SAC Minutes – November 1
Teachers: Barbara Ehrlich, Yadiris Ferreira, Angela Galvez, Ruth Hager, Adrienne Maisel, Eva Rothel, Andre Shannon, Tina Stoklosa, Caryn Corridon, Janice Fox (Guest), Hana Casey (Guest), Kassandra Fried (Guest)
Parents: Maria Clemente, Merna Gross, Mary Molina-Macfie, Michael Olenick, Ana Pol, Mindy Siegel, Hilary Sunshine, Julia Valent, Carolyn Krohn (Guest)
Students: Leah Gold, Kevin Ramirez, Abby Siegel, Cara Siegel
Quorum/Call to Order: Adrienne Maisel called the meeting to order at 3:10 p.m.
Review and Approve Minutes: Minutes approved by YadirisFerreria with corrections. Michael Olenick seconded the motion. The motion carried.
Budget Update: A+ funds increased by $456,592
Budget Requests: None
Discuss A+ Initiative: Ballot was mentioned last meeting. Cara Siegel moved to approve the A+ funds ballot. Tina Stoklosa seconded it. Motion carries.
SIP Link:
New FACE program: families and community engagement. Allow new parents to feel greeted and welcomed when they come to the school. New office furniture is part of this. Customer relations for the school.
Mentoring program: We have the opportunity to have 20 teachers volunteer to be mentors for struggling children. Teachers are there to watch over them and advocate for them. Been very successful.
New Business: None
5 Star Award Initiative: Ruth Hager reported that Cypress Bay is applying for the 5 star award. It consists of documenting things going on in the community.
Administration Report:Kassandra Fried reported that Cambridge Diploma night is December 6, midterms are December 19-22, new building talks are in the process, January 16th starts the new semester, and the move “Listen” will be shown on November 16 and 17 for students, parents, and the community (evening of November 16). We had a wonderful Pink Out event.
BTU News: Yadiris Ferreira reported that recently there were stewards elections and she is the designated steward. Met with district on October 23 and offered teachers a 1% raise. Next negotiation is November 6 followed by November 13.
SAF News: Ana Pol reported that there will be a SAF meeting right after SAC meeting.
Adjournment: Next meeting will be November 28, 2017. Reminder will be sent out. Barbara Ehrlich made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Ana Pol seconded the motion. Motion passes. Adrienne Maisel adjourned the meeting at 3:45.