Study Buddies Pre/Post
- I believe I can bring my D or F up to a higher grade. (A)
- Strongly agree
- Agree
- Disagree
- Strongly disagree
- I believe that using study skills and test taking strategies will help me do better in school. (A)
- Strongly agree
- Agree
- Disagree
- Strongly disagree
- People that I go to when I need help include:(S)
- Teachers
- Counselors
- Friends
- Parents
- All of the above
- I have a time management plan. (S)
- Strongly agree
- Agree
- Disagree
- Strongly disagree
- I use my agenda to write down assignments and to complete my homework. (S)
- Strongly agree
- Agree
- Disagree
- Strongly disagree
- I know that I need to ______to follow directions that I am hearing. (K)
- Look at the person speaking
- Be quiet
- Ask question if I don’t understand
- All of the above
- Out of the four strategies below, how many did you use the last time you had to follow written directions? (S)
- I read all the directions first before beginning
- I read the directions 2 times before beginning
- I asked questions if I didn’t understand what to do
- I checked my work to see if I followed the directions
- If I can’t answer a question on a test, I should: (K)
- Make my best guess and re-check once I’m finished
- Leave it blank
- Skip it and come back to it
- Bubble in all of the answers
- I should be careful when a test question uses the words: (K)
- Always
- Never
- Sometimes
- Both A and B
- I do these things before taking any test: (S)
- Get a good night’s rest the night before
- Study
- Eat the “right” breakfast on that day
- All of the above
- Out of the strategies below, which ones do you regularly use? Circle them. (S)
- I read all directions more than once
- I read all answer choices before choosing one
- I focus on key words in the questions
- I cross off wrong answers to narrow my choices
- I check my work
- What is an example of good organizational skills? (K)
- Have a lot of old and new papers on your desk
- Stuff your homework in your book for that subject
- Have all of your materials to complete your homework all over the house
- Check your agenda for assignments to be completed at home, and have the correct books
- A tip to remember important information is: (K)
- Say the info out loud
- Picture the info in your mind
- Create and use codes to help remember
- Teach it to someone else
- All of the above
- When I’m doing homework or studying for a test, I do the following: (S)
- Read through quickly so I can get going
- Highlight important words/ideas
- Study and practice a little bit each day
- Make flash cards with important words/ideas
- Wait until the night before to study
- I want to have better grades on my report card. (A)
- Strongly agree
- Agree
- Disagree
- Strongly disagree