Student teaching application checklist

You are required to bring this completed checklist to your mandatory student teaching application review appointment.

Please check that you have done the following:

  Print application on one side of the page only.

  Spellcheck the essays. This does not mean “looking them over,” it means composing them in Word and using the English spellchecker.

If any spelling errors are found in your essays, you will be asked to leave and revise them. Your appointment thus will be cancelled. You will have to reschedule another one, if time permits.

  On your essays, it’s better to be short & to the point. The person reading them tends to be a very, very busy administrator.

  Select twelve (12) schools at which you would like to student teach. This means that you must print the sheet with the school list three times, listing four schools on each one. There is advice on how to select schools at:

Make sure that your selected schools accept Spanish/French student teachers.

**If you are not sure, call them and find out.**

  Read the entire webpage under “Student Teaching” very carefully. (

  For schools that are in the suburbs: You must bring the exact number of miles that each school is located from UIC. Go to and type in the address of the school. Then, use the address “601 S. Morgan St., Chicago” for UIC, and calculate the distance. Remember that the limit is 30 miles. Occasionally we can make exceptions if one of our Field Supervisors lives in the suburbs.

  On the form titled “Evaluation of ability to progress to student teaching,” under “Discipline coursework,” list all courses that are required that you don’t yet have a grade for. That is, if you are currently enrolled in or have yet to enroll in a required course, list it here.

  In every place where the form asks to print the advisor’s name, type in Inma Taboada.

  Bring a photocopy of your OPI test results for Inma Taboada.