SDCCD Online Steering Committee s1

SDCCD Online Steering Committee

Friday, April 29, 2005

9:00 a.m. to 10:30 a.m.

B-204 City College

Staffing Update (S. Pesce)

The search for the SDCCD Online Dean position has begun, the application period will close on May 19th. The Dean’s search committee will meet with the EEO rep on May 13th.

Lead Online Mentor program has been ongoing through Spring. Sandra requested end-of-semester reports from the Lead Online Mentors. The mentor contracts will end May 28th and will start up again for the Fall semester. Debra Wright from Miramar was in attendance and reported success with her one-on-one faculty meetings, as well as her faculty workshops. It was reported that Aileen Gum and Rose Hicks from City would not return to the mentor position in the Fall. Pete reported that Hank Beaver Mesa College has successfully led WebCT trainings Levels 1-5. Hank has also been working one-on-one with faculty to help them with both WebCT enhanced courses and fully online courses. Otto has obtained budgeting for the program to continue. After review of services provided by the pilot, the Committee will outline the position for the Fall semester. Sandra will work with the college VPIs to outline project objectives.

Steering Committee Membership 2005 (S. Pesce)

Sandra handed out a list of current Committee membership noting that there is currently good representation from all colleges, departments, and staffing levels. The Committee voted that both Carl Strona and Jim Wales be removed from membership as they have been unable to attend. It was agreed that mentors will be invited to sit on the Committee. Sandra will e-mail all current and proposed members inviting them to continue their seats and informing them of tentative ’05-’06 schedule. (Tentative schedule will be meetings in the Fall on Mondays, and in the Spring on Fridays.)

Summer 2005 (M. Kingsley)

Copies of the Summer SDCCD Online schedule were distributed. It was reported that the online bookstore is ready to launch on May 6th. Mary provided a program overview of courses offered per semester with growth chart graphic. The program has grown from 102 courses offered in ’01-’02 to offering 458+ courses in ’04-’05. Noting that the upcoming summer session is offering 111+ online courses.

Training (P. Miles)

Pete gave a report on SDCCD Online’s Best Practices Showcase & Expo (Friday, May 13th 1:30 – 4:00 City College). Pete has scheduled 10 presenters that will showcase their courses for 25 minutes. Also scheduled, will be 15 face-to-face poster sessions running the length of the program. Pete has invited all contract and adjunct faculty to attend.

Pete provided the training schedule for early summer. There will be City trainings in June running Tues and Wed completing two 5-week sessions in a row. Also, Pete will be conducting the WebCT Online course 6/20-7/13. Spring ’05 trainings resulted in 24 people completing the Levels 1-5 training.

Pete’s training rubrics have been integrated. The rubrics will work as standards for all levels of WebCT training.

WebCT Vista (P. Miles)

Vista purchase made it into Kent Keyser’s ’05-‘06 budget. We should expect implementation next Spring. Full integration is estimated to take at least 18 months from purchase. Pete Miles will be the main contact for questions regarding Vista.

Intellectual Property (S. Pesce)

Sandra has reviewed the IP document that was submitted to Jim Mahler. According to Jim, we have a problem describing who owns the course materials that are developed by faculty. The group discussed how this is quantified with online courses. Different language needs to be developed to protect faculty interests.

Last Meeting 2005—Note change of day, time and place

Friday, May 20th 9:00-10:30, Mesa LRC 432

Respectfully submitted,

Mary Kingsley