Phone/Fax:+7(495) 361-97-47, 361-93-69, 361-91-63 Web: E-mail:
Static Var Compensator (SVC) for Arc Furnace
Phone / Fax
Date, signature
The SVC system will be located in the town of …… approx. … km from the city of ………in the ………region of ……….The closest international port for import of goods is the port of ………. approx. …. km from the site. Transport of goods from the port to the site canbe made by truck with a maximum total load of ….tones and the maximum dimension of ……....Ambient Conditions
Installation type (outdoor and indoor)Altitude Above Sea Level, meter
Annual Rainfall, mm
Extreme Rainfall, mm/h (or mm)
Max. Relative Humidity, %
Min. Relative Humidity, %
Max. Outdoor temperature, ºC (dry bulb)
Max. Outdoor temperature, ºC (wet bulb)
Max. daily average outdoor temperature, ºC (dry bulb)
Min. Outdoor Temperature, ºC (dry bulb)
Pollution,salt, particulates, etc.
Wind load, max. speed, exposure etc.
Snow load, mm
Ice load, mm
Max Solar Constant, kW/m2
Seismic Requirements
Single line diagram
The single line diagram shall indicate power transformers, switchgears, measurements current and voltage transformers, the lengths and types of lines, bar-buses, cables and other
Network parameters at PCC (point of common coupling)
Rated voltage phase to phase at PCC, kVRated frequency, Hz
Three Phase Short Circuit Power at PCC, MVA
Minimum during the fault conditions
Existing Harmonics at PCC without EAF operation
The existing individual harmonic voltage distortion (from measurements) and existing total voltage harmonic distortion on the primary side of the main step-down transformer(s). Note that the system distortion typically follows daily and seasonal load variations.Pst 95% at PCC without EAF operation
Line between PCC and HV busbarLength, m
Type of line
Line between HV busbar and primary side of the step down transformer
Length, m
Type of the line
Main Step-down Transformer
Number of transformers connected in parallel for EAF operation
Type of transformer
Rated power, MVA
Rated voltage of the primary winding, kV
Rated voltage of the secondary winding, kV
Tap changer, exist or not
Number of steps, value
Voltage at each tap, kV
Short circuit voltage,%
Open-circuit current, %
Copper losses,kW
Iron core losses, kWVector group
Line between the step down transformer and medium voltage busbar
Length, m
Type of the line
Medium voltage busbar
Rated voltage,kV
Max operating voltage,kV
Type of system grounding
The three phase Short Circuit Power, MVA
Furnace Series reactor
Values of inductance per phase (for each tap if any), mH
Values of resistance per phase (for each tap if any), Ohm
Arc furnace transformer
Rated power, MVA
Rated voltage of the primary side, kV
Tap changer
Number of tap, value
Secondary voltage relevant to every tap
Secondary voltage at EAF working point, kV
Maximum secondary voltage, kV
Short circuit voltage at max secondary voltage,%
Minimum secondary voltage, kV
Short circuit voltage at min secondary voltage,
Copper losses, kW
Iron core losses, kW
Open-circuit current,%Number of the furnace transformer energization per hour
Arc furnace
Arc furnace short circuit
Inductance per phase, mH
Resistance per phase, Ohm
Maximum three phase EAF short circuit power, MVA
Arc furnace working points
Maximum active power, MW
Maximum reactive power, MVar
Power factor (cos phi)
Furnace severity factor (Kst) for Pst calculation for
Worst condition(Boring)
Cold scrap (main melting)
Warm scrap
End of melting
Furnace harmonic currents expected at the working points in % from fundamental harmonic current
3 H
4 H
5 H
6 H
7 H
8 H
9 H
10 H
11 H
12 H
13 H
14 H
15 H
Ladle furnace transformer
Rated power, MVA
Rated voltage of the primary and secondary winding, based on the transformation ratio, kV
Tap changer
Number of steps, value
Voltage at each tap, kV
Rated positive sequence short circuit voltage with respect to rated power and rated voltage at each tap,%
Rated positive sequence copper losses with respect to rated power and rated voltage,%
Open circuit current with respect to rated power and rated voltage,%Iron core losses, kW
Vector group
Ladle furnace
Ladle furnace working points
Maximum active power, MW
Maximum reactive power, MVar
Power factor (cos phi)
Ladle furnace harmonic currents expected at the working pointsin % from fundamental harmonic current
3 H
4 H
5 H
6 H
7 H
8 H
9 H
10 H
11 H
12 H
13 H
14 H
15 H
Performances guaranteed
Voltage fluctuation at PCC
Pst 95% at PCC
Voltage harmonic distortion at PCC
Power factor at PCC
Single voltage harmonics content at PCC
Other parameters
Characteristics of the SVC
Rated voltage, kV
Auxiliarypowersupplyvoltage, V
Lifetime, year
Spare parts (operation life), year
Delivery time
Control system requirements
The level and type (AC or DC) of voltage using for the control circuit, relay protection, automatics and signaling
Remote control and monitoring requirements
Cooling system
Availability of technical water
Maximum technical water temperature
Minimum technical water flow rate
Volume of supply
Switchgear (include or not)
Disconnectors (include or not)
Additional requirements:
The circle diagram of arc furnace for each steps of reactor and each taps of arc furnace power transformer.
111250, Moscow, Krasnokazarmennaya 12, tel/fax: (495) 361-91-63, 361-93-69, 361-97-47, e-mail: