Kingdoms and classification

Name: ______Period: ______

TEACHER: ______

Student Unit Plan 8: Topic to Master: Taxonomy, Classification, Kingdoms


Vocabulary Terms:taxonomyclassificationkingdom phylum

classorderfamilygenus species

taxonphylogenydichotomous keycladogram hierarchy binomial nomenclature heterotroph autotroph unicellular cilia

multicellularsessileflagellafungi eukaryote

nucleus archaebacteriaeubacteriaprotista cellulose

animalia plantaeproducerconsumer chitin

pseudopod prokaryote


BIG IDEA: Taxonomy, Classification and Kingdoms / STOCK QUESTIONS / My level of
 or 
1. Can I define the term taxonomy and recognize the importance of a standard classifying system? / Why is it important to classify organisms into different categories?
2. Can I identify the contributionsof Linnaeus to the Science of Taxonomy (classification)? / How was Linnaeus’ system useful to the world of Biology?
3. Can I identify how to correctly writean organism’s scientific name (binomial nomenclature)? / Why is it important for organisms to have a scientific name?
4. Given scientific names of organisms,can I determine which are most closely related?
5. Can I identify the hierarchy (levels) of classification (K, P, C, O F, G, S)?
6. Can I correctly read and interpret a dichotomous key?
7. Can I categorize organisms using a hierarchical classification system based on similarities and differences shared among groups?
8. Can I identify the characteristics of the organisms that belong to the six kingdoms?
9. Can I compare and contrast thecharacteristics of the six kingdoms?




1. Each text box contains a list of characteristics for organisms found within the same kingdom.

2. Read the information listed in each text box and identify the appropriate kingdom for organisms with those


3. Additionally, explain how you selected the kingdom from the characteristics listed.

* Does not have a nucleus
* Unicellular
* Lives in harsh conditions, such as hot springs or
volcanoes / KINGDOM: ______
Explain your reason(s) for selecting this kingdom:
* Well-defined nucleus
* Some are autotrophs, others are heterotrophs
* Usually unicellular, some are multicellular or
* Move by means of flagella, cilia or pseudopods / KINGDOM: ______
Explain your reason(s) for selecting this kingdom:
* Eukaryotic
* Cannot make their own food
* Multicellular
* Important decomposers / KINGDOM: ______
Explain your reason(s) for selecting this kingdom:
* Well-defined nucleus
* Autotrophs
* Multicellular
* Cellulose in cell walls / KINGDOM: ______
Explain your reason(s) for selecting this kingdom:

* Prokaryotic
* Some are autotrophic, others are heterotrophic
* Some beneficial, others are pathogens
* Cell wall contains peptidoglycan / KINGDOM: ______
Explain your reason(s) for selecting this kingdom:
* Well-defined nucleus
* Cannot make their own food
* Made up of many cells with specialized tissues
and organs
* Mostly sexual reproduction / KINGDOM: ______
Explain your reason(s) for selecting this kingdom:
* Eukaryotic and multicellular
* Make their own food
* Sessile
* Cells contain chloroplasts / KINGDOM: ______
Explain your reason(s) for selecting this kingdom:
* DNA not surrounded by a membrane
* Some can make their own food and some cannot
make their own food.
* Some are nitrogen-fixing / KINGDOM: ______
Explain your reason(s) for selecting this kingdom:
* Eukaryotic and multicellular
* Heterotrophic
* Mobile
* Vertebrates / KINGDOM: ______
Explain your reason(s) for selecting this kingdom:

CLASSIFICATION NOTES: What is the importance of classifying things?

  • ______
  • ______
  • ______

______is placing things into categories based on similar characteristics

______is the science of classifying organisms

______category; very general; most diverse; most inclusive

______category; most specific; least diverse; most exclusive


CarolusLinnaeus : 1732, came up with the universal 2 word-naming system called ______

based on the dead language called LATIN. Each organism has a ______ and ______name.

______is written first and is ______. Can be underlined or italicized but not both.

______is written second and is ______. Can be underlined or italicized but not both.

  • Scientific names can tell scientists how closely related organisms are to each other.

Based on their names, you know that the baboons The bullfrog, Ranacatesbeiana, is most closely related

Papioannubis and Papio cynocephalus do not belongto the ______.

to the same:

a. Familyc. Ordera. Spotted chorus frog, Pseudacrisclarki

b. Genusd. Speciesb. Asian flying frog, Polypedatesleucomystax

c. Northern leopard frog, Ranapipiens


Scientific name of lion?______

Of deer? ______

Of wolf?______

Most closely related?______

What categories do they all have in common?




