Covenant Christian Preschool & Kindergarten
3 Year Old Class Potty Training Agreement
At CCP&K we ask that all children entering the 3 year old class to be potty trained. This is an exciting time for you and your child because they are becoming more independent and learning how to make their own way in the big world. We understand that accidents happen and are to be expected. Our process for dealing with an accident will be to help your child change and let you know at the end of the day. If your child has multiple accidents two weeks in a row a conference will be held with the child’s teacher and the director. 3 year old classrooms are not equipped with changing stations.
· Accident: something that happens two or three times in a school year
· Multiple Accidents 2 day 3’s: one every week
· Multiple Accidents 3 day 3’s: two a week
· Pull-Ups: Children in the 3’s may wear Pull-Ups to school. If you send your child to school in a Pull-Up it will not be changed. If your child has a bowel movement in the Pull-Up, the first time the teachers will change it. If the teachers have to deal with a dirty Pull-Up on a daily basis, then you will be called to come and change it. At that time we may ask for a conference to discuss if your child is fully potty trained.
If you are unsure if your child is truly potty trained ask yourself, does my child have an accident every day, does your child go to the bathroom without you asking, does your child have their bowel movement in the toilet? If you can not answer these questions with a yes they might need a little more work.
I have read and agree with this policy.
Parent Signature Date
Child’s Name
Child’s Teacher