UNIT - I wonder about Jesus’ mission and ministry.
- Students will need their Bible for this Unit.
- Suggested Bibles Breakthrough BibleNew Revised Standard Version
- Brainstorm activities
- Classroom data chart
- Wonderings
- Sentence strips
- Good News Bible App for IPad is a useful resource.
- Bible
- Books of the New Testament written on separate cards for sorting
- Bible Skills Activity
- Bible Tools BCE Module p 19-20
- Resource No 3Chapter Verse Activity
- Bible Tools Activity p21
- An Outline of Jesus for the noticeboard and to be added to as the Unit progresses
- Google Images
- Bible Atlas, Bible Dictionary, Biblical Commentaries, Concordance, Biblical Encyclopaedia
- “Going for Oysters” by Jeanie Adams
- Mt 5:1-10
- Mt 25:1-46
- Scripture retell
- Resource: Daily Life at the Time of Jesus by Miriam Feinberg Vamosh
- Lk 10: 38–42 (women)
- Mt 20: 29–34 (healing of the blind)
- Mk 10: 46–52, Lk 18: 35–43 (the blind beggar)
- Lk 19: 1–10 (Zacchaeus the tax collector
- Lk 10: 25–37 (the Good Samaritan)
- Frayer Concept strategy
- A-Z Teaching Strategies
- Resource No 5.
- Scripture: Historical, Social and Cultural Contexts BCE Module p 27-28
- Blind Bartimaeus
- Godly Play – Young Children and Worship p 18
- Godly Play Following Jesus p 69
- Concept web
- Role –play
- Luke 4:38-40, Jesus Heals many people
- Luke 5:17-26, Jesus heals a paralysed man
- Luke 7:1-10, Jesus heals a Roman Officer’s Servant
- Retrieval chart
- Role play and discussion
- Venn Diagram
- Character Sketch
Year 5 Term 2 RESOURCES
UNIT -I wonder if I can use different strategies to meditate.
- Children can make their own prayer journals. Ideas can be found on the Prayer Journal Pinterest page
- Think Pair Share
- Prayer Journal
- A selection of Children’s literature form the School Library.
- Collate their thoughts by using a concept map
- SeeTemplates:
- Huddle strategy
- In teaching strategies in the GN4L resource on
- Using audio visual materials, cameras, drawing equipment, interview questions etc…
- Picture display board.
- Be Still – Creation Meditations by Jill Gowdie and Michael Mangan
- Open Our Hearts
- By: Michael Mangan and Anne Frawley-Mangan (2010)
- A 4 CD collection to help teachers and parents easily teach Christian Meditation to children.
- Christian Meditation is 'prayer of the heart' which takes place in silence, with the aid of a mantra.
- Melbourne Catholic Education Office website: RE Source
- Resource Sheet added to Sample unit page.
- Bible – Genesis1:1-2:3
- Young Children and Worship p 92
- Brainstorming activity
- An Advertising campaign
- Research Jewish practices
- Write a blessing prayer
- Create and decorate a Mandala
- De Bono’s Six thinking hats
Year 5 Term 3 RESOURCES
UNIT - What can I do to show that I act justly in all my decisions?
- Resource 1: Think Pair Share Strategy
- Resource 2: 5Ws strategy
- Resource 3:
- Resource 4: Social Justice Calendar
- Susanna Di Mauro, Trudy Walsh & Mark Elliott (2003) People of Justice Module Catholic Education, Archdiocese of Brisbane p 20
- Resource 5: Person Pyramid
- Hats proforma with hats overview to prompt question development
- Resource 6: Y chart
- Catholic Mission:
- Caritas Australia and Project Compassion kits:
- St. Vincent de Paul:
- Centacare:
- Resource 7: Basic Principles of Catholic Social Teaching
- Resource 8: Jigsaw Strategy
Year 5 Term 4 RESOURCES
UNIT -I wonder how meeting Jesus in the Eucharist can change my life.
- A-Z strategies p 71
- Descriptions of the 4 parts of the Mass
- EXPLORE - the Presences of Christ
- The Presences of Christ
- The Meaning of the Mass Teacher Background
- Teacher Background
- A Friendly Guide to the Mass p8-15
- Teacher Background-A Friendly Guide to the Mass p8-15
- God Calls-We Gather
- The Introductory Rites
- 5Ws and H A-Z strategies p 144 (use this model as an example to students)
- Information in “What’s New About the Mass” student book p9-10 WNATM teacher edition p19-20
- Teacher Background A Friendly Guide to the Mass p18-26
- Scripture probe Into the Deep p62-63
- WNATM teacher edition p26-30 and p33-36
- WAPPT StrategyA-Z strategies p143
- Teacher Background A Friendly Guide to the Mass p38-55
- WAGS A-Z Strategies p142
- Scriptural Think Pad Into the Deep p82-84 The Last Supper Comparison
- Teacher Background: A Friendly Guide to the Mass p56
- Poem Instructions Original Poem Exemplar