Students worked with partners to compare two three-digit numbers based on meanings of the hundreds, tens, and ones digits, using >, <, = symbols to record the results of comparisons. (MAFS.2.NBT.1.4)
Winter Break Activity IdeasLearning throughout the holiday is available right at your child’s fingertips. Prodigy, Khan Academy, and BrainPop Jr. are three excellent online resources. Fun poetry can be found at Kenn Nesbitt's
For our young artists and engineers, Toyota has a Dream Car contest. Visit their site for details / Homework-Wk. of Dec. 11-15, 2017 (with standards)There will be no Scholastic News magazines sent home this month as homework.
Reading: Mon.-Thurs. nights-Students read from an appropriate-level, just right, good fit AR book for 20+ minutes and record the title in the AVID planner/agenda. (LAFS.2.RF.4.4.a)
Writing: Students choose at least two topics in their journal and write to respond (LAFS.2.W.2.5, LAFS.2.L.1.2.d, LAFS.2.L.1.1.a).) Due by Fri., Dec. 15.
Science, Reading, and Writing: Students read the article from ReadWorks, Water Takes Three Forms, and complete the accompanying comprehension questions (SC.2.P.8.2, LAFS.2.RI.1.1, LAFS.2.W.3.8). Due by Fri.
As your child’s schedule permits: Students practice math skills online in Prodigy and Khan Academy (includes MAFS. 2. OA.2.2 and MAFS.NBT.1.2).
/ ketterlinus elementary school newsletter Ms. Ballinger gr. 2
ketterlinus elementary school newsletter Ms. Ballinger gr. 2
Wk. of Dec. 11-15, 2017
PE with Coach Allen, Mighty Milers, and Go Noodle each aim to keep students moving and healthy. You can access Go Noodle from home at
AR Update
As of Dec. 7, The class has read a combined total of 846 books and 1,713,052 words, as shown by passed AR tests. Kaila and Sawyer have exceeded the second-9 wks.’ goal and join Mary, Savannah, Wilder, Gabe, Finn, Remi, Caroline, Mabel, and Mallory. They are encouraging their classmates to persevere and reach their goals, too, by Dec. 21.
Current Word Wizards: Gabe (326,475); Finn (292,112); Kaila (197, 420); Mary (180,350); Caroline (168,785), Mabel (119,759); and Savannah (101,505).
Most books read: Savannah (106); Gabe (88); and Mabel (82). / The second-grade iReady reading and math assessments will be administered Dec. 11-20, 8:40 a.m.-9:25 a.m. Thank you for ensuring your child is rested, has eaten breakfast, and arrives to school on time.
Reminder: Both Dec. 20 (Wed.) and Dec. 21 (Thurs.) are early release days at 1:50.
Words of Wisdom
Each day, the students watch and listen to our morning announcements, and pay close attention to the Words of Wisdom. After discussing the day’s quotation and message, they reflect and write in their journal. This month’s theme is The Gift of Friendship.
Students of the Week (SOTW)
Congratulations to Savannah and Kaila, our recent SOTW. /
The KES Prep Band will perform for the school on Dec. 21. Each grade level will participate in a seasonal sing-along.
Specials-Wk. of Dec. 11-15, 2017
Mon., Dec. 11-PE with Coach Allen, 1:45-2:25. Wear socks and sneakers, and pull back hair.
Tues., Dec. 12-Music with Mr. Gafford, 1:45-2:25.
Wed., Dec. 13-Art with Mr. Lewis, 10:10-10:50.
Thurs., Dec. 14-Computer Lab with Ms. Rhodin, 1:45-2:25.
Fri., Dec. 15-PE with Coach Allen, 1:45-2:25. Socks and sneakers, please.