Students will be engaged in fitness, recreational game, and activities throughout the trimester. Unit Activities will include Fitness testing, low organized games, swimming, individual and team sports. Classroom Rules: Be prepared, be respectful, and use good sportsmanship.


  • Keep the locker rooms clean and safe at all times. No horseplay at any time for any reason. Use of inappropriate or foul language will not be tolerated. Anything out of the ordinary please notifies Mrs. Kirk immediately.
  • You will need to purchase a combination master lock for PE
  • Be in your spot for attendance on time;Do not touch any equipment that is in the gym unless instructed to.
  • Wear proper gym attire EVEN if you have a doctor’s excuse you will be expected to dress out. Proper gym attire: grey or white t-shirt/ red shorts and gym shoes and roll on deodorant Any RCS sport shirt white or grey is acceptable. Supportive gym shoe are required. Absolutely no cell phones, Ipads, orcameras are allowed in PE locker rooms. Please leave these in your backpacks.
  • No valuables are to be brought and always make sure your gym locker is locked. Other athletes will be using the locker room so please keep your things safe by locking your locker.


  1. Dress out for PE (5 minutes)
  2. Go to your assigned spot in the gym and sit down. As soon as the leaders of the line are in place you may begin stretches. If the teacher is still in the locker room when stretches are over you are to sit and wait patiently unless you are told to do otherwise by the PE assistant (3 minutes)
  3. Group jog (2 min or more)
  4. Sit by the white board for instructions and explanation of the activity 2 min
  5. Activity (30 to 40 minutes)
  6. Finish up and conclude go to white board (1 min)
  7. Dress for class (5 min)


  • First offense: verbal; warning
  • Second offense: sit out from activity/loss of points
  • Third offense: Detention/loss of points
  • Fourth offense: Office referral
  • Teacher reserves the right to go straight to a punishment if in the judgment of the teacher the act committed is deserving of more than a warning or time out.

Grades: Participation is a large part of your grade. Your participation grade is 100 points per trimester. If you are not dressed for activity or do not engage in activity your participation grade will reflect this.

  • Dressing out/participation (0 points for not having gym clothes and tennis shoes).
  • Medical reason for not dressing can either be emailed or a written excuse to Mrs. Kirk (). If you are unable to participate for longer than one week, you will be reassigned another creative arts class.
  • Attitude/ Respect, making good choices
  • Occasional written test or physical evaluation per unit.
  • Dressing in the incorrect PE attire is minus 1 point.

Participation-100 points (50 per 6 weeks)

Unit test/evaluation-10 points per PE unit

Writing assignment-10 to 15 points