The goal of this course is to challenge students’ writing, analytical reading, and critical thinking skills in order to deepen and extend these. This goal will be reached through a wide variety of learning experiences—including numerous writing activities, class and group discussions, close reading and analysis, and formal presentations—designed to meet the goal of helping students become College and Career Ready, as stated in the Common Core State Standards, as well as challenge previously held notions in order to develop analytical and argumentative abilities. Additionally, this class will prepare students for success on district interim assessments and next year’s Smarter Balance (SBAC) test.
More important than the tests, however, is the students’ growing understanding of written composition, a willingness to engage in and confront texts and issues, and the development of a better comprehension of literary form and content in reading.
Students in this course are expected to:
- Speak and act with respect for all others, for property, and for yourself.
- Demonstrate intrinsic motivation in completing assignments and reading deeply
- Demonstrate a strong independent work ethic
- Demonstrate integrity in completing assignments independently (plagiarism results in a 0).
- Actively seek answers and solutions to both teacher- and student-posed issues
- Participate in all independent reading activities
- Participate in all class discussions and activities
- Maintain a strong attendance record and be in class on time
- Make up all work missed due to any absences
- Maintain an up-to-date Warm Up book and planner
- Adhere to all King/Drew policies including the uniform policy and no electronic devices.
- Students will bring a spiral bound college-ruled notebook(or composition book) to class everyday. This “Warm Up book” will be used for notes, quickwrites, grammar exercises, assignments, etc. and will be collected at periodically. (Some free notebooks available for students in need)
- Students will also bring their materials with them every day. Think of those supplies necessary for complete participation in a learning environment (pens [black/dark blue], pencils, college-ruled paper, necessary handouts/texts, organized binder, etc.). Some free materials available for students in need. Additional suggested materials: highlighters, alternate colored pens, sticky notes, mini stapler, and a container to keep these organized
- Students will adhere to King/Drew’s Honor Policy.
- Students will check our online resources (including Schoology and my website) regularly.
- Allessays must be typed, double-spaced, using a clear 12 pt font and 1” margins. Essays will not be accepted on a flash drive. Pay attention to in-class instructions on where and how to submit essays. Most printed essays will be accepted through email (as attachments only) as long as they are received before the start of your class period.
Recurring Assignments:
- Articles of the Week (every other week):These articles and responses will enable students to explore medicine, science, and health (both physical and mental) issues thereby deepening an understanding of our magnet’s theme
- Independent Reading Projects: twoper semester. Instructions for these will be covered in detail at a later date.
Class attendance is vital as true learning takes place through interaction with text and peers. Frequent absences will result in phone calls home and a parent/guardian conference. Additionally students must be on time. 3 tardies in a 5 week grading period willlower a student’s work habit grade one letter (from an E to an S; S to a U). On-going tardiness can lead to detentions, with the teacher and/or the school dean.
Grades will be weighted into categories as follows:Homework 20%
Tests and Quizzes25%
Projects/ Presentations15% / The following scale will determine a student’s letter grade:
A =100-90%
B =89-80%
C =79-70%
D =69-60%
F =59% and below
Please Note: Some assignments are Formative Assessments which provide additional low-stakes practice as well as enable the teacher to gauge students’ mastery of skills to inform instruction. These may or may not receive scores, though they are all exercises essential achieving higher scores on the graded assignments.
Late/Make Up Work:
- Late work will only be acceptedone day late for half credit.
- Students must make up work missed due to an absence. A brief meeting, outside of class time, may be required to explain concepts and/or directions. It is the student’s responsibility to request work and ask for any necessary meetings. The student must also get warm-ups/notes from a classmate.
- StudySync online and workbook
- The Tragedy of Julius Caesar by William Shakespeare
- In the Time of the Butterflies by Julia Alvarez
- Lord of the Flies by William Golding
- A Lesson Before Dying by Ernest J. Gaines
- Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury
*Titles are subject to change at teacher’s discretion
This is a learning environment. I expect all of you to work both independently and collaboratively, helping one another but at the same time, doing your own work. This will be a challenging and exciting year. I look forward to sharing this experience with you and am eager for all we will learn together.
After reviewing the Course Syllabus with your parent or guardian, please complete and return the contract agreement (attached). Keep the syllabus with you throughout the year.
Teacher/Student/Parent-Guardian Contract
Honors English 10AB 2017-2018
Mrs. Espinoza
Student Section:
- I have read the syllabus, understand all the information provided, and agree to its contents.
Student Name (print) ______
Student Signature ______Date ______
- In the chart below, please list the English classes you have taken during high school (include credit recovery, etc.). List the teachers you had for each grade for your King/Drew class only.
Name of class/course / Name of Teacher
(for King/Drew courses)
or School / Final Grade
(spring semester)
9th Grade
Summer school
Night School/
Parent/Guardian Section
- I have read this syllabus, reviewed its contents with my student, and understand all the information provided. I agree to support my student’s academic achievement this year.
Parent/Guardian Name (print) ______
Parent/Guardian Signature______Date ______
Contact (phone/email):______Best times to be reached: ______
- Please use the space below(or the back of this page) to share any concerns or information you would like me to be aware of to best support you and your student during this school year: