MATH 1720.003
COURSE/Section #MATH.1720.003 /
INSTRUCTOR: Dr. Rhonda HuettenmuellerEMAIL:
OFFICE: GAB 410 / Math Lab web site:
The UNT Math Lab is located in GAB 440
Spring 2010: January 25 – May 6, 2010
Monday - Thursday: 7:00 am – 9:00 pm
Friday: 7:00 am – 4:00 pm
Saturday: 12:00 pm – 5:00 pm
(Closed Sundays and holidays)
CLASS MEETS: MWF 11:00-11:50 GAB206 / TEXT:Thomas’ Calculus, 11th edition
A calculator is also required. A TI-83 or TI-84 is recommended. A calculator with CAS (e.g., TI-89, TI-92) is not permitted.
Attendance Policy
Class attendance is mandatory. Students are responsible for all information given in class, regardless of his/her attendance. Students with six or more absences may be dropped with a WF for nonattendance. Missing any part of the lecture counts as an absence. / OFFICE HOURS: MW 10:00-10:50; 1:00-1:50
Students unable to see me during these times may request an appointment.
PHONE: 940-369-8272
Test Dates
Friday, February 19
Friday, March 26
Friday, April 23
Friday, May 14, 10:30-12:30 (Final Exam) / ACADEMIC DISHONESTY: Cheating on final exams, on in-class tests, or on quizzes is a seriousbreach of academic standards and will be punished severely and generally result in a student failingthe course. All work done on in-classexams and quizzes must represent only the student’s ownwork, unless otherwise stated in the directions. See for details on academic integrity at UNT.
Tests must be taken in class as scheduled. Makeup exams will only be given in very exceptional circumstances and must be arranged in advance. You will receive a 0 if you miss a test. The final exam grade will count as the make-up grade should you miss one test. This makes the final exam count 45% of your course grade. Late homework will not be accepted. Two homework grades will be dropped.
Each of the three regular exams counts 20%; the homework average counts 15%, and the final exam counts 25%.
[90, 100] A
[80-89) B The student’s grade is determined by his/her performance on the evaluation criteria and the grade[70-79) C assignments listed here.
[60-69) D
Below 60 F
It is the responsibility of students with certified disabilities to provide the instructor with appropriate documentation from the Dean of Students Office.
Students are responsible for meeting all university deadlines (registration, fee payment, prerequisite verification, drop deadlines, etc). See the printed Schedule of Classes and/or University Catalog for policies and dates.
1720 (MATH 2314 or 2414). Calculus II. 3 hours. Differentiation and integration of exponential, logarithmic and transcendental functions; integration techniques; indeterminate forms; improper integrals; area and arc length in polar coordinates; infinite series; power series; Taylor's theorem. Prerequisite(s): MATH 1710.Satisfies the Mathematics requirement of the University Core Curriculum.
We cover the following from the text:
7.1-7.7 (Sections 7.6 and 7.8 are optional), Chapter 8 (8.3, 8.4, 8.5, and 8.6 are optional), 9.1-9.3, 10.5-10.7, Chapter 11 (11.11 is optional)
Student Evaluation of Teaching Effectiveness
The Student Evaluation of Teaching Effectiveness (SETE) is a requirement for all organized classes at UNT. This short survey will be made available to you at the end of the semester, providing you a chance to comment on how this class is taught. I am very interested in the feedback I get from students, as I work to continually improve my teaching. I consider theSETE to be an important part of your participation in this class. Spring administration of the SETE, will remain open through the week of finals.