StudentResearch Projects: Safety Assessment
Before project work starts, it is the responsibility of the Project Supervisor to:- Complete this assessment form
- Discuss contents with their project student(s)
- Ensure student(s) are given appropriate general & / or specific project safety induction training
- Sign-off the assessment form along with their project students
- Instruct students to return a copy of the completed form to the Teaching Lab Project Technician (Teaching Lab based projects only) or Biology Student Services (all other projects).
Names of student(s):
Project Supervisor / Director (ultimately responsible for safety of project activity):
Project Title:
Brief Description of Activities:
Training & Supervisory Arrangements:
The Project Supervisor must provide, or arrange (via a nominated Mentor) the provision of:
- a general safety induction to their researchlab. facilities & equipment if applicable (see Induction Training Checklist)
- instruction (including written safety protocols / procedures where necessary) and training on safe working practices for specific experimental procedures / specialised equipment
- an appropriate level of general day to day supervision of students based in research lab facilities
- supervision of specific procedures & use of specialised equipment where necessary
- a general safety induction to the Teaching Lab. facilities & equipment
- an appropriate level of general day to day supervision of students
Nominated research group mentor / contact(s)
Provided by Project Supervisor, where necessary, for training / supervision / project advice:
Identification of Significant Hazards:
What hazards are associated with the project, tick all that apply
Theoretical research only, none of the categories below apply / ☐
Field work will be conducted and written safety instructions provided / ☐
Hazardous chemicals will be used. / ☐
The most hazardous chemical(s) to be used will be:
Microorganisms will be used; the highest Hazard Group (1-4) is: / ☐
Microbial gene cloning (activity approved by the Biological Agents Safety Committee)
The GM class (GM1-4) for microbial work is: / ☐
Human-derived material will be used. The source is: / ☐
Radioisotopes will be used and the activity has been approved by the RPS (David Nelson) / ☐
Live animals (identified below) will be used.
Note:BSF users to receive BSF induction training and attend health surveillance with the Occupational Health Unit before starting work / ☐
‘Open’ lasers will be used. The class of laser is: / ☐
The following hazards, not listed above, are also associated with the project:
Risk Control Measures:
Which is the most serious hazard (as identified above) that may be encountered during the course of the work? Briefly describe what harm & how harm could arise, & key controls necessary to minimise risk of harm arising.
Minimum Generic Standards:
The following represent the minimum standards to provide adequate control of risks associated with all identified hazards
Lab Work:
Application of theCode of Good Microbiological Practices’/or general ‘Good Laboratory Working Standards’
Specific written safety instructions: a safety protocol / procedure, describing key control measures/precautions to reduce risk to a low & acceptable level,to be provided where required,for the most significant hazards identified.
Working Outside Normal Hours
Research Lab Based Projects:
To ensure all undergraduate project work is adequately supervised normal working hours are confined to an 8 hour working day (Monday to Friday) typically 09.00 - 17.00 and during term-time only, although times may vary between labs.
Teaching Lab Based Projects:
To ensure all project work is adequately supervised, work in the Teaching Labs is restricted to normal working hours (09.00 - 17.00, Monday to Friday).
Work outside normal working hours of both Research / Teaching Labs is only allowed for inherently low risk activities and requires the written permission of the project director.
Confirm you have discussed this with your student(s) / ☐
Declaration By Academic Supervisor
I have considered all the aspects of the work proposed / ☐
Necessary personal safety equipment will be provided / ☐
Facilities are adequate for the safe conduct of the work / ☐
I will provide / arrange appropriate safety training (including written safety instructions where necessary) & supervisionof specific procedures / equipment where necessary. This is especially important for Teaching Lab based projects, where some procedures may be beyond the specialism of the Teaching Lab Technician, to enable work to be conducted safely. / ☐
This assessment will be repeated if further significant hazards are introduced during the project / ☐
Declaration By Student(s)
- I have discussed the contents of this safety form with my project director and understand the need to work safely and follow the safety instructions provided.
- I will raise any safety concerns / queries with my Academic Supervisor / Research Gp Mentor / Lab Technician
Submission of completed assessment forms / training record:
Research Lab Based Projects:
- Project students to return a copy of the completed assessment form / training record to the Biology Student Services(before the end of Oct. for U/G BSc & Integrated Masters students)
- Project Supervisors or students to return a copy of the completed assessment form to the Teaching Lab Project Technician, along with any written protocols needed by the student or the technical staff(before the end of Oct. for U/G BSc & Integrated Masters students). Assessment form, along with completed training record, to be returned to the Biology Student Services.
Appendix: Project Safety Induction Training Record
Instruction on emergency evacuation procedure from project facility area / ☐
Instruction on first aid provision (including FA Box / eye wash / shower hose) & arrangements / ☐
Instruction on accident reporting arrangements / ☐
Introductory tour of lab facility and equipment / ☐
Instruction on the use of ‘Personal Protective Equipment’ (e.g. safety glasses / gloves / lab coat) / ☐
Instruction on local lab rules / working practices (including relevant storage, spillage & waste disposal practices) / ☐
Training on safe use of relevant equipment / ☐
Trainer Signature: