ORDINARY MEETING 9 September 2015
Present: Cllr M Bawden Rawsthorne chairman, Cllr P Gash, Cllr E Gough, Cllr S Greenman, Cllr P Murton and Cllr Slater
Also present: Wiltshire Councillor Jane Scott OBE and four members of the public
Public Question Time
One person raised concerns about planning application for Hullavington garage.
86/15 Apologies for Absence
Cllr D Martin – medical reasons, Cllr P Sobers – work commitments
87/15 Declarations of Interest
88/15 Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting held on 8 July 2015
The minutes of the meeting were agreed and signed as a correct record.
89/15 Clerk’s Report
The report was circulated and appended to the minutes.
90/15 Planning Applications
i. St Mary’s Church – N/14/06022/FUL – approved
ii. Surrendell Farm – N/15/01108/FUL – awaiting a decision
iii. 77 The Street – N/15/04346/FUL – approved
iv. Hangar 88 – N/04072/OUT – approved
v. Land at Hill Hayes Lane – N/15/05316/OUT – withdrawn
vi. Land at SN16 0LB – N/15/07427/OHL – no objection
vii. 2 The Street – N/15/06660/FUL – approved
viii. 70 The Street – N/15/07707/FUL – support
ix. Hullavington Garage – N/15/07510/FUL – in principle the Parish Council supported the application and included some concerns raised in public question time. Issues highlighted concerned gas storage at the front of the garage and other garage waste on the site. The Council queried the external appearance of the proposed development it is also noted that the conditions had not been adhered to in the 1999 application.
It was noted that weed killer had been applied at the solar farm and Cllr Scott offered to make enquiries regarding the sowing of grass seed which was a planning condition.
91/15 Finance and Administration
a) Schedule of receipts and payments of invoices
It was agreed to donate £100.00 to the village hall to enable an application to be made to the Area Board for a grant for additional staging.
The following receipts and payments were proposed by Cllr Slater, seconded by Cllr Gough and unanimously agreed.
Receipts / AmountScottish Widows – interest / £53.60
Transferred money from Scottish Widows to CAF Cash (Closed SW A/C) / £22,403.60
Transferred money from CAF Gold to CAF Cash to be put in reserve A/C / £10,000.00
Transferred money from CAF Cash to Cambridge reserve A/C / £28,000.00
Omar L Cottle – Headstone – Vic Rawlins / £98.00
Jones – Dignity – burial of the late Bryan Selwood / £309.00
Total / £60,864.20
Payments / Chq No / Amount
Cambridge and Counties – HPC Reserve A/C / 307 / £28,000.00
Cambridge and Counties – HPC Community Benefit A/C / 308 / £22,403.60
Nigel Chivers – repair to Church Wall / 309 / £500.00
PWLB loan / DD / £1,209.36
Clerk’s salary, travelling, stationery / 310 / £531.97
AW Services – Grass cutting / 311 / £1686.00
Grant Thornton – external auditor / 312 / £240.00
Clerk salary, stationery, travel / 313 / 546.92
Reimbursement–Cllr Gash –weedkiller for the Cemetery unused area / 314 / £66.60
Hullavington village hall – donation for additional staging / 315 / £100.00
Total / £55284.45
b) Progress of the Annual Return
This has been completed by the auditors.
c) Update on the Community Resilience Plan
No report as Cllr Sobers was not in attendance.
d) Wiltshire Housing Site Development Plan – Further Engagement Opportunity for Parish Councils with Large Villages
It was stated that comments on possible sites for building could not be made yet as the steering group for the Neighbourhood Plan was currently being formed.
e) Update on road name for Lawn Farm development
No information received at the time of the meeting.
f) Update of formation of committee of parishioners to take forward a Neighbourhood Plan for Hullavington
The Chairman has a list of names of interested parishioners and a meeting is to be arranged shortly.
g) Update on bank account from CAF bank to Cambridge and Counties Bank
Two accounts have been opened with Cambridge and Counties Bank and the Scottish Widows account has been closed.
h) Consideration of ex gratia payment for cutting and removing grass from the wild area of the Cemetery
Cllr Murton proposed that £100.00 should be paid to Mr J Simpkins for the work carried out. This was seconded by Cllr Slater and unanimously agreed.
i) Proposal that the Parish Council purchases a trophy for the Autumn Show
It was proposed by Cllr Gash, seconded by Cllr Greenman and unanimously agreed up to the value of £50.00. Cllr Slater offered to source the trophy.
j) Budget preparation
Councillors were asked to start consideration of 2016/17 budget.
92/15 Footpaths and Rights of Way
a) Update on the re-opening of footpath 29
Wiltshire Council has not had a response from the land owner.
b) Update on the footpath across MOD land
Mr Don Queen is to install the direction posts.
c) Parsons Walk maintenance and responsibility
No response has been received from the landowner.
93/15 Car Parking, Traffic and Highway Matters
a) Brookside CATG application update
It was noted that a traffic counter has been installed at two points.
b) Letter received from a parishioner reference vegetation causing visual difficulties on the A429 bend opposite the C31 junction
Cllr Scott will ask Highways to contact the Chairman.
c) Consideration of Part Night Lighting for Hullavington
Cllr Scott offered to pursue this but as Cllr Bawden has a contact in Street Lighting she will take this forward.
94/15 Cemetery and Churchyard Matters
a) Little top soil maintenance
Cllr Gash has sprayed the wild area of the Cemetery. The Clerk was asked to purchase a padlock for the bier shed.
b) Update on repair to the Church Wall
The wall has been repaired at a cost of £500.00.
95/15 Village Maintenance
a) Update on Balfour Beatty/Parish Steward work outstanding
It was noted that Wiltshire Council has terminated the contract with Belfour Beatty and the Parish Stewards will be reinstated.
b) Update on the Best Kept Village Competition
Hullavington was joint 3rd in the competition.
c) Update on the concern about light pollution from Station Yard
No information had been received at the time of the meeting.
d) Update on the repair to the play area perimeter fence
Cllr Slater has repaired the fence.
e) Update on correspondence from Coln residential re donation for seeds
A letter has been received, stating a donation will be sent.
f) Proposal to install posts to mark the rear boundary of the Village Green
It was decided not to install posts.
g) Christmas Tree arrangements
Cllr Greenman offered to select the tree.
96/15 Exchange of Information, Councillors Reports and Items for Next Meeting
a) Village Hall
The Area Board has awarded the Village Hall a grant for the additional staging.
b) Buckley Barracks
Horse riders and walkers have been seen on the runway. Cllr Murton stated that anyone on the runway will be asked to move and if it continues no-one will be allowed on the airfield.
c) Update on the Parish Councillors’ village walkabout
This was agreed to be beneficial and parishioners seemed to think it was a good idea. It was proposed to have an annual event and invite any interested parishioners next time.
d) Late correspondence
e) Items for next meeting
No further items at the time of the meeting
97/15 Date of Next Meetings
Wednesday 14 October 2015
The meeting closed at 9.12pm