Market Road, Wickford, Essex SS12 0AG

Tel: 01268 733071

Fax: 01268 570214


Headteacher – Mr T. Flitman

24th March 2016

Newsletter 601

Dear Parent/Guardian,

We break for Easter today – Children return to school on Monday 11th April

New Summer Menu –Starts with Week 2 when we return

Year 4 Production Hansel and Gretel

The 400 people who attended the two nights of our year 4 production will know that it was a great success! A huge thank you to everyone who was involved. The results clearly showed that the huge effort everyone put in to make the show special paid off as it was a delight in every respect from outfits, back drops and lighting to the performances of the children.

We raised £486.91 from your donations which will go a long way towards purchasing more microphones for future shows. Thank you to everyone who contributed. A letter was sent home today if you wish to order a DVD of the production. Netball Competition

Well done to the following children who took part in the Netball competition at Bromfords on Tuesday: Saskia Warren (6W), Tommy Allen (6E), Macey Burgess (6E), Elsie Cook (6E), Amber Pilbeam (6F), Niamh Portman (6E), Daisy Stevens (6W) and Naomi Warren (6W). Thank you to the parents who went along to support.

Sports for Schools

We raised £1960.70 from our sponsored sports events. Half the money raised will be put towards our charity of the year.


Swimming will be for Year 5 & 6 when we return. Please note Year 6 will not swim the week of SATS. Contributions next term are Year 5 £14.70 Year £12.60.

Year 5

I have been asked to let you know about the BBC 2006 version ofRobin Hood seriesYear 5 will be watching after Easter. It has PG certificate.


(Please check the school website for more information on the following events/letters)

Forest School Programme – 3E Group 1 Commencing Wednesday 20th April

Keep on Reading Year 3 – Please return books by Tuesday 12th April.

S.M.I.L.E.S – Tuesday 19th April 9.30 – 11.30am

Year 4 Water Treatment Works – 4W 25th April, 4F 28th April and 4E 29th April.

11+ club

This club starts after the Easter break on Tuesday 12th April 3.15 – 4.15pm.

Clubs – All clubs start week commencing Monday 11th April

We do not take absences from clubs from children – parents must inform the office.

Fees and dates for the summer term will be on the website at the end of next week. Payments must be sent in, to the relevant club, on the first session. All children continue with their clubs as per normal. Please contact the office if your child no longer wishes to attend so they can be taken off the register.

Chelsea fees – Apologies, but Chelsea has the wrong fees for next term in their letter. Fees will be £52.00 (13 sessions) not £40.00.

Magic Club - In the new term there is a 10 week course for new members. This will start Monday 18th April. If your child is interested please contact the office. Cost for this is £50.00.

There are spaces available at the following clubs: Tennis, Badminton, Magic Club (10 week course only), Archery, Dodgeball, and Chelsea. Please contact the office if your child would like to attend any of these clubs.

School Dance Club (Wednesday) There are spaces available at this club. In the new term this club will also be practicing for the Creative Arts Festival which takes place later in the summer term. Boys are also welcome to join so if your child is interested please contact the office.

Parent Lunches

The purpose of parent lunches are threefold. Firstly, to allow parents to share lunchtime with their child. Secondly, to promote healthy eating and thirdly, to promote healthy dinners with the children. However, as we have to pre-order food we cannot take orders after the dates shown. We do give plenty of notice of when parents are invited in. Please arrive at reception by 12.10pm.

5E – 14th April. Unfortunately we cannot take any more orders.

6W – 21st April. Unfortunately we cannot take any more orders.

6F – 28th April Payments and orders must be in by Thursday 14th April.

There will be a new menu when we return after Easter. This will be on the school website before we return so please make sure you have a look at it with your child.

River Crouch Conservation Trust

The River Crouch Conservation Trust is holding their bi-annual river crouch clean up on 17th April. They’ll be meeting at 9am at the main memorial park gates. Children are more than welcome to join in with their parents - parents with waders and wellies will be very helpful! Please bring black sacks and gloves with you if you attend. There is a River Crouch Facebook page so anyone wanting to attend should join so that in the event that it is cancelled (due to bad weather) then they can be kept up to date.


Congratulations to the following children:

Joshua Stanford (5E)will be performing with the cast of the Chitty Chitty Bang Bang UK tour at the Cliffs Pavilion, Southend from 13th to 24th April.

Katie Cox (4W) passed her Swimming ASA Stage 7 Award this week.

Liam Bradley (4E) was awarded 50m swimming badge at lessons this week.

Amber Rayner (5F) passed her Grade 1 piano exam.

Jake Slemmings (5W) gained his Yellow Belt in karate on Saturday 19th March.

Junaid Khan (6E) and Saad Khan (4E) were both awarded their Yellow Sash for Kung Fu last Saturday.

Chase Hunter (6F) passed his grading in karate and is now a Purple Belt.

Have a great Easter and a peaceful Spring break!

Mr T Flitman


Working For Everyone