Students unassisted work for modul 1

and the control of it

Speciality - “Clinical Pharmacy” 7.110206

№ / Topic / Hours / Control Type
The bases of organic compounds structure. Carbohudrates (alkans, cycloalkans, alkens, alkadiens, alkins, arens) and their functional derivatives (halogen-, nitrogen- hydroxoderivatives). Aldehides. Ketons.
1. / Preparation for the practical lessons. Theoretical preparation and the formation of practical skills. / Current control during the practical classes
2. / Unassisted overwork of the unincluded to the classes schedule topics
2.1. / Chemical bonding types. Quantum mechanical bases of the chemical bonding theory. The types of Nitrogen and Oxigen atomic orbitals hybridization. The general characteristics of covalent, σ- and π-bonds (length, energy, polarity, polarization ability, direction). / 4 / During the topic oral test,
content module control,
final control
2.2. / Organic compounds structural isomerism (carbon chain isomerism, functional isomerism and functional groups isomerism). / 4 / - // -
2.3. / Energetic conditions for the chemical reactions passing. General conceptions of the methods for the reactions mechanism establishment. / 5 / - // -
2.4. / Hard and soft acids and bases. / 2 / - // -
2.5. / Alkans and cykloalkans producing methods. / 1 / - // -
2.6. / Alkans cracking. / 1 / - // -
2.7. / Alkans and cycloalkans identification. / 1 / - // -
2.8. / Alkens, alkins and alkadiens producing methods. / 4 / - // -
2.9. / Arens. Producing methods. Conjuction reactions. / 2 / - // -
2.10. / Polynuclear condensed arenes (biphenyl, diphenilmethan, triphenilmethan) chemical properties. Their derivatives structure and nomenclature. / 5 / - // -
2.11. / Mono-, di- and polyhalogenalkans and halogenarens producing methods. / 2 / - // -
2.12. / Physical bases of chromophore auxochromous coloration theory. / 4 / - // -
2.13. / Alcohols producing methods. / 2 / - // -
2.14. / Aminoalcohols. Their chemical properties as bifunctional compounds. / 4 / - // -
2.15. / Ethers. The structure, isomerism, nomenclature, preparation methods and chemical properties. / 4 / - // -
2.16. / Thialcohols and thioethers. Nomenclature, preparation methods and chemical properties. / 4 / - // -
2.17. / Phenols preparation methods. / 2 / - // -
2.18. / Polyatomic phenols. / 2 / - // -
2.19. / Aldehydes preparation methods and polymerization reactions. / 2 / - // -
3. / Preparation for the test control and the module topics comprehension tests. / 8 / Final test
Total / 62

Students unassisted work for modul 2

and the control of it

Speciality - “Pharmacy” 7.110201

№ / Topic / Hours / Control Type
Carboxylic acids, heterocycles and natural compounds .
1. / Preparation for the practical lessons. Theoretical preparation and the formation of practical skills. / Current control during the practical classes
2. / Unassisted overwork of the unincluded to the classes schedule topics / During the topic oral test,
content module control,
final control
2.1. / Carboxylic acids preparation methods. / 2 / - // -
2.2. / Heterofunctional carboxylic acids preparation methods. / 2 / - // -
2.3. / Halogen carboxylic acids. / 2 / - // -
2.4. / Fats. Beeswax. Spermaceti. Twins. / 4 / - // -
2.5. / Sulphoacids. Nomenclature, preparation methods, the structure os sulpho-group, chemical properties. / 4 / - // -
2.6. / Guanidine and its properties. / 2 / - // -
2.7. / Oxetane, azetidine. Preparation methods, chemical properties. / 4 / - // -
2.8. / Five-membered heterocycles with one heteroatom preparation methods. / 2 / - // -
2.9. / Pirole, furan and thiophen preparation methods. / 1 / - // -
2.10. / The most important derivatives of five-membered heterocycles with one heteroatom. / 2 / - // -
2.11. / Indole. Five-membered heterocycles with two heteroatoms preparation methods. / 2 / - // -
2.12. / The most important derivatives of pyrazolone. Drugs on bases of pyrazolone-5: antipyrine, amidopyrine, analgin. / 2 / - // -
2.13. / Oxazole. Isoxazole. / 2 / - // -
2.14. / Pyridine preparation methods. / 1 / - // -
2.15. / The most important derivatives of pyridine (picolins, hydroxyperidines). / 2 / - // -
2.16. / Drugs on bases of pyridine carboxylic acids. / 2 / - // -
2.17. / Coumarin and chromon derivatives. / 2 / - // -
2.18. / Phenotiazines. / 2 / - // -
2.19. / Pyrimidine baces (uracil, thymine, cytosin). / 2 / - // -
2.20. / Pyrine bases (adenine, guanine). The notin of nucleic acins. / 2
2.21. / The notin of alkaloids. / 4
2.22. / Pteridine. Flavin. / 2
2.23. / Monosaccharides, preparation methods. Dezoxy- and amino-sugars individual representatives. / 2
2.24. / Heteropolysaccharides. / 2
3. / Preparation for the test control and the module topics comprehension tests. / 8 / Final test
Total / 62