a)Who is that at the front door?
You can hear the clicking of the heels of the maid’s regulation footwear as she glides across the marble entrance hall of the house and responds to the chiming door bell; opens the door ever so gently and peeks out to see the guest on the doorstep. She immediately gives a shriek of horror and falls to the floor in a faint.
The son of the family hearing the commotion rushes to intervene and lifts the maid unto a chair and opens the door a little further; he recoils in horror at who stands before him and although in his early 30’s he calls for his mother working in the kitchen just off the hallway.
Mum is less that delicate in her response as she sees the maid slumped on a chair and her son with his mouthso wide open. She grasps the door handle and swings the door wide and is riveted to the spot – speechless – at what she sees, and then her shock gave way to action – “Dad, get down here to the door NOW!!!”
The father of the house rushes from his upstairs office, takes the stairs two at a time, bounds to the door muttering something about ‘what is all the fuss about?’; halts in mid-steam and stares in amazement – standing at the door is a young man in his early twenties, poorly dressed, worse the wear from his long travelling, but still recognisable in spite of an absence of some years….. and holding in his hand …an envelope – with just three words on the outside – ‘FAO PHIL LEMON’.
b)Colossians is closely related to this letter of Philemon
Colossians is a doctrinal book to the church there which meets together in the house of Philemon.
The letter from Paul to Philemon is very personal to Philemon, his wife, his son, his church group. The letter has to do with a man called Onesimus who was Philemon’s slave, who apparently had stolen from his master and had run away to Rome, hoping to get lost in the metropolis, and who, years later, now stands at his front door.
Recall, of course that Phil Lemon has already read the letter from Paul to the church in Colossae, and has delicately consumed its contents and message. Let’s take a few moments to consider that message.
c)Colossians sets forth the pre-eminence of Jesus Christ
In chapter 1 Jesus Christ is portrayed as being ………‘FIRST-ALWAYS’;
then in chapter 2 He is ………………………… SUFFICIENT – ALWAYS;
chapter 3 concerns Jesus Christ being ………………EVERYTHING – ALWAYS;
finally chapter 4 presents Jesus Christ as being …….MASTER- ALWAYS.
BUT … the letter to Philemon
lets us see how this family and fellowship
are going to live out the pre-eminence of Christ
in a real-life situation.
d)We are not sure how Onesimus ended up in Rome
Perhaps he was trying to blend in with the other slaves milling around Rome; since it is estimated that 1/3 of Rome’s population was made up of slaves; it would be ideal place to hang out and fade into the background.
e)Somehow Onesimus meets Paul in Rome
The result of that encounter was that Paul led him to the Lord – (v10)”I beseech you for my son Onesimus”. Perhaps Onesimus bumped into Epaphras who was in Rome to visit Paul, having come from Colossae. More likely, Onesimus continued his malpractices and fell foul of the law
once more and ended up in prison, where no doubt he would meet Paul. Whatever the circumstances, we do know that God intervened in the life of Onesimus and he is now “a faithful and beloved brother” in Christ.
f)Paul has the dilemma as to what to do with Onesimus ..
*discard him as a fugitive on the run?
*hand him over to the authorities?
*keep him in Rome with him
*send him back to face trial and punishment?
*send him back with a personal recommendation
g)A new master
Onesimus ran away from one master,
only to be taken captive by another Master
– the Lord Jesus Christ.
AM was totally disenchanted by the constant barrage of Bible thumping going on his part of Northern Ireland. Every area had its fill of mission halls; churches; outreach halls. He decided to emigrate to South Africa to be employed as a Director in a large building contracting company. He was introduced to the Board members on his first day in the job and assigned to share an office with Peter Johnstone, a man of his own age and equivalent background. Immediately on entering his new office A heard the door close behind him and Peter looked him clear in the eyes – ‘A, so we get off on the right footing, I need to tell yousomething very important – I’m a born-again believer’.
A returned to NI some years later a changed man, having found Jesus Christ as his Saviour and Lord.
Onesimus was exactly the same!
The encouragement to all parents and all families is that no matter how far our loved ones go – they can never outrun,outstretch, a God Who follows their every footstep.
You know prayer works. You yourself are indeed a full proof of that fact, that someone’s prayers for you were well and truly answered.
According to Col 4:7-9, Tychicus would travel from Rome – a distance of 1500 miles – a journey of probably 2 months – to deliver Paul’s letter to the church at Colossae; and probably Onesimus would travel with him to hand deliver Paul’s personal letter to Philemon.
