USDA NIFAResearch Proposal*Checklist v1.0




Additional information can be found in theUSDA NIFA Application Guide

Deadline / General Formatting for attachments (unless the RFA specifies otherwise):
Font: at least 12 point (Times New Roman is recommended), regardless of line spacing - even pertains to figure legends, figures, graphs, diagrams, charts, tables, and footnotes to tables.
File Format:
Attachments must be in .pdf.
File Name Restrictions:
-File names of .pdf attachments must be limited to 50 characters, may not include
special characters (e.g., &,–,*,%,/,#), periods (.), blank spaces or accent marks, and must be unique (i.e., no
other attachment may have the same file name).
-File names should indicate the file contents (e.g., Project Summary).
The PDF attachments must NOT be password protected.
ProjectSummary:limit250 words; Field 7 on the application
- The summary of the proposed activity suitable for dissemination to the public. It should be a self-contained description of the project and should contain a statement of objectives and methods to be employed. It should be informative to other persons working in the same or related fields and, insofar as possible, understandable to a scientifically or technically literate lay reader.
- The Summary must not include any proprietary/confidential information.
- The summaryshould focus on: overall project goal(s) and supporting objectives; plans to accomplish project goal(s); and relevance of the project to the goals of the program. We (USDA NIFA) cannot overemphasize the importance of a concise, informative Project Summary.
- Suggested template
- Listthe names and affiliated organizations of all Project Directors/co-PDs and the title (144-character limit, including spaces) of the project at the top of the page.
- Title the attachment as ‘Project Summary’ in the document header and save file as ‘ProjectSummary’
Project Narrative (Field 8 on the application) Page Limit in RFP
- Provide Project Narrative in accordance with the announcement and/or agency-specific instructions.
-Title the attachment as ‘Project Narrative’ in the document header and save file as ‘ProjectNarrative’
Biographical Sketches: for each Senior/Key Person
Limited to 2-Page Limitfor each, excluding publications listings.
Includes a presentation of academic and research credentials, as applicable (e.g., earned degrees, teaching experience, employment history, professional activities, honors and awards, and grants received).
Includes a chronological list of all publications in refereed journals during the past 4 years, including those in press.
List only those non-refereed technical publications that have relevance to the proposed project.
List all authors in the same order as they appear on each paper cited, along with the title and complete reference as these usually appear in journals.
-Title the document as ‘Biographical Sketch’ in the document header, and save file as ‘BiographicalSketch’ followed by the last name of the individual
R&R Personal Data Form - One form for each Co-Project Director/Co-PI (voluntary)
Current & Pending Support: for each PI/Co-PI; no page limit
Required templatehere.
- Even if no other funding is currently reported as “Active,”list this application as “Pending” in the information submitted.
- The percent of time committed should not exceed 100% of effort for concurrent projects.
- FYI: The AFRI program will not fund an application that duplicates or overlapssubstantially with other NIFA funding (including non-competitive funds such as Special Grantsor Hatch formula funds) or otherFederal funding. As an addendum to the Current and Pending Support, provide a brief summary for any completed, current, or pending projects that appear similar to the current application, especially previous National Research Initiative (NRI) or AFRI awards.
- Save file as ‘CurrentPendingSupport’
Conflict of Interest List: for each PI and others mentioned in the RFP
Required template here.
- Collate all individual Conflict of Interest lists into a single document file.
- Save file as‘ConflictofInterest’
Bibliography & References Cited:Nopagelimit; Field 9 on the application
-Include any references cited in the Project Narrative.
- Each reference must include the names of all authors (in the same sequence in which they appear in the publication), the article and journal title, book title, volume number, page numbers, and year of publication.
- Include only bibliographic citations.
- Proposers should be especially careful to follow scholarly practices in providing citations for source materials relied upon when preparing any section of the application.
- Title the document as ‘Bibliography & References Cited’ in the document header, and save file as ‘BibliographyReferencesCited’
Facilities & Other Resources (Field 10 on the Form);No page limit
- This information is used to assess the capability of the organizational resources available to perform the effort proposed.
- Identify the facilities to be used (Laboratory, Animal, Clinical, Computer, Office, and Other Resources – it is recommended that you use these exact headings). If appropriate, indicate their capacities, pertinent capabilities, relative proximity, and extent of availability to the project.
- Title the document as ‘Facilities & Other Resources’ in the document header, and save file as FacilitiesOtherResources’
- Describe only those resources that are directly applicable to the proposed work.
Equipment (Field 11 on the Form); No page limit
- List major items of equipment already available for this project and, if appropriate, identify location and pertinent capabilities.
- Title the document as ‘Equipment’ in the document header, and save file as ‘Equipment’
Key Words (Field 7 on the Form; Required)
- Enter the most relevant words which describe the proposed project.