Dichotomous Key on Norns

Norns belong to the genus Nornoand can be divided into eight species that are generally located in specific regions of the world. Use the dichotomous key to identify the Norns below. Write their complete scientific name (genus + species) in the blank.

1. Has pointed ears ...... go to 3
Has rounded ears ...... go to 2

2. Has no tail ...... Nornokentuckyus
Has tail ...... Nornodakotus

3. Ears point upward ...... go to 5
Ears point downward ...... go to 4

4. Engages in waving behavior ...... Nornodallus
Has hairy tufts on ears ...... Nornocalifornius

5. Engages in waving behavior ...... Norn wala-wala
Does not engage in waving behavior...... go to 6

6. Has hair on head ...... Nornobeverlus
Has no hair on head (may have ear tufts) ...... go to 7

7. Has a tail ...... Nornoyorkio
Has no tail, aggressive ...... Nornorajus

A______/ B______/ C______

D. ______E. ______F. ______

Which tree produced each of the leaves shown in this diagram?

Write the genus for each tree that produced the leaves shown above.

I. ______

II. ______

III. ______

IV. ______

V. ______

VI. ______

VII. ______


Background: Cladistics is the study of evolutionary classification. Cladograms show evolutionary relationships among organisms. Comparative morphology investigates characteristics for homology and analogy to determine which organisms share a recent common ancestor. A cladogram will begin by grouping organisms based on a characteristics displayed by ALL the members of the group. Subsequently, the larger group will contain increasingly smaller groups that share the traits of the groups before them. However, they also exhibit distinct changes as the new species evolve. Further, molecular evidence from genes which rarely mutate can provide molecular clocks that tell us how long ago organisms diverged, unlocking the secrets of organisms that may have similar convergent morphology but do not share a recent common ancestor.


  1. Which organisms in the cladogram in the diagram above have fur and mammary glands?
  1. Which organisms in the cladogram in figure 1 have jaws?
  1. Based on the cladogram in figure 1, which shared a common ancestor most recently – a mouse and a lizard or a mouse and a perch?
  1. Which two organisms would you expect to have a closer matching DNA sequence for a gene that is NOT under selective pressure in nature – Hagfish and Pigeon or Hagfish and Salamander?


1.What structure is common to all domains of living organisms?

A DNAC Cell Wall

B NucleusD Flagella

2.Which of the following levels of classification is the largest, mostinclusive group of organisms?

A SpeciesC Kingdom

B FamilyD Order

3.All of the following characteristics are used to classify livingorganisms EXCEPT –

A genetic relationships.

B habitat and social interaction.

C cell structure and function.

D mode of reproduction.

4.A table of animal characteristics is provided below:

Rodents, such as mice, have a notochord, hair, 3 inner ear bones,and produce milk. They have five toes on each foot. Rodents,therefore, are classified as –

A Chordates only, not mammals or cetartiodactyls.

B Chordates and cetartiodactyls, but not mammals.

C Chordates and mammals, but not cetartiodactyls.

D Chordates, mammals, and cetartiodactyls

5.Why is it important to have a common classification system inthe worldwide scientific community? It –

A allows scientists to classify organisms and assign eachliving thing a universally accepted name.

B makes certain that all future discoveries of organismswill fit into an existing category.

C prevents different countries from using their ownlanguages for common names of organisms.

D provides a way to ensure that species will no longerchange over time.

6.Two organisms that are classified in the same class are moresimilar than two organisms that are only in the same –

A species.

B phylum.

C order.

D genus.

7.A table showing characteristics of an organism is provided.According to this information, the organism described mostlikely belongs to Kingdom –


B Protista

C Fungi

D Plantae

8.Taxonomy is the branch of science that deals with –

A composition of the material universe.

B classification of living organisms.

C function of cellular structures.

D organization of all non-living things.

9.A table of information about an organism is provided.To which of the following Kingdoms does the organism most likelybelong?


B Protista

C Eubacteria

D Archaebacteria

10.An organism has the following characteristics. Eukaryotic, multicellular, no cell walls, reproduces sexuallyand does not carry out photosynthesis.

Which of the following classification correctly describes this organism?

A Domain Eukarya – Kingdom Animalia

B Domain Eukarya – Kingdom Fungi

C Domain Bacteria – Kingdom Eubacteria

D Domain Archaea – Kingdom Archaebacteria