The events which unfold in these 25 verses are quite significant – both for Paul’s day and for our day. We have a slave who has stolen from his master, run away; broken the law; now a criminal – and still legally bound to his master Philemon – THAT NEEDS DEALT WITH!
We have the master Philemon who has suffered a double loss – that of the services of his slave, and, the loss of the property stolen – THAT NEEDS DEALT WITH!
We have the law which allows any master to deal with a captured runaway slave in the most repulsive ways, even death. – THIS NEEDS TO BE SORTED!
But the crunch is this – there are two brothers in Christ –
each from different sides of the track –
who need to work out all the above
in a godly, biblical and God-glorifying manner!
Recalling, of course, that Paul has taught them the pre-eminence of the Lord Jesus Christ!
Every single member in the Colossian church will be watching closely how Philemon, his wife and his son, handle this delicate and tricky situation.
We will get to see in these 25 verses how conflict should be resolved in a local church. We will get to meet Philemon and see how several Biblical principles are implemented in the lives of ordinary Christian people in real-life crises.
Onesimus is going to have to humble himself by begging forgiveness from his earthly master, even though he has got it from his heavenly Master.
A church was visited by a group of born-again believers who had been recently converted in prison – (Prison Fellowship)- and some of their testimonies were inspiring and challenging. At the fellowship gathering following the service the local pastor was heard to ask the leader of the group – ‘have any of the group made any attempt at reconciliation and reimbursement to any of the public they have robbed or hurt?’ The leader was aghast at such a suggestion and replied in the negative.
The biblical experience of Paul, Onesimus and Philemon would appear to be at odds with current practices.
The lessons to be learned from Philemon are life-changing!
It brings to life one of the most important Biblical principles that we can ever implement in our lives and that is to handle life’s thorny issues in the light of the immense character of Jesus Christ whom we love and who loves us intensely.
Theme of the letter is to display PRACTICAL Christianity following DOCTRINAL Christianity of Colossians.
With Paul, the writer of this letter, is Timothy, and possibly some guards, and intermittently, those named in verses 23 to 25, at end of letter.
He describes himself as [v1] – “a prisoner of Jesus Christ”. Paul only here refers to himself in this way. No doubt doing so because he is writing about another “prisoner” – Onesimus. So Paul is setting out his stall and reminds Philemon of the double prisoner-ship he encounters; that of the physical (I’m in jail) and the spiritual (I’m in Jesus).
However Paul sees his imprisonment as being in the centre of God’s will for his life – or, like Joseph in Genesis, getting iron for his soul. Perhaps needed to be where he was at this time so as to meet up with Onesimus.
Timothy was with Paul, as his pupil, in this school of God. He was to become a pastor, so Paul gave him all the experience and exposure to be an efficient and acceptable church leader. In 10 of his 13 epistles Paul refers to Timothy, so he obviously was watching and learning from his mentor and master.
This is an important Biblical principle.
Leaders must be exposed to how things function in the local church. They must be shown the work to be done; they must be shown how to do that work; they must be monitored and supported. This letter to Philemon is part of the coaching process; for the process to work the leadership of Jesus Christ is crucial and fundamental – then follows the leadership that is in authority within the church body.
Timothy did this, and hence became a successful and godly leader himself.
The lesson on the blackboard is that of practical Christianity – facing today’s world; today’s problems; with clear Biblical precepts ……ALWAYS HAVING JESUS CHRIST PRE-EMINENT!
[i]his heavenly family
a)‘Paul’ [v1] – the captive -the prisoner of Jesus Christ
b)‘Jesus Christ’ –the captor -Jesus Christ
c)‘Timothy’ the companion – our brother
[ii]his earthly family
d)‘Apphia’ – the consort- his wife
e)‘Archippus’ – the clerk – our fellow-soldier- his son
f)‘The Church’ – the church in thy house- his fellowship
Phil had been converted through Paul- probably in Ephesus, where Paul preached for 2 years – Paul’s own words would confirm [v19] “… thou owest unto me thine own soul”.
Paul knew him well, and makes reference to his qualities on 3 occasions –
[v1] “our dearly beloved”
[v1] “our fellow-labourer”
[v22] “ prepare me also a lodging …”
In considering these words very carefully, do we know someone well enough that we could submit such a reference?
Her job application was accompanied by a letter of reference. When I spoke personally with the writer he painted a very different picture – the true picture.