Other Attachments (Field 12 on the Form - Multiple files may be attached)
Key Personnel Roles: 2-Page Limit
- For Integrated Grant Applications – state for key personnel an estimate of the percent of time devoted to research, education, and/or extension activities
- Title the attachment as ‘Key Personnel’ in the document header and save file as ‘KeyPersonnel’
Logic Model (2-page limit) - Encouraged for Research Projects, but only required for Integrated Projects.
- Include the elements of a logic model detailing the activities, outputs, and outcomes of the proposed project.
- The logic model planning process is a tool that should be used to develop your project before writing your application.
- This information may be provided as a narrative or formatted into a logic model chart.
- More information and resources related to the logic model planning process are provided here.
- Title the attachment as ‘Logic Model’in the document header and save file as ‘LogicModel’
Management Plan (3-page limit) - Encouraged for Research Projects, but only required for Integrated Projects.
- The plan is to be clearly articulated and include an organizational chart, administrative timeline, and a description of how the project will be governed, as well as a strategy to enhance coordination, collaboration, communication, and data sharing and reporting among members of the project team and stakeholder groups.
- The plan must also address how the project will be sustained beyond termination of an award.
- The plan must also include an advisory group of principal stakeholders, partners, and professionals to assess and evaluate the quality, expected measurable outcomes, and potential impacts for the proposed research, education and/or extension. Please include rationale for their role, and how they will function effectively to support the goals and objectives of the project.
- The plan must demonstrate how partners and stakeholders contribute to project assessment on an annual basis.
- Title the attachment as ‘Management Plan’in the document header and save file as ‘ManagementPlan’
Data management plan:2-Page Limit; USU DMPTool
- The DMP does not count toward the page limits for the project.
- If a project does not lead to data collection (e.g., a meeting with no proceedings), the DMP document could be limited to the following statement,”No data will be produced.”
- Regardless of the number of subawards, only one DMP should be submitted by the project and should cover data collected by all collaborators.
- Some programs may have different standards for DMPs and those will be outlined in the specific request for applications.
- DMPs should clearly articulate any justifiable limitations on project data sharing due to confidentiality, privacy, proprietary interests, business confidential information, and intellectual 2 property rights and avoid significant negative impact on intellectual property rights, innovation, and U.S. competitiveness.
- 5 Key elements(Expected Data Type, Data Format, Data Storage and Preservation, Data Sharing and Public Access, Roles and Responsibilities) are describedhere (see p. 2).
- Title the attachment as ‘Data Management Plan’in the document header and save file as ‘DataManagementPlan’
Documentation of Collaboration – No Page Limit.
- Evidence, e.g., letter(s) of support, should be provided that the collaborators involved have agreed to render services. The applicant also will be required to provide additional information on consultants and collaborators in the budget portion of the application.
- Title the attachment as ‘Documentation of Collaboration’ in the document header and save file as ‘Collaboration’
Felony and Tax Certification – I upload this
Cooperation and Institutional Units Involved (subawards; if applicable).
- Identify each institutional unit contributing to the project and designate the lead institution or institutional unit when submitting a cooperative, multi-institutional or multidisciplinary application. Clearly define the programmatic roles, responsibilities, and budget for each institutional partner.
Appendices to Project Narrative (if applicable) - only if they are directly germane to the proposed project.
Collaborative Arrangements (if applicable) - Fully explain and justify formal consulting or collaborative arrangements with others, should such arrangements be necessary. Provide a vitae or resume for any consultant(s) or collaborator(s) if known at the time of application. In addition, provide evidence (e.g., letter of support) that the identified collaborators involved have agreed to render these services. You must also provide additional information on consultants and collaborators in the budget portion of the application.
- Matching: If a funded project is commodity-specific and not of national scope, the grant recipient is required to match the USDA funds awarded on a dollar-for-dollar basis from non-federal sources with cash and/or in-kind contributions.
- Indirect costs: these are limited to the lesser of USU’s official negotiated indirect cost rateor the equivalent of 30% of total Federal funds awarded (42.857% Total Direct Costs).
Annual & Cumulative budgets required
- Base salary; # of Cal., Acad., or Sum months & requested salary with fringe benefits
-Budget/justification/scope of work for all Subawards
Justification – No page limit; an additional requirement exists for Integrated Projects.
-All cumulative budget categories, with the exception of Indirect Costs, for which support is requested must be individually listed (with costs) in the same order as the cumulative budget.
-Title the attachment ‘Budget Justification’ in the document header, and save file as BudgetJustification’

*Guidelines for sabbatical and equipment grants differ from what is included here for research grants.