Physical Education

This course is designed to introduce students to a broad spectrum of team and individual sports and activities. A variety of units will be presented to teach skills and knowledge of the sport. The most important aspect for the students to learn is the importance of physical activity in their daily lives. Having fun, and trying to succeed are the keys for this Physical Education class.

Students will attend, dress, participate, and learn daily.

Attendance Each student will get 6 free absent days. After your 6th day you will then lose 20 points. If you are sick or injured a DOCTOR’S NOTE will excuse you (This will not affect your 6 free days). TARDIES AND LATE STUDENTS WILL RESULT IN -5 POINTS FOR THE DAY. IT WILL ALSO AFFECT CITIZENSHIP. (1st period students need to be aware of this) If you are going on vacation or have a sport related excuse you will need to let me know before you leave so we can make arrangements for after school make ups.

PARTICIPATION (10 POINTS) Parent notes will be required to excuse you from participating. If a student is to be excused from an activity for more than three days a doctor’s release will be required. A variety of sports will be introduced to spark interest for lifelong activities. No complaining about what sports or activities we are doing. Negative attitude will affect citizenship and grade. GIRLS WILL PARTICIPATE IN ACTIVITES EVEN IF IT IS THAT TIME OF THE MONTH- THIS IS A FITNESS CLASS!!!

ASSESSMENTS- The boys and girls incorporate the Fitness Gram program which includes: PUSH UP TEST-- SIT AND REACH TEST-- PACER TEST –and MILE RUN.

First scores will be based off of last year’s average score. If for any reason I believe the student did not give their full effort, I will ask the student to retake the test. Some students make multiple excuses for not being able to take a test. If you are unable to take the test on testing day a note from a parent will be required. If you an unable to take the test at all a Doctor’s note will be required to excuse you. Each test will be given 2-3 times to compare fitness levels. Points will increase with each test taken. PLEASE HAVE YOUR INHALER if needed IN YOUR P.E. LOCKER!

If you are absent for any reason, tests are made up on MONDAY after school.

*Written/computer work is part of the curriculum which broadens the knowledge of life long fitness. There will be a test after each unit.

DRESS (10 points) School dress code enforced!!! PE Uniforms are required for this class. These are offered for the convenience of the student and to ensure the clothes are correct for class requirements.

Reasons for the uniforms:

1- Resolves the issue of too short of shorts.

2- Resolves the issue of low v-neck shirts.

3- Makes it easier to tell who has dressed out for class.

4- Personal hygiene

5- Team unity

PE Uniforms ($15): Grey/Yellow shirt with school emblem on them---Dark Green shorts

We will be putting our name on our PE clothes.

Tennis shoes- PLEASE bring shoes that are made for physical activity.

Don’t forget---- (Deodorant, socks, feminine hygiene products, towel) **You will have 4 minutes to change clothes. Undergarments should not be visible. You must have your shoes on and ready to GO!!!!! Please wash your clothes once a week!

If you forget your shirt for example you will lose 5 points.

Lockers will be assigned the first week of class. Please keep it locked at all times! R.M.M.S. is not responsible for lost or stolen items. Sharing is NOT ALLOWED! Please memorize your combo! I will not give out other combinations. Broken locker fine is $25.00. Please make sure there are NO PHONES in the locker room due cameras on the phones.

When checking grades online you will see D.P. which stands for daily points. YOU WILL LOSE POINTS towards your grade and. citizenship if you are late to class, not dressing, and not participating. Sometimes I will give extra credit for activities done in class only.

Rules in locker room and gym

  • KEEP IT CLEAN!!- respect our facility and pick up after yourself.
  • No Phones! No gum! For safety reasons no jewelry is allowed!
  • LISTENING-(It is hard to hear over the boys)
  • No changing groups or partners given to you!
  • Stay out of the equipment room, music room and my office!
  • Obey the ROLE CALL 10 and HUDDLE 10 rule.
  • Do not leave the instructional area without permission. Includes going to the locker room for any reason. If you do so it will result in a sluff.
  • NO bullying! No put downs, profane, or abusive language. Everyone is entitled to encouragement.
  • NO FOOD or BEVERAGES allowed in any area of PE facilities. (water bottles are accepted)

Breaking the rules will result in the following:

1-Verbal Warning

2-Fitness Unit

3-Notify Parent

4-Parent Meeting with Principal

Today the students went over the disclosure statement found on

Ms. Park’s web page ( Please have your daughter fill out this paper and explain what is expected of her in my class. If you have questions fill free to contact me at . Please return this A.S.A.P. since this paper is worth 10 points.

Risk Management There is inherent risks in physical education activities, which can sometimes result in injury. Therefore, we need your child's full cooperation in following the teacher's directions, proper use of equipment and facilities, and adherence to the rules of the particular activity so that we may reduce as many risks as possible. Please fill out and sign the attached form about your student’s health and understanding of my Physical Education class.

Asthma ___ yes ___ no **** If you answered yes, PLEASE HAVE ACCESS TO INHALER AT ALL TIMES!

Diabetes ___ yes ___ no ***** If you answered yes, does your child take insulin ___ yes ___ no

Heart Problems ___ yes ___no ***** If you answered yes, please explain in more detail. ______


I have read and understand what is expected in this Physical Education class.

Parent/Guardian please sign: ______

Student’s signature: ______

Print name: ______Class Period ______Date______

Which sport do you wish you could win a medal in the summer or winter Olympics? ______

What is your favorite workout song? ______

What drives you crazy? ______