)
Traditionalists fear same-sex unions legitimize polygamy (Washington Times, 001213)
Gay marriage an idea whose time has come (Vancouver Sun, 001208)
Some Gays Can Turn Straight, Study Suggests (Foxnews, 010509)
New psychiatric study says gays can alter orientation (Washington Times, 010509)
Marriage-Strengthening Constitutional Amendment Proposed (Foxnews, 010713)
California Assemblyman Pushes Bill to Expand Domestic Partner Rights (Foxnews, 011024)
Straight talk about the new gay world (London Times, 011117)
Pediatricians’ Group OKs Gay Adoption (Foxnews, 020204)
County Closes Bank Account to Protest Handling of Boy Scouts (Foxnews, 020327)
Swarthmore Challenges Lockheed Martin Discrimination Policy (Foxnews, 020402)
Evangelicals warn that Williams in Canterbury would split the Church (London Times, 020621)
In future, will only gays get married? (National Post, 020715)
Premier backs same-sex marriages: Won’t appeal decision (National Post, 020717)
Ottawa canon: Allow gay marriages (Ottawa Citizen, 020718)
Liberal MP warns against gay marriages (National Post, 020718)
One man, one woman: Formalized same-sex bond should not be called a marriage (Calgary, 020718)
Liberals to poll public on same-sex unions (Ottawa Citizen, 020808)
Ottawa eyes quick end to gay debate (National Post, 020808)
Whoever Causes One of These to Sin: Can gays go straight? (National Review, 010518)
Gays Can Go Straight: And straights can go gay (National Review, 010514)
Stop Courts From Imposing Gay Marriage: Why we need a constitutional amendment (NRO, 010807)
Critics fear law for gays will muzzle preachers (Washington Times, 021204)
Presbyterian panel probes gay decision (Washington Times, 021205)
We Told You So: The Homosexual Network Twenty Years Later (Free Congress Foundation, 020208)
Some Find Gay Characters on TV Objectionable (Foxnews, 991105)
Vermont’s top court backs rights for same-sex couples (Foxnews, 991220)
Teachers will get tough rules on gays (London Times, 000128)
California voters pass ban on same-sex marriage (Foxnews, 000308)
Dr. Laura censured for anti-gay talk (National Post, 000511)
B.C. fights ban on gay marriage Decision may lead to overturning of federal law (National Post, 000721)
Scientific studies fail to corroborate ‘gay gene’ theory (Washington Times, 000801)
Same-sex book ban allowed in B.C. school (CBC Newsworld, 000920)
Ottawa finds flaw in gay marriages: No offspring (National Post, 020916)
Anglican chief and B.C. bishop in open feud over gay marriage (National Post, 020918)
U. of Maryland Slammed for Freshmen Reading (Foxnews, 020919)
Cauchon considers civil unions for gays (National Post, 021104)
Military Dismisses 6 Gay Arabic Linguists (Foxnews, 021114)
German gay marriage law backed (CNN, 020717)
Pope decries abortion, gay marriage (CNN, 971003)
First gay weddings in Germany (CNN, 010801)
UK gay couples register launched (CNN, 010907)
Sexual Rights: Traditionalists v. libertarians at the Supreme Court (NRO, 030221)
Court, states consider same-sex unions (Washington Times, 030224)
High court to give ‘gays’ their own ‘Roe’? (WorldNetDaily, 030225)
Seeing the Slip: A judge puts multiple parenthood on hold (NRO, 030414)
Texas Gov. Signs ‘Defense of Marriage Act’ (Foxnews, 030528)
Philly Boy Scouts Defy National Stance on Gays (Foxnews, 030529)
Gay couples can marry: Ontario Appeal Court (National Post, 030610)
Gay Marriage in Canada (NRO, 030611)
Ontario allows gay marriage (National Post, 030611)
Let gays marry now, court says (Ottawa Citizen, 030611)
Archbishop fuels row with message of comfort to gays (London Times, 030612)
Worldwide protest as Canadian diocese blesses gay partners (Church Times, UK, 030606)
It’s Over? the fine print (NRO, 030618)
Ottawa to legalize gay marriage (National Post, 030618)
Supreme Court Overturns Texas Gay Sex Ban (Foxnews, 030626)
Gay couples welcome equal rights (London Times, 030630)
Pope to MPs: Stop gay marriage (National Post, 030729)
Vatican leans on Canadian politicians (Ottawa Citizen, 030729)
Vatican Launches Global Campaign Against Gay Marriages (Foxnews, 030731)
Beyond Gay Marriage: The road to polyamory (Weekly Standard, 030804)
Marriage Radicals: Slipping down the slope (NRO, 030731)
