Part IVIllustratingPage | 1
Students will be able to illustrate text with a labeled diagram.
Drawing the picture is the reward for completing the paragraph. The purpose of this activity is to stimulate the other side of the brain and to say the same thing we just said in the paragraph, but this time using a picture.
Pre –AssessmentThere is no pre-assessment, just the pre-requisite that the writing is complete.
Common Core Standards
●R7 Explain how specific images (e.g., a diagram showing how a machine works) contribute to and clarify a text.
●Visual Art 2Students use visual structures and functions of art to communicate ideas
ISTE Standards
●Standard 3 Research and Information Literacy: locate, organize, analyze, evaluate, synthesize, and ethically use information from a variety of sources and media.
Time Frame Two or three 50-minute lessons per topic
●Paper, pencils, colored pencils, markers and/or crayons
●Books or web pages
Vocabulary Nonfictiondiagramlabels
Procedures Teacher chooses a website or book.
First the teacher gathers the children in the meeting area to demonstrate how to TRACE the image. The teacher distributes unsharpened pencils and emphasizes that it’s Ok to trace the image because we are learning BUT we have to make believe we are touching the face of a baby, to ensure the children do not press too hard against the monitor. The teacher chooses two students, one to distribute blank sheets of paper and the other pencils. Similarly, at the end of the lesson the teacher will pick two other children to collect the papers and pencils. The children are directed to write their name and class on one side of the paper and to do their diagram on the other.
The second step is for the children to open the web page from a folder and trace the picture. The third step is to add the labels and the last is to color it in.
Technology Integration
For the bee anatomy I recommend
Post-Assessment -Rubric used to assess quality of labeled diagram.
Nancy ShawTechnology IntegrationP.S. 239