Check one:

Basic Lay Servant Course

 Go Preach

 History

Students are responsible to order their own books.


Your Name


Your home address




Your phone number with area code


Your cell phone number with area code


Your email address


Your district


Your home church


Your pastor

Please mail registration

and$25 check made out to

UNYAC by Mar. 31st

Mail To:Vida Johnson

Lay Servant Class Registrar

34 S. Maple St.

Corning, NY 14830



Still working on

Go Preach:Limited to 12 in class

Rev. Nancy Adams:Nancy became the Mountain View District Superintendent on July 1, 2014. She has served 24 a pastor in the former Wyoming Conference and then in the Upper New York Conference. She has enjoyed getting to know both clergy and laity on the Mountain View District, and is excited to be co-teaching the Preaching Class to Lay Servants!

Pastor Veronica Seeley:Veronica is a Licensed Local Pastor serving since 2010 at Risingville & Wheeler churches. She taught the Basic Lay Servant Class in the Spring of 2014 and is a graduate of the Maher School of Ventriloquist in 2007.

History: Limited to 15 in class

Rev. Dr. Fred S. Kelsey:Fred was ordained an Elder in 1963 and served six
charges in his forty years under full time appointment plus six more part time Interims after his 2003 retirement. He is co-leader with Art Thompson for the eighth series of classes of "John Wesley and Our United Methodist Heritage".

Art Thompson:Art is a member ofWestside UMC inElmira where he serves as Lay Memberto Annual Conference and Adult Sunday School Teacher. He has been a Certified Lay Servant for over 20 years andco-teaches other advanced Lay Servant coursesincluding "John Wesley and Our United Methodist Heritage".

Mountain View District

Lay Servant Ministries


2016 Spring Training Offerings

All classes will be held at:

New Beginnings UMC

300 E. Miller St.

Elmira, NY 14904


Apr. 10, 17, 24 & May1

Time: 2:30-5:30pm

Classes Being Offered:

  • The Basic Lay Servant Course

Advanced Courses

  • Go Preach
  • "John Wesley and Our United Methodist Heritage"



Basic Lay Servant Course

Led by

Learn what Lay Servant’s roles are as defined by the Book of Discipline. Delve into the concept of “call”. Explore how we are all called by God to use our gifts and graces in proclaiming the Gospel. Students will use the newly developed course for Basic Lay speaking with emphasis on leading, living and witnessing by the Spirit rather than preaching. This reflects the new membership vows which say that we will support the church with our prayers, our presence our gifts and our witness. There are excellent sessions on our Wesleyan heritage, Spiritual gifts, on servant leadership, caring ministries and communication.

The book needed for this class is Lay Servant Ministries – Basic CourseParticipant’s Book by Sandy Jackson with Brian Jackson, is available at Cokesbury and Amazon, between $7- $12. ISBN-9780881776263

Students must order their own books

Go Preach

Led by Rev. Nancy Adams & Pastor Veronica Seeley

The course will offer Lay Servants how to prepare & preach sermons. Each member of the class will prepare a sermon & deliver it in front of the other lay servants in the class. Each participant will critique and evaluate the sermons of their classmates.

Two books are needed for this class. The books,#1.Go Preach(A Primer for BeginningPreachers)by Jack Gilbert is available at Cokesbury and Amazon, between $9- $12. ISBN-9780881773842

Book #2. From Your Heart to Theirs(Delivering an Effective Sermon)by Tony Franks and David Carroll. ISBN 9780881775365

Students must order their own books


There are some funds for scholarships. If you need help financing a course, please check with your church first. If you still need funds, please contact Vida Johnson at

or at 607-962-0788

"John Wesley and Our United Methodist Heritage"

Led by Rev. Fred Kelsey & Art Thompson

Join us in a journey to our Methodist roots. The course objective is to improve participant's understanding of the origins of United Methodism, including the lives and times of John, Charles and Susanna Wesley, the development and spread of Methodism in Europe, America and the world, and the rich heritage we now call "United Methodist". In addition, participants will be exposed to Wesleyan theology, the United Methodist Discipline (including Social Principles), our current conference design and United Methodist Hymns and Sacraments. Instructors will use a combination of video, lecture, discussion, participant research and worship.

Texts will be provided during the first session