Students Responsibilities
for 7th Grade Science
Be prepared for class.
- Students should bring their charged Ipad, notebook and agenda book to class each day.
- Students should have a sharpened pencil and/or pen (blue/black) ready to use. Work will not be accepted in any other color.
Homework and Classroom assignments
- Homework should be completed on the day that it is due.
- Any assignment not completed in class becomes homework for that night.
- All questions must be answered in complete sentences.
- You will receive no credit for incomplete homework assignments.
- If an assignment was not completed on time you should still complete the assignment even though you will not earn full credit.
- Homework is posted daily on my webpage on the Neshaminy School District Website.
You should make an effort to attend school daily and if you are absent from school it is your responsibility to:
- Check my webpage to see what lesson you missed and any homework assignmentsyou have missed.
- Complete all assignments by due date determined by the teacher.
- Arrange time with the teacher to make up classroom activities that can’t be done at home. This will most likely be during morning clinic (Tuesday/Thursday) or W.I.N. period at the end of each day.
- Due date will be determined by the number of days you have missed. In general,you will have the number of school days you have been absent to make up your work. If you are absent for an extended period of time special accommodations will be made.
Excused Absence Policy
- Students who would like to be excused from class for music lessons or any other extracurricular activity must ask permission before class the day that you are to be excused.
- You should come during W.I.N. period or clinic that day to find out what you missed during your excused absence.
- You must hand in any assignments that are due.
- You are responsible for all work missed during your excused absence.
This policy is designed to help you to remember your academic responsibilities while enjoying the benefits of extracurricular activities.
- Student should periodically check their grades on ESchool to make sure the correct grades have been recorded. If a question arises about a grade on an assignment or assessment the student should see me to rectify the situation.
- Students should check My Work in the Amplify program regularly to make sure assignments have been submitted. Students can use their unit checklist to make sure they are not missing assignments.
- Grades will be determined as follows: 60% D, 70% C, 80% B, and 90% A.
- Extra credit is offered periodically. A maximum of 10% of the total grade can be extra credit points. Extra credit assignments are not given to individual students.
Use of hallway pass
- Lavatory pass should be signed out on the log sheet and have your personal passport signed. The pass should not be used when the teacher is giving directions or instruction. Students should use their judgment on appropriate times to use the lavatory.
- Students will not be permitted to go to their locker during class time. This is a school rule.
I have read and understand the student responsibilities for 7th grade science.
Students Signature______
Parent Signature______