
Objective: Students will identify facts about trade relationships between the United States and Spanish-speaking countries.


Students will be divided into groups. Each group will choose a Spanish speaking country by lottery.

Students will be given a presentation date (also by lottery). The group that presents first will receive an extra 25%

Students will prepare a power point presentation answering the following questions. Spanish I students will present in English, Spanish II and above and native speakers will present in Spanish. Each person in the group will be assigned two or more of the questions depending on the number of group members.

Additional requirements

There is only one PowerPoint presentation per group. I do not want separate presentations for each group member.

The presentation may be given to me one of three ways:

Burned on a CD

Students pull presentation out of their email

Flash Drive

Presentations must include at least three sources. If the presentation does not have three sources I will not look at it and it will be marked late. No Wikipedia.

Late projects will be deducted 10 points a day. (this includes days you do not have class)

Plagiarism will result in a 0 for all those involved. Presentations made up entirely of quotes will be construed as plagiarism. The 0 will only be given to the student responsible for the section plagiarized. If students do not notify the instructor as to who is doing what section, all students in the group will receive the 0.

¿Cuáles son los productos que importa el EEUU de este país?

What are the products that the U.S. imports from this country?

¿Cuáles son los productos que exporta el EEUU a este país?

What are the products that the U.S. exports to this country.

¿Tiene el EEUU aranceles en los productos de este país?

Does the U.S have tariff on the products of this country?

¿Tiene este país aranceles en los productos del EEUU?

Does this country have tariffs on U.S. products?

¿Tiene el EEUU un tratado de libre comercio con este país?

Does the U.S. have a free trade agreement with this country?

¿Cuál es la moneda en este país?

What is the currency of this country?

¿Cuál es el tipo de cambio actual entre la moneda de este país y el dólar estadounidense?

What is the current exchange rate between this country’s currency and the U.S. dollar?

¿Cuál es la diferencia en dólares entre lo que exporta el EEUU a este país y lo que importa?

What is the difference in dollars between what the U.S exports to this country and what it imports?

Grading procedures

Projects will be graded in the following areas using a four point scale. A four would be “excellent”, a three would be “satisfactory”, a two would be “needs work”, and a one would be “poor”. Students will be graded individually for their respective questions. If students do not notify the instructor as to what their questions are, a group score will be given. If one student in the group notifies the instructor and the others do not, the other students will receive the group score while the first student will receive and individual grade.

Area I: Information

4 / All questions are addressed with accurate information.
3 / Most questions are addressed with accurate information.
2 / Some questions are addressed with accurate information.
1 / Few questions are addressed with accurate information.

Area II: Presentation

4 / At least 1/2 of the student’s slides have pictures or graphics relevant to information. All slides contain text.
3 / At least 1/3 of the student’s slides have pictures or graphics relevant to information. All slides contain text.
2 / At least 1/3 of the student’s slides have pictures relevant to the information. Some slides do not have text. Text is not coordinated with images and cannot be read.
1 / Less than 1/3 of the student’s slides have pictures. More than two slides are missing text.
Text is not coordinated with images and cannot be read.

Area III: Grammar and Spelling

4 / Less than five grammar or spelling errors
3 / Five to ten grammar or spelling errors
2 / Eleven to fifteen grammar or spelling errors
1 / More than fifteen grammar or spelling errors.

The three areas will be added up and divided by four.

A total of 4 will receive an A.

A total of 3.5 will receive a B+

A total of 3 will receive a B.

A total of 2.5 will receive a C

A total of 2 will receive a C-

A total of 1.5 will receive a D.

A total of 1 will receive an F