Vatican raises stakes in gay debate (National Post, 030801)
Vatican: gay unions ‘gravely immoral’ (Ottawa Citizen, 030801)
No Surprises: The Vatican issues gay-union directives (NRO, 030801)
What Marriage Is For: Children need mothers and fathers (Weekly Standard, 030804)
Public Shifts to More Conservative Stance on Gay Rights (Gallup Poll, 030730)
The light that failed (David Warren, 030629)
Men & women (David Warren, 030713)
Homosexual “Marriage”: What Will It Take To Stop It? (Free Congress Foundation, 030624)
Vote on Gay Bishop Delayed (Foxnews, 030805)
Church to Vote Today on Gay Bishop-Elect (Foxnews, 030805)
Most U.S. Religious Groups Bar Gay Clergy (Foxnews, 030805)
Episcopalians Tackle Same-Sex Unions (Foxnews, 030807)
Multiple Gay Images Stir Straight Reaction (Foxnews, 030807)
Adopting Numbers: The Census side of the story (NRO, 030827)
What Heterosexuals Need To Teach Homosexuals (Free Congress Foundation, 030723)
Homosexual unions last only 1.5 years, says new study (Catholic World News, 030715)
Maintaining Pro-Family Momentum (Free Congress Foundation, 030801)
Majority Opposes Same-Sex Marriage (Foxnews, 030826)
The End Of Marriage? (Worldnetdaily, 030902)
Same-sex marriage: to divide another day (National Post, 030917)
Traditional marriage defeated (National Post, 030917)
‘Bible as hate speech’ bill nearing vote (WorldNetDaily, 030917)
Bible verses regarded as hate literature (WorldNetDaily, 030218)
The Bible as ‘hate literature’? (WorldNetDaily, 021021)
The Final Frontier For Civilization As We Know It (Free Congress Foundation, 030916)
Homosexuals to be covered by anti-hate legislation: ‘Fascist’ bill passes Commons, 141-110 (National Post, 030918)
Gay unions: the vital non-issue (Ottawa Citizen, 030919)
Conservative Episcopalians Ponder Breaking Away (Foxnews, 031007)
Church destroyed after ‘gay wedding’ (WorldNetDaily, 031009)
Marriage Protection Week (Free Congress Foundation, 031007)
Vancouver Anglicans Approve Same-Sex Unions (Christianity Today, 020617)
Scalia Blasts High Court’s Legalization of Gay Sex (Foxnews, 031023)
Catholic bishops reject same-sex ‘marriage’ (Washington Times, 031113)
Mass. Court Says Gay Marriage Can’t Be Denied (Foxnews, 031118)
Anglican defends marrying lesbians (National Post, 031118)
Candidates, Lawmakers Resist Marriage Ruling (Foxnews, 031119)
Support for Federal Marriage Amendment (NRO, 031130)
Gay ‘marriages’ tangle European laws (Washington Times, 031208)
Bush Says He Would Support Gay Marriage Ban (Foxnews, 031217)
In Iowa, Gay Marriage Illegal, Divorce OK (FN, 031218)
Calif. judge allows gay ‘marriage’ law (Washington Times, 031220)
Corporate Thought Police (Christianity Today, 031229)
Sailing Off into Irrelevance (Christianity Today, 031200)
Reformed Congregation OKs Gay Leaders (Christianity Today, 021119)
The Death of Canadian Democracy and the Birth of Judicial Unilateralism (Sierra Times, 040101)
Boston Catholic Archbishop Blasts Gay Marriage (FN, 040112)
Gay and lesbian activists warn Liberals not to backtrack on same-sex marriage (CBC, 040109)
Ottawa drafts same-sex marriage law (CBC, 040100)
Ohio Lawmakers Approve Gay Marriage Ban (FN, 040121)
Several States Seek Tough Bans on Gay Marriage (FN, 040123)
Legislators Trying to Circumvent Gay Marriage Ruling (FN, 040205)
Gay Marriage Ruling Likely to Be Campaign Issue (FN, 040205)
Bush: Gay-Marriage Ruling ‘Deeply Troubling’ (FN, 040205)
Get Ready for the Knock on the Door (Classical Anglican, 040216)
Oh, Boy (Scouts): Good kids caught in crosshairs (NRO, 040312)
Methodist Church Tries Lesbian Pastor (FN, 040318)
Methodists tighten stance on homosexuals (Washington Times, 040505)
Calif. High Court Won’t Halt Gay Weddings (FN, 040227)
Gay Pastor Acquitted in Church Trial (FN, 040320)
The Real Impact Of Gay Marriage On Society (FN, 040319)
Canada’s Anti-Gay Violence Law Worries Some (FN, 040518)
Catholic Parishioners Clash Over Gay Rights (FN, 040531)
Canadian Union Leader Claims ‘Hate Crime Against Gays’ but Toronto Police Say “No” (LifeSiteNews, 040531)
‘Hate crimes’ bill: Prescription for tyranny (WorldNetDaily, 040529)
Christian Complacency: The Unwitting Accomplice Of The Homosexual Lobby (Free Congress Foundation, 040527)
StatsCan figures on sexual orientation in dispute (National Post, 040615)
