Study Abroad Program Proposal Approval and Development Process

12+ months prior to departure: SITE VISIT Financial Support

1.  Faculty Leader submits request for site development financial support to Study Abroad Office (SAO). Complete request includes:

Narrative of proposed visit objectives

Proposed Itinerary

Preliminary Budget

2.  SAO forwards request to RCIP Executive Director and Associate Provost with recommendations for funding decision.

3.  Director of Study Abroad will notify Faculty Leader of financial support decision.

4.  Faculty Leader completes site visit to collect proposal data using “Program Site Visit Checklist.”

5.  Faculty Leader will reconcile expenses related to site visit with RCIP upon return for reimbursement.

12 to 9 months prior to departure: PROPOSAL DEVELOPMENT AND APPROVAL

6.  Faculty Leader submits a complete program proposal to the Director. A complete program proposal includes:

·  Proposal Coversheet

·  Narrative describing the program

·  Preliminary budget worksheet

·  Program itinerary

·  Course syllabus

·  Letter of support from Department Chair(s)

Proposals for Fall programs due by OCTOBER 31 prior year

Proposals for Spring programs due by MARCH 30 prior year

Proposals for Summer programs due by OCTOBER 31

7.  The Director will review the proposal to ensure all content is included and distribute to International Programs Committee for academic content review. Committee can either request revisions/clarifications or provide Preliminary Approval.

8.  Once approved, SAO will then send the Faculty Leader an email of Preliminary Approval with cc to Department Chair(s). The Faculty Leader should begin student recruitment activities and work with the Coordinator of Field Study Budgets to create an official program budget and route it for signature. The Faculty Leader will receive the Faculty-Led Study Abroad Handbook which provides more detailed information about program logistics, requirements and arrangements. In addition, the Director will provide for completion:

·  Program Emergency Contact Information Form.

·  Insurance Roster

9.  SAO formats proposal documents to develop “notebook” for Senior Management approval. Notebook is submitted for signature to:

RCIP > Dept. Chair > Dean > Associate Provost > Provost > then returned to SAO.

9 to 2 months prior to departure: RECRUITMENT AND APPLICATION CYCLE

10.  Students begin submitting their applications online. Student Application Deadlines:

Fall Programs student applications due by October 1

Spring Programs student applications due by March 1

Summer Programs student applications due by March 1

11.  Faculty Leader liaises with Travel Agent to make student flight arrangements IF you wish to utilize a group flight.

9 to 6 weeks prior to departure: FINAL DOCUMENTATION AND ASSESMENT

12.  The Director will contact Faculty Leader to arrange a “Pre-Departure Meeting” to:

·  Confirm that the program budget is completed and program has sufficient enrollment to run

·  Confirm all documents are submitted

·  Confirm final itinerary and emergency contact information (incl. 24/7 contact).

·  Confirm Faculty Leaders plans for a pre-departure orientation with participants

6 weeks prior to departure: ORIENTATION

13.  Conduct a pre-departure orientation for your participants.

14.  NOTE: Faculty Directors are responsible for keeping RCIP apprised of any changes that take place after the “Pre-Departure Meeting” and before group departure. Any on-site changes or program concerns should be promptly reported to the Director.

15.  Student (Group) Departure