Mark Twain I.S. 239 Student’s Name

6K-__ Date

Student-Teacher-Parent/Guardian Contract 2016-2017

Social Studies – Mr. Costanzo

Dear Students and Parents/Guardians,

I would first like to say WELCOME TO MARK TWAIN! My name is Mr. Costanzo. I will be the Social Studies teacher for Cluster 6K. In this class we will be covering a variety of different topics and material from the Ancient World that will give your child knowledge of the past. By learning about the past, we will see how it brought about the way of life we see today. I will be teaching your child by means of photos/artwork, videos, understanding and effectively utilizing primary/secondary sourcesas well as other forms of differentiated learning. In addition, your child will also be taught skills such as comprehension, writing, cause/effect and vocabulary. If you have any questions during the school year please do not hesitate to contact me at or call (718) 266-0814. I look forward to teaching your child and making sure they work to their full potential.

Some Areas of Study Include:

Unit 1: Map Study

Unit 2: Prehistory

Unit 3: Fertile Crescent

Unit 4: Ancient Egypt

Unit 5: Ancient India

Unit 6: Ancient China

Unit 7: Ancient Greece

Unit 8: Ancient Rome

Unit 9: Byzantine Empire

Unit 10: Medieval Times, The Black Death and Trade Networks.

I. Classroom Procedures

1. Upon entering the classroom, students will immediately sit in their assigned seat and place the previous night’s homework on their desk, unless instructed otherwise.

2. Students will copy the new homework assignment clearly and entirely from the board in the Social Studies section of their homework planner.

3. Students will turn to a blank sheet of paper in the class work notebook use a blue or black pen to write the proper school heading (see top of this page). Continue to copy the Aim and the Do Now. Follow all of the instructions in the Do Now.

4. After copying the new homework assignment and completing the Do Now, students will wait quietly for further instructions.

5. When students are given permission to leave the classroom, they must obtain a pass from the teacher and sign in the sign-out book.

6. Upon dismissal, students will put their chair neatly under their desk and discard all garbage into the wastebasket.

II. Classroom Rules

1. Students will report to class promptly. Those who arrive late to class should have a late pass prior to entering.

2. Students will raise their hand when they would like to speak. Calling out is unacceptable.

3. Students may only leave their seat when instructed by the teacher.

4. No gum chewing, food, or drinks are permitted in the classroom.

5. No hats, caps, cell phones, laser pointers, iPods, toys, or games are permitted to be used or worn in the room.

6. Students will respect others’ feelings and their belongings, as well as school property at all times.

Negative conduct will result in disciplinary action such as:

a) A phone call to the parent/guardian,

b) A parent/guardian and teacher conference,

c) A referral to the dean, and if necessary, the principal.

III. Homework

1. Homework will be assigned and checked for completion regularly. It will be collected and marked from time to time during the year at random.

2. All homework assignments must be written in blue or black ink on loose-leaf paper or typed. (12- Times New Roman)

3. Each assignment must have the proper heading (see below) and the correct homework number on it.

Mark Twain I.S.239Student’s Name

6K__- Homework#___Date

4. All assignments should state the questions, as well as the answers. If a student is unable to answer question, the student should write what he/she did not understand about the question. The student should also TRY to write something to get partial credit. If the student does not write what he/she did not understand and at least try, the homework will be considered incomplete.

5. Incomplete homework or illegible homework will receive no credit.

6. Late homework will not be accepted.

7. Any student who is caught copying someone else’s homework or giving homework to someone else to copy will receive no credit for the assignment. A parent/guardian will be notified.

8. All homework will be graded and then inputted on our grading system called, PupilPath. If your child received a no credit for an assignment that means it was never handed in. Please advice your child to hand it in as soon as possible for partial credit.

IV. Absence

  1. Students will be responsible for all class work and homework missed during an absence. All work must be made up and submitted within an appropriate time.(If your child is absent then your child has ONE day to make up the assignment for full credit-with note.









(Your Class Buddy will help you with notes that you missed, inform you of any work that was assigned and inform you of any due dates. If your buddy was also absent or you need further help please come see me.)

2. Students will be responsible for arranging and attending appointments for make-up quizzes and tests. A no-show for an appointment will result in a no credit for that test.

V. Tests and Grading

1. Any student who is conducting academic dishonesty on a test, which includes giving answers, will receive no credit. A parent/guardian will be contacted immediately.

2. All tests must be signed by a parent/guardian and returned the next day. Please keep an eye out for student’s tests, quizzes, etc. All Tests must be signed no matter the grade! If you have not received any grades please contact me.

3. Each quarter’s grade is based on class work/participation, homework, projects, quizzes, and tests.

4. Grades are cumulative; therefore, it is important that you be diligent from the start of the school year. What you do in September WILL affect your final grade in June. Cumulative grading policy means all graded assignments are a continuous reflection of student work throughout the year. Each report card grade is a snapshot of student performance at that point in the school year.

5. All assignments, exams and quizzes will be inputted into our online grading system called, PupilPath. Students will receive their username and password the first week of school.

*PupilPath is an online grading system used at Mark Twain. Teachers for all subjects will input exams, homework, quizzes and other assignments. Please allow some time for grades to be posted. Also, if a problem occurs please email or call me at the number at the top of the contract. This will all be explained on your child’s first week as well as the 6K meet and greet session. This system is to allow you to see your child’s progress.

Social Studies GRADING POLICY:

60% of grade will include the following Summative Assessments in each quarter.



40% of grade will include the following Formative Assessments in each quarter.


CLASSWORK/Group Work/Effort -20%

VI. IPads

You are expected to adhere to all stipulations within the school wide iPad contract. As part of your agreement to use the iPad responsibly, please remember the following:

  1. iPads are a privilege to use in the classroom and are a part of your participation grade.
  2. iPads are an academic tool to assist in the learning process and therefore, using your iPad inappropriately (i.e. playing games, watching videos that have not been requested by your teacher, taking photos or recording video, etc.) will result in a loss of participation points for the day.
  3. If you have downloaded non-academic apps onto your iPad, you will be asked to delete them. If you do not remove them your entire iPad will be wiped clean, meaning EVERYTHING will be gone.
  4. The iPad does not replace any other supplies required by your teachers nor does it replace conventional note taking.
  5. Be sure that you have your iPad and charger with you every day and that the iPad is fully charged in the morning. Not having your iPad will result in a loss of participation points.If you leave your iPad behind in another location, you will NOT be allowed to go back and get it during class. You must go during your lunch period or during AM or PM homeroom to retrieve it.

------Please cut here and return this bottom half to the Social Studies teacher------

I, ______have read and understand all


the rules and expectations for Mr. Costanzo’s Social Studies Class.

I, ______have read and reviewed all


the rules and expectations for Mr. Costanzo’s Social Studies Class.

Thank you for your cooperation Looking forward to a wonderful school year!