Methodists Endorse Church Unity After Rift (FN, 040507)
New judges favour same-sex rights (National Post, 040825)
Dobson: Boycott Procter & Gamble (WorldNetDaily, 040916)
Employees urged to support homosexual agenda (WorldNetDaily, 041006)
Furore as schools dump gay educational magazine (WorldNetDaily, 041011)
Criminalizing Christianity: Sweden’s Hate Speech Law (Christian Post, 040806)
CFI: Christians Should Give Nothing to Target this Christmas (Crosswalk.com, 041126)
Fortune 500 Companies See Money in Gay Families (FN, 040526)
MTV to Launch Gay Cable Network (FN, 040525)
Lesbians Raising Sons--Got a Problem with That? (Christian Post, 041215)
Christians, Arrested for Protesting Homosexual Street Fair, Now Acquitted (Christian Post, 050106)
Origin of Homosexuality? Britons, Canadians Say “Nature” (Gallup, 041102)
Evangelicals Warn Parents of Pro-Gay SpongeBob Video (Christian Post, 050122)
PBS stations to air lesbian-promoting cartoon (WorldNetDaily, 050202)
New Genetics Study Undermines Gay Gene Theory (Christian Post, 050211)
Metaphysics, Science, Homsexuality: Are we talking biology or choice? (National Review Online, 050216)
Was Abraham Lincoln Gay? Homosexuality and History (Christian Post, 050222)
Study finds disproportionate abuse by ‘gays’ (WorldNetDaily, 050303)
“Bias Won Out” At the Dallas’ Love Won Out Conference on Homosexuality (Christian Post, 050303)
The radical homosexual agenda and the destruction of standards (Townhall.com, 050309)
Homosexual Groups Unite to Push Agenda (American Family Association, 050308)
>Canada Timeline (CBC, 040100)
Canadian Broadcast Company News Online
Everett Klippert acknowledges to police that he is gay, has had sex with men over a 24-year period, and is unlikely to change. In 1967, Klippert is sent to prison indefinitely as a “dangerous sex offender,” a sentence which was backed up by the Supreme Court of Canada that same year.
December 22, 1967
Justice Minister Pierre Trudeau proposes amendments to the Criminal Code which, among other things, would relax the laws against homosexuality. Discussing the amendments Trudeau says,
“It’s certainly the most extensive revision of the Criminal Code since the 1950s and, in terms of the subject matter it deals with, I feel that it has knocked down a lot of totems and over-ridden a lot of taboos and I feel that in that sense it is new. It’s bringing the laws of the land up to contemporary society I think. Take this thing on homosexuality. I think the view we take here is that there’s no place for the state in the bedrooms of the nation. I think that what’s done in private between adults doesn’t concern the Criminal Code. When it becomes public this is a different matter, or when it relates to minors this is a different matter.”
Trudeau’s amendments pass into the Criminal Code, decriminalizing homosexuality in Canada.
July 20, 1971
Everett Klippert is released.
December 16, 1977
Quebec includes sexual orientation in its Human Rights Code, making it the first province in Canada to pass a gay civil rights law. The law makes it illegal to discriminate against gays in housing, public accommodation and employment. By 2001, all provinces and territories take this step except Alberta, Prince Edward Island, and the Northwest Territories.
Jan. 5, 1978
The Pink Triangle Press (now publisher of Xtra magazine) is charged with “possession of obscene material for the purpose of distribution” and “the use of mails for the purpose of transmitting anything that is obscene, indecent or scurrilous” for publishing an article titled “Men Loving Boys Loving Men” in the Dec. 1977/Jan. 1978 issue of The Body Politic.
After almost six years in the courts, including two trials, the case is finally resolved when on Oct. 15, 1983 the deadline passes for the Crown to appeal the second court acquittal. (In the first trial, The Pink Triangle Press had also won an acquittal but upon appeal the Crown won a retrial.)
The case results in an important precedent. On June 15, 1982, Judge Thomas Mercer, the judge for the second trial, rules that the article “does, in fact, advocate pedophilia,” but says, “It is perfectly legal to advocate what in itself would be unacceptable to most Canadians.”