The company advert requested that only trustworthy applicants need put themselves forward as the handling of large sums of money were involved in the daily routine. Peter applied. His reference was outstanding. His appearance at interview matched the words on the reference. The company director, however, thought this was too good to be true, so he visited the writer of the reference after having done some discreet enquiries. The reference writer was the local Catholic priest and was horrified to be told that he was a dishonest and uncaring man. When challenged concerning the accuracy of his reference the priest finally admitted that he had embellished the facts. The director changed the word to dishonesty concerning the facts, for Peter was a member of Gamblers Anonymous and had been entered into their recovery programme by that very priest. After being warned of the serious possible consequences had Peter got the vacancy, the priest duly apologised and admitted his error.
Philemon’s reference had the full backing of an apostle and an all-knowing God!
With the glowing reference in his hand, Philemon is about to be examined and scrutinised – has the doctrine contained within the Colossian letter penetrated the heart of Philemon; can he put into practice the preaching of [Col 3.22-4.1]?
“servants obey in all things your master according to the flesh, not with eyeservice as menpleasers; but in singleness of heart, fearing God: and whatsoever you do, do it heartily, as to the Lord, and not unto men; knowing that of the Lord you shall receive the reward of the inheritance; for you serve the Lord Christ. But he that doeth wrong shall receive for the wrong he hath done; and there is no respect of persons. Masters, give unto your servants that which is just and equal, knowing that you have a Master in heaven”.
The work responsibilities
for Onesimus would not necessarily change
but the work relationships would.
Paul wrote, not only to Philemon himself but also to his spouse, his wife – [v2] “… and to our beloved Apphia …” It is generally accepted that this lady was, in fact, Phil’s other half, and being so, she would be intimately embroiled in the struggle of dealing with this practical matter in a spiritual manner.
Paul adds these words [v2]”.. and to Archippus, our fellow-soldier”. This is generally accepted to be the son of Philemon, and more than that, [Col 4.17] adds: “and say to Archippus, Take heed to the ministry which thou hast received in the Lord, that thou fulfil it.” It appears that Archippus was, in fact, the pastor at the church in Colossae.
What Onesimus had done impacted, not only Philemon, but Philemon’s spouse and Philemon’s son. So Paul writes to all three, in the desire that they would all concur on the remedy for dealing with Onesimus.
So what we do wrong, can impinge on our family and even wider circle. It can affect so many others. Mum, Dad, brother, sister, friend – may all react differently to our untoward actions; but be assured that all feel it!
Now the full orb of Paul’s teaching on Christian doctrine and the pre-eminence of Jesus Christ reaches its full dimension – Philemon’s family, friends; and now fellowship are engrossed in the matter – they must decide in the light of Paul’s teachings on Christ’s pre-eminence how does the fellowship handle this matter; for Paul has written – [v2] “… and to the church which is in thy house”.
Philemon’s fellowship would watch him carefully here; his reputation is on the line; his true character will spill out; it is crunch time for Philemon’s fellowship and for Philemon.
Other masters in the Colossian church would have slaves of their own, and would intensely observe Philemon’s spirituality on this practical issue. What would he do? Would Philemon and his family forgive Onesimus and embrace him? Would Philemon and his fellowship now forgive and accept Onesimus? Or, would Onesimus be censored and treated as a second-class citizen? And if so, would there be (a good old-fashioned NI word here)’discrimination’ within the fellowship; would there be division and disunity?
Paul has already instructed them [Col 3.14,15] – “And above all these things, put on love, which is the bond of perfectness. And let the peace of God rule in your hearts to the which also you are called in one body, and be you thoughtful.”
Therefore Paul wrote this letter to be read by Philemon, his family and his fellowship – they must all agree on the right course of action – as taught by Paul in his epistle to the Colossians – so that when it comes to practicalities Jesus Christ will be pre-eminent.
One other important aspect of Paul’s Christ-centred ministry needs to be highlighted here – [Col 3.11]: “There is neither Greek nor Jew, circumcision or uncircumcision, Barbarian, Sycthian, BOND OR FREE, but Christ is all and in all.” That is, when we stand beneath the cross of Jesus, we are all equal. The gift of forgiveness from Christ does not have a specific colour attached to it; nor a religious tag; nor a bank statement; nor a university degree. We must learn to forgive others just as God Himself forgave us, for the sake of His Son.
The dominoes are all in place – Paul, Timothy, Philemon, Apphia; Archippus; Onesimus; the Church at Colossae –
The guards watching Paul would, no doubt, be very impressed!
a)The length of his faith [v5]
‘hearing of thy love and faith, which thou hast toward the Lord Jesus, and toward all saints;’
Love and faith = endless
Towards JC = selfless
Toward all saints = boundless (inc Onesimus)
b)The width of his faith [v6]
‘that the communication of thy faith may become effectual by the acknowledging of every good thing which is in you in Christ Jesus.’